Let me teach you, then.

When director Wei heard Zheng Ren's vague answer, she was a little dissatisfied.

He knew the patient's parents, and when he saw the child's mother sitting limply on the ground like a pile of mud, he had an urgent desire to cure the child.

At this time, he really hoped that boss Zheng could say that it was a small matter and that there was no problem.

However, when he said that he wanted an operation and an exploratory laparotomy, it was exactly what she had thought.

Who couldn't do this?

However, there was no pre - Operation examination, so it would be a little difficult for boss Zheng to give a clear answer.

"Chief Wei sighed and put his hands on his waist. Two deep squats had caused great damage to his lumbar disc. It looks like he can't do this kind of action again in the future," he thought to himself.

Ten minutes later, the preoperative preparation was completed.