You made me unhappy, and I will make you even more unhappy (Part 2)

Zheng Ren was wearing a gentle and fake smile mask. He grabbed song en's head and asked,""Is that so?"

Fan Tianshui had slapped song en on his carotid artery, and he had fainted.

The epineurium of the carotid artery's wall was well - developed, containing a large number of collapitic fibers, and the smooth muscle in the media was scarce, with more elastic fibers.

In the deep layer of the epineurium of the walls of the carotid artery, there was a neurosensory device, which was a pressure sensor of the carotid artery. There was a chemically sensitive nerve ending device on the side of the patient's chest, which acted as a chemically sensor of the carotid artery.

It was especially sensitive to pressure, and even a small pressure could cause a slow heartbeat, a drop in blood pressure, and even loss of consciousness.