Chapter 57 - The call of battle

Jack's stomach grumbles in the real life as he's woken up just before dawn causing the dream to disappear before he can make out the appearance of all the women surrounding him, the sun isn't yet over the horizon causing the sky to adopt a very deep blue as the night sky gives way to the morning. Jack's stomach is grumbling as though he hasn't eaten in weeks, Jessica is drooling all over his arm while Mai is holding tightly onto his hand not allowing him to move.

He looks over the two girls that are attached to him while he smiles yet inwardly sighs, he really wants to eat something but is stuck like this for now.

Thinking over the course of events last night he can't fully understand it, he was fine until he tried to send that huge ant through new storage area when previously multiple smaller ants were fine. Using his divine sense to inspect his body, he can't find anything wrong with it, the little snake has returned to a tattoo on his arm and his nose is no longer dripping blood while his head itself no longer has a headache.

Using his senses further he sends it inwardly to peer at the lump of dirt, it has increased from the 50cm³ to about 1m³ causing his experiment to succeed yet not really explaining anything, the energies coming from the clump of dirt are all the energies contained within the different ant types; fire, water, earth, wood and metal in miniscule amounts.

Jack is confused about what this means, the only answer he has is that it's somehow related to his cultivation method, Dragon - Phoenix Myriad Arts, but it doesn't include anything about a tiny clump of dirt that is able to absorb energies and expand. It may possibly be locked behind some sort of restriction in the cultivation method yet there's no way to confirm it.

He pushes these thoughts out of his mind as he's just going around in circles but he hears a young girl voice in his mind, 'Hungry!' causing Jack's stomach to groan and the two girls to stir, Jessica turns over while Mai groggily blinks her eyes as she sits up releasing Jack's hand allowing him to sit up too. Jack gives her a smile while raising his finger up to his mouth, she blankly blinks at him but allows Jack to silently pull her out of bed, allowing Jessica free reign of it, and exit the tent.

The outside is brisk as the two enter the garden area, most of the flowers are closed up waiting for the first sign of the sun removing most of the usual spring smell from the garden but it's still beautiful with the massive weeping willow type tree hanging over everything and colourful leaves of various plants.

Mai hugs Jack around his waist, "You scared us last night".

"I'm ok now so don't worry, even if something happens to me, I'll just reappear somewhere else and make my way back here"

She quietly hugs Jack without letting him see her face but the hug is interrupted after a few moments when Jack's stomach groans, the girl backs away from Jack and gives him a toothy smile.

"You missed dinner last night, the little snake told me to prepare some grasses for you so you get something to eat while I get them"

The sun is rising casting a yellow glare over everything, Mai runs off as her body starts to slightly glow green in response to this leaving Jack alone yet again. He taps his arm and attempts to ask the little snake what it said to everyone but gets no response but he's used to this by now and simply walks to the kitchen to fetch some food, there's very few people out and about at this hour but he can hear Tyson marshalling some soldiers in a drill.

Fetching some of the demonic mutton left over from last night which Jack wolfs down quickly and returns to the garden area outside the tent, greeting the people he sees along the way who respond with a mixture of emotions, Jack wasn't gone for long yet Mai has managed to drag a tub out and fill it with water.

Her hand glows green as various grasses grow within her hand, all of them are familiar yet there is one type of grass that Jack hasn't seen before, a black grass with a strong dragon qi. 'Royal Dragon Grass' is all Jack has time to read before Mai throws it all into the tub, she mixes the various grasses around in the water then pricks her finger, a single drop of luminescent green blood mixes into the water causing it to brightly shine for a moment as all the colours of the grasses mix together.

"Quickly get in also I need 2 cups of blood after this"

Mai has a serious expression on as her eyes follow the grasses in the water, Jack just jumps straight into the water as itchiness assaults his body but he focuses his mind and concentrates on his cultivation, circulating the qi around his meridians and veins as the energy seeps in from the water filling it up before portioning it off and storing it, this lasts a few minutes before a familiar voice resounds in his mind.

'Ugh, did no one tell you how to cultivate? Who even gave you this cultivation art?'

Jack's attention is occupied by following his cultivation method and is barely able to register the voice let alone respond to it, he's just trying to control the energy flowing around his body.

'Nooooo dummy, like this. How did such a dummy get our... royal art?'

A strange sensation be felt within his meridians as a route is being shown through them, it feels much smoother than before and also incorporates his forehead stars in the loop no longer requiring him to place it there himself, the first loop is conducted for him yet he can feel that it's not right.

He follows the shown path in his meridians yet he can't shake the feeling that it's not right, the qi within his dantian becomes unsettled when the dragon qi starts to overpower the phoenix qi roiling as if it's supercharged and angry while the demonic qi starts to invade his mind but is quickly suppressed by the demon suppressing golden bones.

His appearance changes as tiny scales start to form on his skin while his eyes change into lizard-like slits. Jack has felt this sensation before, last time he had to rely on Jessica to bring his qi to balance but now he has his own storage of phoenix qi, releasing it to cover the deficit the two are brought back to equilibrium causing his body to revert to normal.

Jack is left with a dilemma; the new path is beneficial but focuses on a single side of his qi which will be an issue if he ever runs out of the phoenix qi stored in his body or doesn't have Jessica around. Using the new path again his qi is flowing faster while also accommodating the energy seeping in from the water better, his body is greedily absorbing the energy but the phoenix qi won't last long due to taking far more out than it's putting back in, his body greedily absorbs all the energy in the tub within moments when it should have taken hours.

Mai is standing outside growing a few more plants when she can see the tub of water start to bubble, boiling and then finally almost exploding as Jack suddenly erupts out. Mai instantly leaps back as to not get splashed by the boiling water, as Jack stands up cracking his back and joints. Mai quietly watches him while a smug expression comes over her face upon seeing his skin.

The sunburnt-red young man stands in the tub calling a fireball into his hand, which is easily twice the size it was, before dismissing it feeling his body surge with energy as he looks up at the red-moon feeling like he's able to leap high enough to touch it.

"You still owe me even if you quit early" Mai speaks from a short distance away, looking quite smugly at Jack.

"Later, let's go see the new spearmen"

Jack redresses himself before leaving the garden area entering the main street, Mai is chasing after him not showing her previous speed "We agreed 2 cups so you promise later?" Jack quietly laughs to himself as he speeds up, the demonic sheep are carrying on in the distance giving the village a feeling of life as the main road is used to pass the resources for the day to the respective areas, mostly wood and stone for housing.

"So, what did the little snake tell you last night?" Mai retells the story from the start when he sneezed blood all over her, the little snake responds a few times before telling Jack some much needed information.

'My spirit needs to be nourished by pure dragon qi, it's very very pure inside you, but my memories aren't complete and my body isn't ready yet so you have to collect more beads or else I can't fully awaken'

The little snake hasn't uncovered many memories, it just has knowledge of a few basic techniques and some cultivation art that it can barely remember. It was only able to assist Jack earlier because it felt a familiarity with what he was doing, not allowing it to answer specific questions to the annoyance of Jack.

'I think…. If you find the Ice Phoenix Sect, they will have an important orb'

Jack is left mulling over this last piece of information as he has a feeling that he has encountered the Ice Phoenix Sect already, the massive field of ice and snow and the phantom image of a bird that uses ice powers should be hallmarks of the Ice Phoenix Sect people but their last encounter gives him a headache.

The group talk while walking to the training area where Drakon and Tyson are both drilling soldiers to work together, they have the individual skills but lack much cohesiveness, there's tension between all the different types of races and species. Jack stays outside and watches a few moments before proceeding to the city hall building, he's itching to get in the midst of the soldiers and train but duties come first.

Mai parts way with Jack while the snake opts to sleep as he walks into the city hall building, "Remember, 2 cups later!" Mai yells in the distance causing Jack to bitterly smile.

Receiving a report from Hilda regarding the activities last night, there's nothing of note as everything is running smoothly just more rescued people, this morning they're preparing new houses within the village for the mining village convoy due this morning. The convoy will be passing by the sealed demonic orb so Jack makes the decision to wait with a few squads of soldiers, especially the new spearmen and do some field training freeing up Drakon and Tyson to drill the newer spawns.

The increased spawn rate from the Rabbit-human village is a double-edged sword, they need the boosted population spawn rate but if they can't accommodate them public support will decrease. That's not even including the fact that if they don't continue to upgrading the village through acquiring experience, they'll hit population capacity.

The current plans for the village have a capacity of 5,000 before a major revision is needed and they'll hit that within a month at this rate but Jack doesn't feel like thinking about this right now, he's brimming with excess energy from the medicinal bath so after acquiring the report he parts from Hilda.

Rushing to the training ground, Jack speaks with Drakon and Tyson who readily agree that it's a good idea for Jack to take the soldiers out for 'field training', the soldiers look pensively at Jack as they set out.

It doesn't take long for the group being led by Jack to reach the position of the demonic orb, protected by a small group of elites who are getting well-trained at sheep wrangling, it seems every few hours a demonic sheep will somehow get near the orb yet no one is sure how they're getting out.

The soldiers of various types are standing around watching Jack, he's currently using Heavens Piercing Thrust in a competition against all the newly created advanced spearmen, the spearmen have many skills like 'Rapid Thrust, 'Sweep', 'Throw' so Jack wanted to compare their skills to his single technique.


Jack uses the second motion as he makes two rapid stabs forward, the target before him explodes backwards from the force broken up in 9 small pieces showing that he made far more than two stabs. The surrounding soldiers start clapping while a spearman beside Jack has a bitter smile, "I admit defeat" he raises his hand and doesn't step forward to even attempt to compete, Jack wasn't able to compare with him on throwing but there was no competition with 'Rapid Thrust'

The other soldiers also quietly start talking to themselves, "It seems that lord can really fight", "I've never seen him before but this makes me feel better about staying in this village", "We're bound to get stronger with this lord" Jack is able to hear the whispers around him causing him to get an itchy neck, he isn't used to this sort of attention and praise, he twirls the spear as some fire flower petals appear hovering over one of his hands while pushing qi into the spear.

He takes aim at the next target and makes a stab forward, the glowing spear head pierces through the air as everyone's attention is drawn by the savage sound as it rips through the air.


A small explosion splinters the wooden target as the chunks start burning up in the air leaving nothing behind.

Everyone is quiet while Jack has a smile on his face, the arrogant spearman starts clapping loudly while another soldier yells out, "That's our lord!".

Many of the soldiers start chanting, "Long live our lord" as Jack calmly places the spear by his side again, his smile has been replaced with the calm expression of a leader as he tries to look into the distance, the wind blowing his hair and giving him a majestic appearance.

"Convoy spotted!"

One of the bunny scouts yells out from the distance, the group of soldiers including Jack get into position quickly to welcome the convoy as it can be seen coming into view. The convoy of 40 or so wagons carrying either people or materials from the mining village, Jack silently scans over the convoy and can't see Amber nor any of the bandits but he isn't worried about them.

The convoy trudges forward while Jack starts to speak aloud to the group, "Welcome to Dragon - Phoenix Village" as the people on the convoy look toward him wearily, they have been travelling over 2 days causing exhaustion but many of them are finally glad to be somewhere with an actual military. The wagons pass through the checkpoint while being visually inspected, Jack pulls up one of the soldiers that were on the convoy Jack asks them where Amber is.

"My Lord, Ms Lazuli and her crew are being delayed by someone we met on the road here, they should be following behind us closely"

Jack thanks the soldier and looks back toward the road, it's empty in the distance for now but as half of the convoy pass the checkpoint a single horse comes into view surrounded by people casually walking and talking.

The person sitting upon the horse is a typical pretty boy, blonde wispy hair wearing polished gaudy plate mail armour even the horse isn't saved from this appearance as it has brightly polished silver and gold armour all over it like cosplay.

Jack scans the crowd and can see Amber; her long black hair is tied up on the side while she's wearing tight fitting pants and a buttoned-up top. She looks over to Jack giving him a wink before starting to laugh again and stroking the blonde man's horse, the man has a lascivious smile as his eyes look down Amber's blouse which causes Jack to frown, he doesn't have strong feelings toward Amber but he can't just sit back and not find out what's going on.

"Squad 5, you guys stay here and check over the carts and villagers. Everyone else, follow me to find out what this joker is doing in our territory" Jack mounts Sleipner as the soldiers gather up.

The group quickly sets out in a show of force, the soldiers wearing their matching uniforms with different weapons march forward towards the small group surrounding the man on the horse, he's still jovially laughing and looking at Amber after taking a glance at Jack then dismissing him completely. It doesn't take long for the two groups to meet and stop before each other; the soldiers coldly look at the bandits while neither side budge.

"You are entering my territory, speak your purpose!" Jack sternly yells out while looking down at the blonde man on the horse, Sleipner is far larger than his horse.

"I am here as a representative of the council, I am here to cordially extend our invitation to your little village so as we can join under one banner to fight the demonic invasion, the council is led by one of the legendary players whom you can thank for scaring away the demonic invasion in this area" the blonde man pauses and flicks his hair before adding, "We simply require you to hand over what little coin you have and submit under our banner"

Jack frowns as the soldiers all start to shift in their boots, looking towards Amber he asks "Are you involved with this guy?"

"My handsome lord, we met this.. loooovely young man on the road this morning and he sort of followed us while saying that he'd like to recruit us" she speaks in a sarcastic tone with exaggerated movements always smiling toward Jack. The blonde man ignores Amber as he looks over the soldiers gathered before looking over the rabbit-humans, who are unable to hide their ears, scrunching up his nose.

"You'll have to remove the filthy hybrids from the area if you wish to be allowed in our council"

This attracts the attention of everyone as the tension suddenly went sky high, many of the soldiers are dragon or phoenix people who have been spawned naturally and chose to join the military, as gazes of hostility fall upon the blonde man who is oblivious to his situation. He smirks as he looks over the soldiers below his, as if thumbing his nose at them.

"Oh, and if we choose not to?" Jack calmly responds to the man as if nothing has changed.

"Well... let's just say you won't be able to ensure their survival with this trifling number of soldiers"

"Ah, is that so..." Jack's tone is ice cold as he looks at Amber, she shrugs her shoulders before giving Jack a wink as her irises go purple for a split moment. Jack's eyes flash purple but a thin strand of lightning arcs from his eye shocking what's nearby which so happens to be Sleipner, the soldiers brandish their weapons upon sensing the change when Jack yells out, "Apprehend him, Bunny Assassin's ensure you get all the information we need about his village and this council" his voice is strained as he looks away from the crowd.

He is currently fighting internally against the charm skill, he kind of just assumed he was immune to it all but clearly that's not the case as his mind is filled with the thoughts of leaping at Amber and taking her now. 'Ugh, you owe me again' a voice is heard in his mind, a figure appears of a little girl with long white straight hair and two tiny horns atop her head, her form is illusory as a sharp clap spreads through Jack's mind clearing the charm skill.

'No more energy, sleep time good.. night' a faint voice sounds in his mind as his vision turns to normal, pain is coming from his eye but he forces himself to glare at Amber who is standing stunned.

The Bunny assassins move forward quickly to ensure the other soldiers don't rough him up too badly, using 'Bunny Dash' to easily cross 300m, instantly knocking him out and taking him away for interrogation. The bunny assassins have been taught various methods by Bane including many methods Jack would consider too extreme but hopefully the blonde man will cooperate without having to resort to them.

The soldiers rush forward but the man is gone so they can only control the horse which is starting to act out but Sleipner releases his king aura causing the horse to settle down and come under control, Amber and her group are also surrounded but Jack doesn't say anything about this as he is slightly annoyed at Amber. The various ex-bandits are visibly nervous being outnumbered and surrounded while Amber is watching Jack through the crowd.

"Let them through as they were part of the convoy" Jack waits a breath of time before speaking up.

Jack hands a few orders down to the soldiers while recuses himself with the excuse of watching the interrogation, he's not going to make any special arrangements after Amber used a charm skill yet again. Giving Sleipner a nudge he quickly leaves the area feeling annoyed and with pent up energy that he wants to release, riding into town with a serious expression and stopping by the unfinished prison building.

Drakon is currently overseeing the interrogation reading a piece of paper, he has a serious expression on matching Jack as he passes the piece of paper to the young man that just entered the room.

"Lord, he's from a village not too far from here about to become a town that has ties to Apricot Town and a player called... 'Ausgezeichnet'" he struggles to pronounce the name.

The player name means nothing to Jack but Apricot Town is certainly memorable, his thoughts go back to Jessica and how she has asked several times for Jack to go back to her village for a visit but he hasn't had the opportunity, cracking his knuckles while dragon qi leaks from his body he speaks up; "What do you think of us going to take on this 'council' starting today, right now?"