Big yellow teeth, shocking four people with skills

The old woman was a little confused. Her momentum had been taken away, and she sat on the ground, her eyes flickering.

A woman beside her took out a bottle of clean water from a thermos bottle and handed it to her after a moment of hesitation.

"Third aunt, have some water."

The old woman hesitated for a moment. Just as she was about to take the bottle, the yellow-teeth suddenly made a gesture, and the security guard standing next to him waved his Baton and spilled the bottle of water.

"What are you guys doing!" The woman screamed, her hands and feet twitching unconsciously.

"You don't want face and don't want to leave? Then I'll F * cking expose your cover, don't say that you don't follow the morals of the pugilistic world. " "This is my territory," the yellow-teeth man said disdainfully."You've crossed the line."