You're overthinking it.

Zheng Ren and Wen xiaonuan took turns taking care of Little Rock. Bota's medical power was very strong, so they did not need to rely on Zheng Ren for everything like they did at the Westwood Hospital.

As he watched Little Rock getting better, the watery phlegm gradually decreased, and the mucus overflow started to get better, Zheng Ren's heart gradually calmed down.

Work at the bedside at home was running well, and there was no chaos just because Zheng Ren was not at home. As Su Yun had always said, a giant beast of 912's size did not lack boss Zheng.

Zheng Ren also knew that he was just adding flowers to a brocade, sending charcoal in the snow ... It would not be easy for him to send it. No matter how strong the blizzard was, 912 would be able to withstand it.