The melodious and crisp ding - Dong sound

At oneo' clock in the morning, the surgery was already coming to an end.

Colon and rectum incision. If not for this, it would be impossible to cut off and strip off the countless amount of connective tissue that grew inside the rectum.

At this time, the patient was already at the lithotomy position, and professor Feng was taking out the foreign body in the rectum with others. Zheng Ren and Su Yun used the longest pair of forceps on the operating table to separate all the adhered spots. They had already reached the bottom.

Fortunately, he had the equipment given by Dr. Charles, which was equipped with particularly long pliers and handles. Otherwise, the surgery would have taken another three to five hours.

"Be careful down there, don't break the bottle." Zheng Ren's voice was still the same as when the stage had just started, and his entire person did not change at all.