Within the unknown piece of blank space, several lights are congregating around one another again.
"Your idiotic move of condensing a teleportation crystal suddenly really went well" a brown light flashes.
"Who could have known this would happen…" a yellow light trails off.
"We're unable to do anything within this universe, the universal laws last time we interacted with this universe almost struck us down, next time we won't have the power to block it and we just used 6% power from the crystal condensation" the blue light shines.
"We can only look to the future, white what are we to do?" the green light asks.
"Quiet, I sense something" the white light flashes and disappears, leaving all the other lights to talk amongst themselves.
Jack and John are both currently passed out being transported somewhere in the back of a van, the tough guy is driving them to some undisclosed location for some unknown reason. John is completely unaware of his surroundings and probably asleep for real but Jack, his mind is seeing various visions.
A great war arrives on a planet, a massive fight ensues with various giant beasts and massive people, various races are fighting for their home or to pillage. A massive black light shines from the planet surface and everything goes quiet.
Jack's vision returns to his body but instead of where he should be, he is within a temple.
There are various people meditating at various stages of age centred around a stage, on that stage in the centre is an ancient looking monk wearing robes primarily in black and white.
The monk has tightly shut eyes as though he hasn't opened them in eons. The monk stirs and opens his eyes towards Jack.
"It has already been so long? Where does the time go…" the old monk sighs. Jack's mind has a million questions but stands where he is completely silent and waits for the old monk to continue to talk.
"You have inherited the first level of my sacred art, you are the first person to acquire my legacy able to recreate the heavens and earth, allowing yourself rise above universal laws and harness the powers of fate itself" the old monk explains and continues.
"So much time has passed yet your planet seems to have lost their senses, It's a miracle you were able to obtain my legacy, I shall help you this once but you must rely on yourself to reach the next level" the old monk says while flicking a small ball of energy at Jack, which lands on his forehead.
Countless stars shine on Jack's forehead as various bits of information is gradually unravel in his mind. He is now aware of the path he needs to follow to progress the Yang-Yin Dragon Phoenix Myriad Arts to the saint realm.
Jack's progress will be slow as he will need to acquire massive amounts of resources, he needs to acquire the different qi of divine beasts and integrate them into his Myriad Arts. The stars on his forehead can act as a reservoir storing the qi of elements he hasn't integrated and enhance the qi of elements he has.
Finally, Jack's head feels like it is being split open and his senses are enhanced and he feels that he can sense everything within a couple hundred meters of him with his mind. He has now unlocked the first celestial sense, Divine Sense.
Jack's mind is racing to comprehend everything that he has been taught and cycles the first layer of the cultivation method he learnt. Inside his body, he can feel something opening and it's quite painful causing his form to become transparent. The first stage, Vein opening is coming to completion within his body allowing qi to flow anywhere within his body.
Jack feels that he doesn't have much time left within this vision and thanks the old monk, the old monk just waves his hands with a smile.
"You can be considered one of my disciples now, no need to stand on ceremony just promise me one thing…. Don't just little white too harsh, she has sought an answer to her question and I was unable to answer her, she may have gone down some wrong paths but she…. She needs someone more than ever to guide her and that was not me…" the old monk sighs as he finishes his sentence.
Jack wants to question about what this means but his form vanishes before he can speak.
The old monk closes his eyes and returns to meditation but a white light appears where Jack was.
"Little white, you've grown but I see you never found your answer, are you going to hinder or help my disciple?" the old monk asks while keeping his eyes closed.
"Father, you created me, you created my race but you never finished. You left me to find my own path and finish what you started but when I needed you, you disappeared, why did you disappear?" the white light says with sad emotions in its voice.
"Oh, little white, your thinking never changed. The world above…. It's filled with endless mysteries…. But also, opportunities…. Perhaps your answer lies there" the old monk says.
"Father, you still speak the same…." The white light finishes saying and the temple collapses into a puff of dust. The wisp of consciousness attached to the legacy Jack acquired has served its purpose.
Jack and John are now both laying on a bed within a huge warehouse, John is snoring away but Jack's body is sweating and shivering as though he's having a massive nightmare. His body in the real world is transforming, he has unlocked the first stage of his cultivation method.
The night passes like this and soon it's morning, Jack and John are still in the same position but Jack's body has settled down and stopped sweating. It's also morning within the game world but everyone is very busy with their jobs… except for Jessica.
The labourers are trying to do as much work as possible without any tools or resources, a few fallen logs have been dragged back from far in the distance with the help of the horses. The 3 people newly spawned, 2 labourers and a farmer. Hilda and Bane quickly settle them in and they start their jobs, the farmer working out how to grow crops and where, checking out the water situation and such.
Jessica is just walking around the town, bored while she is playing the flute Arwen left behind. Jack gave it to her before he left last time and she's practising it, or trying to practise it but failing and making a horrible sound. She was annoying nearly everyone in the village but none would say so, quietly cheering as she got further in the distance and silence returned.
On one of the hills near where the village is, people in blue robes wearing unique masks are gathered. If Jack and Jessica were to see them, they would recognise the robe as being the same as the person who stopped them after that big fight between the chain giant and the ice bird.
"The fluctuations started here but there's only this small village that has been started, is this the right area?" one of them asks.
"This is the only area within the surrounding 600km that is even a remote possibility unless you think goblins and kobolds are able to cause it?" another one replies. All of these people are hiding their faces and voices, no one is able to tell if they're male or female or even how old they are.
"We will have enough time to investigate as we're stuck in this region until a player is able to unify the region, who will stay here to watch for changes?" one of the taller blue robed people asks.
"I will" the smallest person wearing a blue robe says, if Jack were to see this person, he'd recognise them as the person that stopped them. This person is peering away from where the city is setup, towards where Jessica is currently playing the flute.
The blue robed people talk for a few more moments deciding to check in with each other occasionally but operating separate for the most part, they have their own communication method if an emergency comes up. They quickly disband while the smaller person stands there intently watching Jessica.
Jessica has no idea that anyone is watching, she's still practising the flute and still failing at it quite badly. A fluttering sound can be heard above her and the red & blue luan birds are circling around each other overhead.
"Oh, it's you two. I thought you didn't like me since you only said hello to Jack" Jessica stops playing the flute and says towards them in the sky.
The birds respond with a beautiful tweet and land on the ground, roughly 10 metres away from Jessica. They're both looking at her cautiously, turning their heads looking inquisitive. They both take turns tweeting towards Jessica as though they're communicating to her.
In Jessica's bosom, the little chick starts to stir tickling her, she giggles and brings it out of her clothing looking at it. The little bald tiny bag of skin has its eyes open peering around attempting to stand but unable to. Jessica holds it up and looks at it closely with a smile on her face. The red & blue luan fly over Jessica and land on her shoulders peering down at the little chick.
The two luan birds rip off a feather each and let it float down to the chick, the feathers turn into blue & red energy and are absorbed. The chick becomes slightly larger and stronger looking, but still looking like a tiny bag of skin.
The luan birds then let out another tweet and fly off into the sky, leaving a majestic trail of Red and Blue as they fly into the sky. Jessica watches them fly off into the sky, feeling inspiration quickly returning the now sleeping chick back to her bosom and starts to play the flute this time.
Her tune this time is much better including several of the notes she heard the luan's emitting. As Jessica is playing the flute, she finds out now that while she's playing her vision appears as though it's flying through the sky.
This is the ability that Arwen was able to use, he was able to see the vision his eagle has and direct it with his mind. Jessica's vision is now what the luan birds see but she is unable to direct them and they just fly around together. Jessica just continues to mindlessly play the flute while her vision is flying around.
The blue robed person left behind sees all of this and wants to rush over but they ultimately don't. They would like to take Jessica back to their Frozen Cloud sect and train her properly but they're currently stuck within this region.
The morning progresses and John finally is awoken from his slumber with a grumbling stomach, he rolls over on the bed that he was placed on and promptly falls down on the ground. The loud thud stirring Jack from his slumber.
"What the fuck bro, who put the ground there?" John can be heard muttering sleepily on the ground. Jack's vision quickly darts around the room, he's currently on a bed within a large warehouse with very high ceilings, no lights are on but plenty of sunlight is coming in through the skylights.
There are two beds by one of the walls with a large TV not far from them, there is a single door on the other side of the room and that's it. All the windows and skylight are at least 30m from the ground. The two of them are stuck.
John stands up from the ground rubbing his nose, his forehead has a visible mark on it from where it collided with the ground.
"Fuck, where are we? FUCK WHERE'S MY SMOKE?" John loudly shouts while checking his pockets and peering around the room for his bag. Jack also notices that they're missing all their supplies they left their house with.
The TV suddenly turns on and it's turned to the morning news, John sits back down on his bed and starts to watch. He has pulled a joint and a match from god-knows where and that all too familiar smell is wafting around quickly.
"We hear that two of the residents are currently missing, is there any news of them?" the anchor asks a reporter on the ground.
The reporter is in front of a suburban house surrounded by police cars and tape. Jack and John are both shocked, this is their house.
"That's right, we're told last night several men broke in and a violent scuffle occurred where the tragic result occurred, all of the occupants at home were killed with blunt instruments, police are currently seeking the whereabouts of the two missing people but we've been told by police that they aren't suspects and they should contact PoliceLink to confirm their safety" the reporter on the ground finishes.
"Let's hope those two are found safe and sound, for those just joining us a tragedy has occurred within the suburbs of our city, several people forcefully entered after midnight and a violent scuffle occurred where all the residents were bludgeoned with blunt instruments. Such a tragic outcome for several young lives who had their lives ahead of them" the anchor finished.
The TV then turns off and the door swings open, a tough looking man in a suit comes forward following by another man in a suit wearing glasses. Their slow footsteps echo in the room, Jack can feel some pressure from this but strangely he doesn't feel nervous. John is there with a smile on his face for some reason, his eyes becoming slightly red as he continues to drag on his joint.
"Jack, Jack, Jackie boy….." the man in a suit with glasses says in a sarcastic tone, "What have you done?" he asks.
"Uhh…." Jack is confused, he isn't sure who these two people are nor what he has done.
"Tom, you cunt, cause you got a fancy job and can pay for beauty treatments, no one can recognise you after several years of not seeing each other. Who the fuck starts off with that sarcastic villain line after abducting someone?" John blurts out, Jack's eyes go wide and quickly connects who he's seeing to the Tom from his memories.
Jack is rather confused as to how John knows Tom but it isn't time to question it.
Tom smiles and sighs, "I guess I need to explain a few things, but you need to explain a few things too" he says and looks straight at Jack.
"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAK THAT INFORMATION?" He shouts towards Jack, holding back the rage from forming on his face.
Jack's mind starts to work and tries to work out what information. The only information he can think of is that weird envelope filled with business and space information that Jack peered at quickly and then didn't touch again.
Jack is just about to explain that he has no idea what he's talking about when John speaks up, "Wait, that information was from you? Ah, that wasn't meant to be leaked? I thought it was pretty important that people know…" John explains himself.
Tom just stares at John, rubbing his temple as though he has a headache and doesn't know how to process what was said. He speaks up, "Well you useless stoner, now several people are dead because of your actions, do you feel proud?" Tom asks John.
"Of course, not but who the fuck gives people information that can kill someone, out like that?" John asks pointedly to Tom.
Tom furrows his brows and looks towards the tough guy that walked in with him. The tough guy explains how he left the information packet with a now dead roommate of Jack. He isn't able to confirm that Jack actually got the information nor that he got the message that was left behind about reading the whole packet and contacting Tom with a code in the future.
Tom has a furious look at the tough guy and signals for him to exit the room, he then follows him after telling Jack and John that their bags are located under the bed and that they'll be stuck here for the near future.
John quickly dives under the bed and takes a big whiff of it, sighing in relief. Jack grabs the bag and the game crystal is still there, he feels a wave of relief wash over his body. Jack wants to immediately go into the game but decides to wait.