Chapter 48 part 2 – Leaving Sacred City

Jack is walking along the pathway whence he came; the street is filled with noise of people chatting;

"Did you hear that the player called Gocci is selling their newest creation this afternoon?"

Jack's ears prick up upon hearing this, there's a pair of girls talking between themselves wearing odd looking clothing. He doesn't stop walking and quickly pass the two girls.

"You want to go check it out, right now?" A girl responds with urgency in her tone.

"Umm I thought we'd stay by the teleportation crystal, maybe some new players will start selling their stuff"

"No no, we should head over there" the second girl starts pulling at her friend's arm indicating they should leave.

Jacks attention is now piqued but taking a quick look around, he can't sense anything wrong or dangerous except there's quite a few people looking at him from various angles and upon looking behind him he can see that there's a few people that are closing off part of the street.

Frowning he has a suspicion that this is going to get annoying so he makes a left turn now into another small alleyway but he's greeted by a few men standing around the entrance with a familiar symbol on their robes, a yellow snake.

"Is this the guy?" one of the men speak up, he has a shaved head and looks like he's been in a few fights.

"This is him, hand over the crystal!" one of them holding a piece of paper confirms before another reaches out to grab Jack.

Jack takes a step back from the man's reach and upon taking a quick survey around, there's a few rooftops that he can use to avoid these people.

'Bunny Dash'

Jack disappears from the spot, the group of men that were just speaking to him are left in a daze but they have a sinister smirk on their face as if they planned for this to happen.

Jack reappears on a nearby rooftop he can see the crystal from this vantage point, he wants to make another jump with 'Bunny Dash' but a man suddenly appears nearby.

"Did you think we wouldn't prepare, now hand over the crystal" A man is squinting while holding out a hand, while hiding his other hand behind his back.

Jack tries another bunny dash reappearing on a rooftop closer to the crystal but the man is able to keep up, it seems like he has a skill similar to Jacks.

The man pulls out a dagger, "Are you going to hand it over or do we have to get messy?"

Jack wants to try another dash but looking at the man's weapon he feels annoyed, he just can't remain passive to people like this.

Jack pulls out the Sacred Mountain Fire Spear giving it a twirl but it feels different than the previous times, he feels much more confident using the spear as he twirls it with a much more fluid motion then standing it by his side.

The man doesn't bother speaking anymore more, he makes a move but Jack readies the spear.

'First motion, breaching the first layer' he recalls the first layer of the technique, as the pictures of the beautiful woman using the technique appear in his mind. His eyes focus on a single point, before launching out a simple forward jab.

The man coldly snorts upon seeing this simple jab as he leaps forward shifting his body to dodge the slow looking spear jab.

As his body is dodging by the spearhead his eyes go wide as the spearhead is following his body, the spear is shifting itself following his body without Jack doing anything but following the same point with his eyes.

Within the vision the woman's eyes will always find their target and her spear will always follow shortly behind her eyes, visions of countless people being surprised by this action appear in Jack's mind.

The first motion of Heavens Piercing, one needs to identify a single point to make the first strike. You cannot reach the heavens without taking that first step, just as a seed cannot grow without first breaching through the dirt. This skill will link your mind and your spear, you look at a point and your spear will reach it, it doesn't matter if it's next to you or far above in the heavens.

The man's body disappears as he uses his own movement technique to avoid the spear. Jack pulls back his spear and readies the next motion of Heavens Piercing.

The man's body reappears from below Jack, leaping out of the shadows holding the dagger pointed towards Jack ready to make a killing strike but Jack is able to easily spot this motion, his movement is slow compared to the rainbow bunny that Jack had been chasing.

'Second motion, if one fails, one thousand shall succeed' Jack recalls the second motion from the visions, the beautiful woman would always launch the first spear first to find it's mark and that was always followed by one thousand strikes in an instant.

Jack's eyes quickly find the spot from earlier, a spot between the man's brow as he launches quick successive strikes downwards. It's nothing compared to the thousands of strikes that instantly happen within his vision but it's enough to catch the man unaware.

The sound of the spear head hitting flesh can be heard before it changes into the solid sound of impact against wood, this happens in an instant as Jack was able to launch 10 spear strikes downwards into the man's forehead causing a rather gruesome sight.

The rooftop is silent, the sounds of people arguing in the street can be heard while Jack looks at the spear stuck to the rooftop, he is panting because those two spear skills didn't use any of his qi, it relied purely on his muscles and he has never handled a spear like that before.

Looking down there's a body with a crushed in head, no one would be able to recognise the face while a lot of blood is dripping down off the roof.

Taking a deep breath, Jack calms himself down from the excitement and thinks about what he needs to do. This entire exchange took place within less than 30 seconds, he should have some time before anyone else catches up unless they have more technique users.

Jack wants to leave the area quickly, he tries placing the man's body within his storage ring and it works allowing him to flee this area quickly making another 'Bunny Dash' to a different rooftop, he looks around for the purple teleportation crystal before jumping off the roof and rushing to the crystal.

"Stop that man!" yelling can be heard coming from behind Jack, not wanting to wait around he breaks into a run and dashes toward the crystal.

Jack can see the purple teleportation crystal and wants to make another 'Bunny Dash' over to it but a few people have gathered by the teleportation crystal.

"I don't care if you have an agreement with the city lord, you are not allowed to shut down this teleportation crystal plaza without approval of the player's guild" a young man with glasses is arguing with two people.

One is another young man with glasses but he looks rather sly, his clothing giving the feeling that he needs to flaunt his wealth while the other man is wearing the city army uniform, he looks annoyed but tired.

"The player's guild is worth nothing compared to the power of the city lord, I would have killed you already if you didn't just respawn and be a further pain in my ass" the sly looking young man announces, he is wearing a robe with a yellow snake on it.

"Let us through!"

"You can't stop me from travelling to another city!"

"You don't have the power to stop us all!"


There's a crowd of people surrounding them, Jack doesn't stop running and rushes past them, knocking some of them down.

"Stop right there!" the uniformed man yells but Jack ignores him, pressing his hand on the teleportation crystal.

It luckily still works bringing up the prompts, he quickly selects the option to return home and disappears, leaving this spot but the uniformed man presses his hand and looks at the information within the crystal.

Many of the people that were shouting are riled up, they too have decided to just rush towards the teleportation crystal causing the area to become chaotic, the sly man and the uniformed man have fled the area after being pelted with rocks and food.

The two of them are some distance away now, they have regrouped with the other people that were blocking the roads.

"Was that him?"

"Yes, but he didn't have a teleportation destination so that means he comes from a player village" The uniformed man responds while yawning, the sly looking man frowns but doesn't speak.

"What happened to Ynis?" the sly looking young man asks the group; they just shake their heads causing him to frown further.

"Useless, you're all useless" he announces before turning around and leaving.