Car crash

The notice from the Nobel Prize committee had already been sent to his email, and he had to go there a few days in advance. Zheng Ren didn't take it seriously at first. He would go as long as he had the time. He didn't think that giving up on the Nobel Prize was a big deal.

It was Yiren's birthday on the 10th. Last year, she had celebrated it in Haicheng. The professor had played the violin in the snow with the help of two family members.

How was he going to spend this year? What kind of gift should he give Yiren ... The moment he thought about giving Yiren a gift, Zheng Ren's head felt like it was about to explode.

He really wasn't suited to think about such things. He didn't even know what Yiren usually used.

However, he could only think about this matter by himself. He could not let Su Yun, Lin Yuan, and the others come up with ideas.