Chapter 55 – Things that happen in the background

"Have you done the calculations on how much I'll earn if we do all these posters?" a gaudily dressed young woman has entered the room, she's plastered with make up to make her appear beautiful but her body shape is like a pear.

"Yes, we stand to gain about 162,233 gold coins if we accomplish all the tasks" the man at the table responds.

"Is that enough to pay off those sluts at the White Flower Church?"

"Ma'am, that isn't even enough to pay off the Shadow Sect yet alone the priceless artifact from White Flower Church that your brother took" the old man responds.

"Ugh, why do I have to pay for his mistake, oi get your ass in here" the woman yells as another figure comes through the door, Tahel looks at the man and he's severely beaten up with no teeth and two severely broken arms, his eyes are glazed over as though he's given up on everything and been through torture.

"Do you have nothing else to add to your confession?" the woman asks the man, he doesn't respond as he blankly looks forward but his eye catches a poster on the table, the one that Tahel spotted before, the man's finger starts to point but he struggles to raise it whilst mumbling out words but his mouth is full of blood as he spits it out.

"What the hell are you doing, get him out of here!" the woman takes some sudden steps back from the blood that hits the ground, some of it gets on her shoes while some people enter the room and grab the guy by his shoulders to drag him out but he's struggling trying to point and speak, he breaks free from the people grabbing at his shoulders and rushes the table.

The woman shrieks as she cowers away from the man as though he'll attack her but he simply grabs a paper from the table through much effort, the two men that entered the room punch the tortured man in the stomach causing him to pass out dropping the paper to the floor, Tahel watches the paper fall to the floor and prepares to intercept it but the woman grabs it in a way that defies logic given her appearance and looks at it.

"Hmm, wanted for stealing horses by Harold's Merchant Group in Horse City, 20,000 reward is a lot for some horses, you guys find out why he was grabbing this paper" the men dragging the guy out nod as the room returns to quiet.

"Are you capable of handling everything here? The shadow sect needs a secure location and they'll probably wipe off some of our debt if we don't mess it up, I have to go meet with my ugh, father and brother about some rich guy from the northern continents"

"Ma'am, I'm capable of handling everything here"

"Good, all those northern continent guys in red robes all paid their respects at the Demon Suppressing Hall why would a rich one head to White Flower Church? They're not like my brother and need those cheap whores in this run-down city..." the woman asks aloud.

"I do not know, perhaps your father, the city lord will know more" the man responds

"Shut up, I wasn't asking you and I know that already!" the woman replies angrily in a shrill voice, the man and Tahel both wince as their ears hear the high-pitched noise of the woman's voice.

The two continue talking for some time but nothing interesting to Tahel just low level 'gang activities', he has already found out several pieces of information and needs to relay this to Bane, deciding it's time he sinks into the wall by 'Bunny Stealth' and silently exits through the same way he entered, exiting the mansion compound without incident. Tahel makes his way to a private location and exits 'Bunny Stealth' but he can feel some eyes on him.

'Bunny Dash'

The rabbit-human uses a skill Jack uses extensively allowing him to dash across several rooftops but looking behind him he can see a masked person in a blue robe following him, they're blending into the air as they're walking through it indicating they're at least Saint Realm, Tahel can't feel any hostility so makes the tough decision to stop in an alleyway.

He quietly puts a dagger into his hand but adopts a respectful posture and removes his hood that was hiding the black bunny ears that spring up, "Can Honourable Saint inform me as to why you're following me?"

The masked blue robe person stops above the alleyway, they look at Tahel for a moment before noticing the Rabbit ears that he has now revealed and disappears, Tahel waits a few moments but can't detect the person anymore so frowning, he puts the hood back on, enters 'Bunny Stealth' again and makes his way to a location to pass off information to a Bunny Thief, he can't risk meeting Bane if he's being followed.

The masked blue robed person steps through the air toward another person wearing a similar disguise but a different mask, "False alarm, it wasn't shadow sect but a rabbit-human using his unique skill", the other person responds "Interesting…" before they both disappear from the air.

The sun indicates that it's getting late while Jack has done a loop around the outskirts of the ant area and just surveying everything, the soft ground of the ant area deli antes the different areas giving clear indication of which area is which, looking into the ants area he still can't see anything suspicious, he's itching to fight one of the larger metallic ants but he doesn't come across any of them, causing frustration but feels happy about today's events which is in contrast to the rest of the region.

The mood in the region is sombre as people feel the evil coming from the red-moon but they're confused due to nothing happening except for rumours about evil bunnies, outside this region the Easter event is still going full swing as the first reward has been claimed by a team from India, they represent lots of different temples and have joined together into a larger force, they captured many golden rabbits and acquired a key from a beggar somehow that pushed their point score to the level of getting a reward.

They chose to get the 9th reward, Chocolate Fourteen Herb Egg that provides a stamina and speed boost to whoever eats it, the leader that brought all these temples together is a young man that acquired the legacy of Varuna, he has a little salt water crocodile that can transform into a sea dragon.

The young man is a 19 year old university student studying to become a doctor when he starts playing and his bloodline allowed him to undertake the Hall of Trials which granted the legacy powers of Varuna, allowing him to have enhanced powers in the ocean and when it's raining, enhancing the water qi type that circulates around his body.

The other regions are slowly adjusting to the faster rabbits as more people don the bunny element gear, such as the ears and shoes that greatly enhances their speed. No one has caught a rainbow coloured rabbit, but many people no longer feel that golden rabbits are impossible to catch as they also work out their own methods.

A young boy from Poland has taken to feeding rabbits with a strange herb that they seem to love, an old woman is using her pet that she somehow tamed by smacking it with a rolled up newspaper, it's a large monkey that is quicker than the rabbits, a person from Africa transforms into an animal a strange mix between a cheetah and tiger as he chases down gold bunnies easily.

The team over at Brazil are arguing over how to process the rewards they got from the bunnies they have already caught, they don't wish to split up the rewards because one of them dropped a golden city creation orb, they each have their own ideas on where to create it with everyone inputting their opinion.

It's not really a big argument while someone pipes up saying that they should place the city down and move it later as they'll never find the perfect area in this place of snow and ice, the leader of the group, Carlos looks to a young boy that they picked up, he's surrounded by the energy of the sun giving him a strange glow in this field of white.

"You should create the village" he strokes the frog on his shoulder, it's a brightly coloured tiny frog but everyone winces when he strokes it as they're aware that it's an incredibly poisonous dart arrow frog that could kill the entire group of them instantly if it chooses, the little frog happily rubs against the boys finger as if it doesn't feel the cold.

The 'sub-leader', Marcos speaks up agreeing with the plan and saying he no longer objects to creating the city now, the rest of the group follow suit while the leader, Carlos is left frustrated but consults the map, the region is covered in ice and snow but certain protected areas. They target an area not too far from the current system city they've called home and set out, going to a nearby village to teleport back to the system city and plan the journey from there.

The game world is excited by the Easter Event as they catch bunnies, they're sharing tips in game and in the real world as more and more people hear about the rewards you can get simply by catching a bunny and they want to pick up the game, John is in the real world reading the forums as he's posting about his experiences so far.

"So I found this strange two coloured herb that reminded me of Datura, I hadn't done it recently so processed it up as best I could inside the game luckily I've got something called 'Herb Processing' I like to call that came from this old book and it made it all into a fine powder, I drunk that down and it was great, 12 hours of tripping balls but the come down was terrible, I had to seek out this other plant I like to call 'Get this shit out of me' that I found while taking another plant that reminded me of the good old green stuff but it was actually filled with tiny needles, I was coughing up blood for hours but it got me rightly fkd up but anyways 'Get this shit out of me' or GSO as I like to call it can be found anywhere, it looks like a normal grass but its root...."

John makes an incredibly long rambling post about his experiences in the game so far before he looks at the bed that Jack should be on, it looks hardly used, noisy construction work is going on around him as Bobby and a few other men are installing extra metal plates around the warehouse causing John to be annoyed at the intrusion. He stops posting as his vibe is killed from all the work and reads some information that's considered a conspiracy.

'How to survive the end of the world' has been posted by someone called Yvonna11, 'The secret world online isn't actually a game world, it's considered a training stage for our planet that we need to pass in order to prove our worth to the universe, we're being given this chance and yet most people consider this a game and treat it as such, only playing it to have fun...' the post starts to ramble about how people need to take it far more seriously and includes some information John already knew like the signs from deep space.

John is also a participant in the thread when he comes across the newest post by Yvonna, 'We have lost contact with everything outside our planet, we're even unable to communicate with some of the further away satellites and our messages are no longer reflected back when we communicate with the moon, visual observations of the sun have allowed us to detect that something strange is going internally since 2 days ago' with most of the replies dismissing it with; 'who cares this is a game forum'.

John fires off a reply, 'Do we have any theories about what's going on?' as he looks outside and can see very thick storm clouds continually gather with a random bout of thunder going off now and then, this has been continually gathering for 2 days and no one is sure what's going on.

He gets a reply quickly from Yvonna, 'BlazeIT, we don't actually know as every long range sensor has been cut off as not even neutrinos can be detected from deep space anymore when we could still detect them 2 days ago, some high energy wave was detected and then everything cut off' John posts a few more times for clarification but it's drown out as the rest of the thread is filled with people picking apart the science involved.

Using his phone, John sends off a few messages before relaxing in the warehouse again and lights up a cigarette, taking a slow drag and then slowly exhaling it he looks up at the sky, the strange looking clouds continue to gather as his phone buzzes with responses to the message he just sent, the real world is continuing on without Jack as his sister is still travelling on the trans-Siberian railway to Moscow with her husband and Anya the Russian woman they randomly met, the train trip is boring as Anya scares off anyone trying to get near them by angrily yelling at them.

'I wonder if Jack will be fine' Heather, Jack's sister watches the boring scenery pass by and the sky, she can see a faint pink blob in the sky causing her to rub her eyes and being unable to see it again, letting out a sigh she turns to see her husband asleep and Anya sitting there drinking from a shot glass.

"Do you know anything about what's going on with Jack?" Heather asks but Anya just shakes her head and takes another quick drink of something leaving Heather further frustrated letting out a sigh.

"Have you heard about 'The Secret World Online'?" Heather suddenly asks, she has been reading the news and is somewhat interested in the game itself, Anya lets out a deep breath as the smell of alcohol fills the train cabin.

"Yeah, my mistress has said that it's very important that we all start playing it but I can't do it, there's no guns and there's none of this" as she takes another shot and throws the glass on the ground. The two start talking about the game where Heather is talking about the things she read online while Anya is talking about the things her mistress said such as how it's based on Eastern Fantasy and it isn't just magic skills, there's many ways to get stronger the conversation continues as the two get more comfortable with each other.

The tiny pink blob in the sky reappears but it's not really in the sky, it's far in space far beyond Pluto and it's massive for it to appear as large as the sun at that distance but it isn't moving, it's shape shifts as if it's feeling out which direction to go like some sort of bacteria, some smaller globs break away and turn into blood-red giant insects that look like mosquitoes and bees that spread out in deep space, some even go towards our solar system...