Diagnostic treatment

"Stop talking nonsense. But the rat poison you mentioned is really possible. " Zheng Ren went along with Su Yun's words."Rats have high intelligence. If they die after eating rat poison, it's said that they won't touch anything around them."

Lin Ge silently watched Zheng Ren and Su Yun discussing the patient's condition. There was some nonsense, but it was necessary.

It was obvious that these two young men were also clueless and were trying to grasp some illusory possibilities through their conversation.

"Yes, it's a replacement product. It's the kind of medicine that has milder effects and eventually causes internal bleeding." Su Yun continued explaining her point of view on the medicine.

This situation was similar to the progress of Chen zeyhui's condition.

Eight days ago, she had symptoms of gums bleeding, but it was hard to say when it first appeared.