The best heart surgeon in the world

"I hope to get a doctor from Cleveland or Mayo." Said Brad Woods as he stood at the head of the bed and looked at his sister.

He was also a doctor at King's Hospital, and he was good at liver transplantation and liver cancer surgery. He had a high reputation in the academic community.

Professor Charles from Maio will be here soon." Ludi said gently, afraid that he would disturb his wife's dream.

"No, I saw a few Chinese people preparing for surgery!" "Have you prepared champagne to celebrate the failure of the operation?" said gade woods angrily.

Ludi was stunned for a moment. He turned his head and looked at gade woods."The Sorcerer is very powerful. He just overturned the results of my one year of work in the castle."

"You're just a Diablo doctor of internal medicine, not a surgeon. So what if it's overthrown?"

"No, little gade, please believe in my love for you, Linda." Ludi held Linda's hand so gently.