Chapter 1523 - create a public account

Zheng Ren had been asked the same question countless times since he started working.

He was in the middle of emergency treatment, so he didn't have time to answer such a question.

"Is the place he lives far? Send someone to take a look!" Zheng Ren's voice went up by 10 decibels.

"Oh, oh." The colleague immediately nodded."Not far, not far. I live at the construction site." He's a Foreman, and he lives in his own house. "

As he spoke, he took out an old phone and started to make a call.

Very soon, he received news.

"Doctor, I didn't find anything." "It's just half a plate of black fungus, some peanuts, and a bottle of Erguotou," the colleague said with a frown."They said that the Erguotou is almost empty."

"Get someone to store the food and send it over immediately!" Zheng Ren's voice was raised by another 10 decibels.