Required A Lot of Effort to Look Effortless

As he ate, his cell phone rang.

Zheng Ren's heart rate went up out of habit, but he immediately reacted. It was no longer the time for him to rush back to the Emergency Department of Sea City General Hospital.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Professor Yang. Zheng Ren swallowed the roast meat in his mouth and walked to the side with his cell phone.

"Brother Yang, what's the matter?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Boss Zheng, the Medical Administration Division said that there will be a meeting tomorrow. The patient with Gaucher disease will be undergoing a live broadcast surgery." Professor Yang's tone of voice was a little strange.

Zheng Ren held his phone quietly. Although there was silence on the other side, he did not answer.

On his side of the line, there was a cheerful gathering, singing and dancing. Everyone's face was filled with a genuine smile.