Using virtue to win people over

Speaking of fan Tianshui, Su Yun thought of how this guy had pierced the patient with a straw last night. He still found it unbelievable.

"And then?" Department Director Kong was completely immersed in the role of listening to a story.

"One minute later, the acute allergic reaction flared up, and the patient almost died." "If it weren't for the tubes and the mechanical ventilator, the resuscitation would have failed," Su Yun said.

"It's good that it's a success. I also heard that Dr. Huo, who was beaten up, didn't seem to be convinced. Last night, after the patient woke up, he said a few words to him, and he resigned. "

"That's why my friend from the hospital called me to ask who you are. " Department Director Kong looked like an old man who was talking about his youth."I told him that I picked up the doctor from a godforsaken place, and he didn't say anything."

Zheng Ren concluded.

What do you mean by birds don't shit ... And you even picked it up ...