A young man who has forgotten his roots

"Does the patient have any other medical history before the operation?" Zheng Ren asked as they were on the operating table.

"He has a history of high blood pressure for three years and has no history of diabetes or coronary heart disease. He has smoked for 20 years, every day ..."

"Oh, you don't have to be so detailed. What about the details? For example, external injuries, did you ask?" Zheng Ren asked.

This was the second time Zheng Ren had asked this question. He was afraid that the chief resident would ignore this important question if he had just said something casually before.

If he had not seen that the adhesion in the abdominal cavity was so serious, Zheng Ren would not have repeatedly asked for details.

The answer he received was negative. The patient did not mention any history of major external injuries or other operations.

Zheng Ren nodded and stared at the surgical field in a daze.