The good guy card

"You're Fen's boyfriend, after all. " Tears gushed out of the woman's eyes as she clutched at the young man's clothes. Her fingernails were full of black dirt. The nail bed was a little white, and it was very strong, as if it was holding onto the last life - saving straw, unwilling to let go no matter what.

"Boyfriend my ass. She's just like that. Why would I like her?" The young man said loudly, his face full of indifference and disgust."Hurry up and let go, or I won't be polite."

"The child ..."

"Who the hell is your child!" The young man grabbed the woman's hand and pulled hard. Her clothes were torn.

"You've ruined my clothes!" The young man was even more furious. Zheng Ren quickly walked over and stood between the two of them.

"This is a hospital. Keep your voice down." Zheng Ren looked at the young man and said indifferently.

"She tore my clothes, so she has to pay for it."