Heart parasite removal surgery

Xie Yiren was elated, and she held the surgical box in her hand, treating it like a treasure.

"Zheng Ren, what surgery?" Xie Yiren immediately asked.

"Cardiac surgery, there's ..." Before Zheng Ren could finish his sentence, Xie Yiren happily hugged the surgery kit and said,""Who should I contact to get someone in the operating theater to disinfect the wound?"

"Er ..." Zheng Ren wanted to explain the risks of the operation to little Yiren, but he held back when he saw how happy she was.

Zheng Ren took the surgery box and passed it to Chunu Ansai's disciple, instructing him to send it for disinfection.

Yiren was a little worried, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"Boss Zheng, your surgery box is really a treasure." Old he said with a smile.

"It's alright. For some surgeries, using it can increase the success rate by about ten points. " Zheng Ren said.