A stupid thief

Zheng Ren had never seen a robbery that involved running straight to the police station. Su Yun was also dumbfounded. She didn't know if that guy's mind was filled with snow.

Even if it had a little intelligence, it wouldn't have done such an incomprehensible operation.

However, this was only the beginning. The robber was only focused on running away and didn't even look at where he was going. He ran into the sub-Bureau courtyard and was stunned when he saw the solemn and majestic building.

He slammed on the brakes. The snow was slippery, and he fell forward and rolled onto the fence.

Zheng Ren watched with his own eyes as this incomprehensible operation happened in front of his eyes. Was this a scam that involved the branch office? Or was he too anxious to turn himself in?