Chapter 45 – New summon and Sacred City

Jack enters the city heart building, he was here not too long ago and nothing has changed, the city heart orb is still floating in the middle of the stone room with the black and white colours spinning around but always in equilibrium, neither colour giving or taking space from the other.

"Lord, are you going to leave now?" Drakon asks as he walks into the building.

"I am going to summon the historical person first but after that I'll be leaving, is there something you need?"

"Hilda felt it appropriate to give you a list of resources to acquire" Drakon passes Jack a small scroll, listed on it at the very top is: 'Dragon Jade Finest Quality 2,000,000m³'.

Jack bitterly smiles at the first request, how is he meant to find two million cubic metres of finest quality dragon jade?

His eyes move as he reads the rest of the list, '200 x Holy or Light element swords, 50 x Holy or Light element spears, 100 x Holy or Light element shields, 50 x each type of small armament and 10,000 x Holy or Light element arrows minimum'.

Hilda, Drakon and Jack previously decided that they will acquire a trial run of these equipment and see if they're able to be supplied in constant quantities. Right now, the military side of the village isn't large but with the enhanced spawn rate given by the Rabbit-Human city things will improve greatly.

Thus far Jack has been somewhat afraid of launching any military campaigns as any life lost right now will massively impact the village and possibly cause the downfall by starting something, they don't have the power to finish. Currently Dragon – Phoenix Village has 114 soldiers, the spawn rate enhanced by the Rabbit-Human city will provide: 20-30 Humans per day from the 2 city hearts, 40-50 rabbit-humans per day and far too many kobolds, so many of them will become soldiers in the coming days.

The spawn rate also affected the animal dens allowing their spawn rates to increase, Hellfire Wolves are now spawning 10-15 per day, Lightning Scaled Horses are spawning 2-3 per day and the giant rats that he hasn't even seen yet, well they're a ridiculous 100-150 per day.

"Are we prepared to send out squads into the surrounding areas and take in or capture villages that won't be able to support themselves during this period?" Jack asks Drakon, he has nothing to say regarding the list, it's excessive but he can only do his best to acquire the goods.

"Lord, I believe that Bane's force once they settle will be well suited to that but I feel that we should send out some squads now to investigate, we do not know how large the first wave was that Sovereign Leah took care of and there might still be survivors in the smaller villages"

"Ok, I shall entrust the task to you but don't forget about our animal resources, Fenrir and Sleipner need to get some exercise and they're far too smart to just be sitting around the village"

Drakon cups his hands toward Jack, "I shall have it ready before the morning is over, Lord".

Jack places the scroll away and places his hands on the city heart all the information about the city pops up, nothing is different except that his public support has dropped slightly which can be explained by all the new people joining unsure about the village still.

As the village grows into a town and then a city, countless people will join and public support will go up and down at times but given Jack's policies it should improve before too long.

'Do you wish to summon 1 x Historical Peron?'

A system prompt appears before his eyes to which he agrees, a door can be seen appearing on the city heart followed by a person stepping out of the door.

They are covered in white light as they take a step and kneel before Jack.

The glow disappears and reveals who it is, it's a young man with bright short red hair, his body is thin but he doesn't lack muscles, his head is lowered in a respectful pose.

"My Lord, thank you for summoning me into this world, I shall dedicate this rebirth as a chance to show the world the might of the Phoenix Empire"

Jack looks up the information regarding this red-haired young man:

Name: Tyson Cinder

Grade: SSS

Title: None

Profession: [Stage 1 General]

Race: Human - Phoenix bloodline

Age: 26 (110)

Loyalty: 100

Stats: Strength: 27, Intelligence: 28, Constitution:20, Agility: 31

Cultivation: Stage 1-3

Cultivation Technique: Phoenix Empire mantra

Skills: Fireball, Fire Beam, Basic Sword Technique…

Equipment: Cloth clothing....

History: Together with his brother, they held the defensive line against hordes of attackers for over 2 years before they were betrayed from the inside...

It would look like the summoned historical person is another general, Jack is glad with this result as right now Drakon is under a lot of pressure with all the pressing military matters and Tyson from a quick peruse of his history section, sounds like a general that focused on defence.

"Rise" Jack simply says while the man nods his head and stands up.

"You are one of my generals now, you will serve Dragon - Phoenix village with the same loyalty and respect as you served the Phoenix Empire with, I am Jack Hunt and your lord but you may address me as you wish and this is Drakon, he is my second in command regarding military matters so you will be working closely with him".

The man looks at Jack for a breath of time as if he's trying to commit Jack's appearance to memory, doing the same with Drakon before speaking;

"My name is Tyson Cinder and I'll be happy to serve you as my lord"

"Tyson Cinder..." Drakon mutters as if recalling something, "One of the two legendary Cinder Brothers that held the line at 'Devilish Fire Pass' with only a force of 2 million against over 300 million opposing soldiers?"

"That sounds about right, those bastards from the 6 Desires Union got what they deserved" Tyson proudly puffs out his chest.

Jack nods his head as he listens to the two generals talk, reminiscing about the old days which is truly interesting but Jack doesn't have time to listen.

"I'm glad to see you two get along so well, we're in the middle of a crisis here so I need to leave, Drakon you should introduce Tyson to Hilda."

"Yes Lord" Drakon salutes toward Jack again, Tyson does the same and the two leave the room returning it to calm.

"How did you withstand the attacks from the Water Buffalo sect, they were preparing for hundreds of years to take down Devilish Fire Pass?"

"That was easy, my brother simply poisoned the water ways…." Tyson replies as they can be heard going into the distance.

Jack presses on the city heart again, as if the city heart knows what Jack is doing a line of information and a prompt appear:

'Due to unknown influences, free 'Easter Event' travel has been suspended. You now have free teleportation to any system city with the option to take maximum 10 other residents with you for 1g each, Previous exit conditions apply'

Jack mulls it over for a few moments but decides to not take anyone extra this time, he needs to explore Sacred City first. Jack selects to teleport to Sacred City and a familiar teleportation gate appears before him which he simply steps through.

His body yet again feels like it's being twisted by strange forces as his vision is filled with white as he prepares to arrive, hoping this time to not fall on the ground as he's ejected from the teleportation gate.

He's thrown out of the teleportation gate and appears at a stone square like before there's a few groups of people standing around discussing something, first thing he does is check out the Easter scores but the display is replaced with a top10 victory point score and top 100 displayed in much smaller text on the sides of the large black crystal.

There's no NPC to greet him causing him to be confused about what to do, a couple of players are talking close by and when they see Jack standing there they come over and talk to him.

"Hello friend, my name is Jan and this is my friend Teun and we from Denmark, where are you from, are you a player?" a young well-dressed man with short curly blonde hair and asks while speaking far too quickly, he's joined by a similar looking young man who has a friendly smile on.

"Yeah, I'm a player, I'm from Australia and the name's Jack uhh, nice to meet you, do you know what's going on in this city?" Jack is taken aback with their attitude but adopts a smile as he replies.

"We're not sure either, we just received notice that there was some special event going on and teleported to this city, do you know what's going on?"

Jack pauses for a moment and considers whether to share the information, if it's spread further among the player it will make it harder for him to get supplies himself and it's not like players really die.

"I've heard there's some sort of demonic creature invasion and there are strange statues that will appear tempting you"

Jack tells them because it's not like this information will be kept secret for long and if it can save some people's lives then it's ok.

The young man side Jan, named Teun speaks up, "I see so it's similar to the trials of Anthony the Great as he travelled through the desert"

"Oh, I see Teun, that's true but it also sounds similar to the temptation by Satan as written in the bible"

"Jan that's true but that's also the most obvious reference you can make"

The two bickers back and forth about this, causing Jack to stand there awkwardly looking to get away, he's not a religious person and has not seriously looked at any sort of holy scripture thus can't contribute to their conversation.

"Sorry friend, we sometimes get into slight arguments because Teun thinks because he is well read and travelled, he needs to show it off as though it matters in this magical game world" Jan stops responding to Teun and turns toward Jack, trying to stop the argument suddenly.

"I don't really have a whole lot of time as I have to find some holy or light element weapons, so it was a pleasure to meet you two but I should get going"

Jack walks away from the two Danish men, he doesn't really mind that they're friendly but feels that he'll be dragged into long conversations if he stays much longer.

"Oh, OK friend, me and Teun will be traveling around the region to check the sights so we hope to see you around!"

"Do we really want to be travelling if there are strange creatures everywhere?"

"What does it matter if we die, we will just respawn and it's not like we have gear or equipment worth keeping"

"I was thinking we should look at the books within the library and not leave the city for some time..."

"There you go again...." Jan's voice finally becomes inaudible as Jack walks down the closest main road.

It's just a standard European looking street and rather boring, all the buildings are made of stone and give it a grey and gloomy feeling, the main road is made of stone while the side roads are still dirt and the houses become made of wood not too far from the main road.

Jack isn't sure where to go and the streets are rather quiet, only 3 or so people can be seen walking around while a carriage passes by once every few minutes.

He's starting to feel annoyed that there aren't any help services around, players are meant to be coming to this area and there's literally no information on where to go or where you are. Little does Jack know that if he started the game properly, he would have received a map for the system cities and the region itself from the player's guild in each city.

Watching some of the carriages pass by Jack feels like he should just call one of them and ask them to take him somewhere so he steps out on the road and attempts to hail a carriage, they just ride past him without stopping.

Jack raises his middle finger at the carriages that don't stop and just walks down the large road until he comes to an area that has several shops and a huge variety of small stalls by the road, it's bustling with activity as people come and go buying various goods but mostly food.

Jack walks among all the stalls, it's almost like a marketplace with large stores made out of stone and small wooden stalls on the street peddling various goods, a lot of fried food can be smelt cooking. Some of the meat looks disgusting but smells very good after being cooked tempting Jack to try some but he holds back, he doesn't want to get food poisoning right now.

"Get your fortune told by Grandmaster CardLord, only 10 copper"

"Check your alignment, see if you are suited to be a member of the Holy Heavens, only 5c"

"Selling Light element arrows for 1c each lightly used"

"Imbue your weapon with Holy element, only 50 silver per enchantment"

Various interesting services and goods can be heard advertised constantly over the top of people's chatter, he takes a look at the stall of the person offering light arrows but a quick look reveals they're all missing majority of the light element crystal that should be attached to the arrowhead while the arrow shafts are nearly all bent causing Jack to quickly back away lest he get caught up with the stall keeper.

Jack enters the first building that sells weapons, it's rather quiet in here compared to outside taking a quick look around there's just rows and rows of weapons ranging from long sword to short swords, sabres, broadswords, axes, polearms, spears and many other types just lined up in racks and rows.

Jack walks towards the back of the store where a person is handling a sword behind a counter.

An older man with an eye missing, his hair turning grey but he doesn't look worn out or tired, as if he would rather be out in the field than behind the counter, he puts the sword down and looks at Jack.

"What can I help you with?" the man adopts an awkward smile.

"Do you sell holy or light element weapons or weapons that are suited to take down demons?"

"We don't sell any Holy element things; you have to go to the churches for that as they don't allow anyone else to sell them." The man says with a bitter expression.

"As for Light element, what we have is over there" the man points to a corner behind Jack, causing Jack to look behind him.

Jack is able to see a stack of wooden sticks with a tiny crystal placed at the very top of them.

"Those are called Light Sceptres, they have a crystal provided by the Light Crystal Monastery so guaranteed quality, only 400 gold coins each"

Jack picks up one of the sceptres, bringing up the system information.

[Wooden Sceptre - Light God Crystal] Grade: White Description: A simple sceptre made of wood, a crystal placed on it will absorb the qi provided and emit the crystal's power. Uses 5/5.

Jack quickly places it back down ensuring not to damage it, it certainly doesn't seem worth 400 gold for only 5 uses.

"Yeah damn those church bastards, they don't let us sell the best demon killing gear, I know what it's like out there and with the blood moon rising last night, we're going to need more but they just want money"

The man has a scowl on his face as if he ate something bitter before continuing to speak, "we're lucky to even have those, the Light Crystal Monastery doesn't sell many"

"Why won't the church let you sell holy element stuff?" Jack asks, this sounds like important information for the future.

"They don't trust us; you go ask those assholes yourself and you'll find out why" He returns to polishing the sword that was placed on the counter as if to work out his anger. Grunting at times seemingly angry at the sword.

Jack looks around the store quickly and doesn't see anything that stands out in price, now that he knows this information, he'll have to find a church or visit the Light Crystal Monastery and acquire some crystals.

He walks out the building and takes another look around the market place, there doesn't look to be anything like a church around here so taking a few steps out onto the road, he is greeted by the sounds of the marketplace again.

"Test your elemental compatibility, 10c"

"Fried Crickets, 1 copper for 10"

"Buying monster cores any quality starting from 2 copper, selling high ranking monster core from 10 gold"

"Recruiting people for a player run village, great rewards for signing up!"

Jack looks towards the people advertising for the player village, there's countless people standing around it causing Jack to be unable to see who is running it. He is curious as to where other players have placed their villages but not curious enough to fight through the crowd.

"Test your luck for a prize, guess the numbers and have a chance to win a gold rank sword or a technique crystal!"

Jack's attention immediately turns to the person who said that, it's a youth with several scars over his face, he looks desperate for money as he looks over the crowd twitchily.

Jack walks to this youths' stall area, he has a simple table with two cups and four dice while there's a crystal, a sword and other objects sitting on the table.

"10 gold a try, no refunds if you lose" the young man speaks at Jack while placing two dice under each cup, pushing one towards Jack.

"What is the technique?" Jack asks.

"I don't know, I just found it. You can work it out when you win it" the youth smiles slyly towards Jack.

"How do you play?"

"You call what dice will be, you can call higher or lower but you need to guess the face numbers to win the sword or technique"

Jack thinks it over for a breath of time, he isn't able to identify anything on the table not even the technique, the sword doesn't look particularly expensive and he can't identify the other things that look like clay, the system doesn't bring identify it as anything. He then thinks back to how lucky he has been so far within the game and ultimately decides to give it a single try.

"Alright, I'll try to guess the numbers"

The youth smirks as he holds out his hand, "10 gold thanks".

[author] Sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday, had to visit the doctor and couldn't be seen until later in the day.[/author]