Ultimate spell: Pixiu summons boss Zheng!

Tang Xiu had light makeup on and looked smart and capable.

She had received an important task to interview Department Director pan of the emergency department of Haicheng City first People's Hospital. First, he would search for all the information about Dr. Zheng, then he would go to the capital and wait outside 912 hospital a few months in advance, waiting for the news of the Nobel Prize in October.

It was brought forward by more than four months, but Tang Xiu didn't think that it was a big deal. For the Nobel Prize, no amount of importance was too much.

In Tang Xiu's opinion, this was a long-term main mission. If she did it well, she would definitely be a candidate for the next chief editor of Haicheng Metropolis Daily.

In order to compete for this spot, Tang Xiu had put in a lot of effort.

In the end, the interview with Dr. Zheng previously played a decisive role. She had the experience of interacting with Dr. Zheng and had done a special topic related to him.