Scrubbing Hands Like Beggars

Zheng Ren finished washing up and lay on the bed.

He picked up his phone and left a message for Little Yiren. After saying goodnight to each other, he prepared to go to bed.

Just as he was about to turn off his phone, he thought of something and turned on QQ on his phone. Zheng Ren was not considered young anymore, and he did not have any business that required QQ contact. Therefore, to him, QQ was just a tool to reminisce about his youth.

Although Zheng Ren's youth was not bitter, there was nothing worth reminiscing about. But no matter what, it was still his youth.

But now that Zheng Ren had QQ on his phone, there was still one more thing.

He could see the little boy's comments.

Sure enough, the comments were updated--he could not go to school again, so he missed going to class like he did last year.

'It was probably during chemotherapy,' Zheng Ren guessed.