✴In love with a spy(3)

✳Ashton's POV❇

We got there a bit late. I saw one of the robbers shoot at a girl that looks like Kylie.

"Was that Kylie?" Leo asked me as we were about to make a plan.

"I dunno maybe," I replied.

"OK guys here's the plan," I started in a whisper. "You guys are going to go find the security room and make sure thy money is well secured. I'm gonna go find the the girl." They nodded and went off to do their task.

I used my powers to find where the girl was. I couldn't make out if it was Kylie but I knew where she was.

I made my way to the room. When I was about to turn the corner I saw two of the men coming out the room. I quickly hided. The men made their way down the hall. I went into the room and looked for her. I couldn't find her. I was about to leave when I heard a sound. I looked back at where the sound was coming from. I realized where. I lifted up the thing and found Kylie.

✳Kylie's POV❇

I another sound of footsteps walking around the room. I guess the person is looking for me. Under the thing was quite dusty which can make me sneeze. I trued stopping myself but ended up failing and sneezed. I heard the footsteps stop. My heart was beating real fast. The footsteps walked came closer to where I was. Then my cover was removed.

Standing in front of me was a boy that looked my age. I sat there just staring at him. He looked a little tinsy bit like someone I know but I can't make out in my mind who.

He bent down and in front of me.

"You okay?" He asked.

I managed to nod yes.

He helped me up and for a moment I felt different. Its a feeling I've never felt before. Except with someone I can't remember who. It felt great.
