Two Operations

Hernias were abnormalities in which an organ or tissue leaves its normal anatomical position and passed through a congenital or acquired weakness, defect, or pore into another part of the body.

Diaphragmatic hernias are a type of internal hernia that refers to the condition in which an organ, such as the abdominal cavity, moves into the thoracic cavity through an ectopic position of the diaphragm. They can be divided into traumatic diaphragmatic hernia and non-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.

The most common non-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is esophageal hiatal hernia, thoracoabdominal hiatal hernia, parasternal hernia and diaphragmatic defect, etc. Esophageal hiatal hernia is the most common diaphragmatic hernia; it is the most common kind of hernia by 90%.

Under normal circumstances, esophageal hiatal hernia will have the gastric and intestinal tract through the weak part of the diaphragm in the chest.