Chapter 79 – Visions and Darkness

Jack watches the black rabbit under the cloak of darkness, but when he turns around to look at the white and silver rabbit again, it has changed form into a beautiful rabbit-human woman wearing similar priestess clothing to the other bunny girl that just stabbed him.

He wants to step forward when the girl turns around to look at him, he's startled by her beauty as he looks like an older and more mature version of bunny girl that he met today, a beautiful appearance but she looks tired and worn. He looks at her for several moments when a strange sensation is felt by his wait, reaching into his robe he's able to feel the 'Fang of the Night-Demon' there, it's vibrating.

He pulls out the dagger, but strangely it turns into a shadowy figure. The shadow figure brushes up against his eyes causing them to haze over, unnoticed to him, as he watches the familiar back walk away from him. It's the woman that he saw within the tunnel travelling here and had been hiding within the ring. She walks over to the tree stump without turning around, not allowing Jack to see her face still but he can see her tight-fitting clothes.

The vision before Jack descends into a dark haze as the shadowed woman walks toward the tree stump, Jack watches this in a daze when strangely the entire scene shifts.

The scene before Jack shifts into a scene of a welcoming ceremony, large banners hang over a gigantic roadway saying "Welcome back LORD!".

He's confused about the shift in the scene but strangely, it feels natural as he steps forward none the wiser, waving to the massive crowds of people here to see him.

The two girls standing before the tree stump look at Jack walk forward with uneasy steps as his eyes have a strange dark haze over them. The large tree stump that they're standing before has a large transparent, illusory moon on it that has strange geometric patterns on it.

Jack waves at the crowd but a clatter in front of him draws his attention, the roadway before him leading to a large stage where countless people are waiting for him has its path blockaded by many knights and soldiers wearing blurry armour but one thing is blatantly clear, they're his enemy.

He doesn't feel threatened by all these people as he feels around his robe for a weapon, strangely finding that a dagger is within his hand already.

Outside the vision, Jack has shut his eyes, but he has taken 'Fang of the Night-Demon' from his robe. The bunny girl is desperately marking the scroll placed on the table covered in blood, Jack hasn't moved since the vision started thus she doesn't notice his actions.

Inside the vision, Jack holds the dagger inspecting it, it looks like an ancient grey looking blade with a distinct pattern of a moon on the hilt. He doesn't recognise the blade, but a single slash gives him all the information he needs.

This is an incredibly good blade.

His hazed over eyes look at the crowd of armoured people before him, not noticing that the crowd of applauding on lookers has disappeared with the scene replaced by a ruined and bloodied city, he smiles and launches into battle with the knights and warriors.

Jack smiles and laughs as he engages the knights and warriors without almost a care in the world.

The blade contacts the metallic plate mail easily piercing through it without pause, Jack smiles and looks at the incredible blade that is shimmering in an almost ghostly manner under the midday sun but a strange thought creeps up in the back of his mind.

'Where did I get this blade?'

Jack looks at the blade with a frown for a split moment before turning toward the sun with a raised eyebrow. The enemies rushing toward him force him to act as he continues slicing necks with the grey blade.

Slicing hundreds of people that have rushed toward him but his trudging feet always move forward, toward the stage coming into view through the thick crowd of people.

He has no difficulty slicing through this crowd that poses almost no risk making his way to the stage.

Standing before it and looking up at the stage where a pure silver giant face is looking down at him, it seems like it's yelling things at Jack but he cannot hear it as its blurry lips move in rhythmic patterns.

Jack only cares about one thing at the moment, These people are his enemy and are stopping his path forward!

The face stops moving its blurry lips as its eyes glow brightly when a thick beam of bright silver light shoots toward Jack.

The air splits apart as the white wide beam approaches him quickly, a grey dust trails behind it. It seems fast but Jack also perceives it as slowly travelling toward him, the grey dagger vibrates while the young man doesn't attempt to dodge it opting to face it head on.

Bringing the grey dagger before him, he steps forward inside this hazy vision to meeting the beam as he's not afraid of it.

The dagger meets the beam where it strangely splits the beam in half down the middle; he uses this chance to mount the stage and strike at the face before it has another chance to shoot that beam again.

It breaks down into a pile of grey hazy substances, he's left wondering what's going on but as he turns looks behind him for a split moment, an intense pressure comes over him as he feels a gaze on the back of his head. Uncontrollable sweat comes down his back as he can see an outline of a giant figure.

Left with no option he faces forward, as he's almost forced to, where the ruined landscape and dead bodies have been replaced with a cheering crowd, overlooking the hazy crowd cheering for him Jack feels nothing wrong with the scene as he waves out at them again.

A strange sensation comes over his hand as foreign qi flows into his meridians through the dagger wound, it easily integrates into the grey qi floating around his body but that's not all as each pulse of qi leaves something behind.

A tiny miniscule speck of blood slowly forming in his dantian, gathering within his meridians and veins.

The dagger piercing through the two of them glowing a bright silver colour as the bunny girl sitting at the table has sweat pouring down her forehead as she yells out "Disperse, Please! Come on! Disperse!" at the scroll.

Outside the Jade Palace, the energies of Heaven and Earth gather, causing the environment to dim. No one inside the palace can notice this. The strange letters on the scroll dim as the white dagger glows brighter in a bright and pure silver colour.

Sweat pours down her forehead causing her clothing to cling to her revealing the various glowing geometric patterns on her body as shift about becoming more intricate and almost like giant ancient letters.

A crest develops over her chest and forehead in a particular shape.


Inside the vision, Jack faces the crowd with his face adorned in a friendly smile, but the crowd suddenly becomes still and quiet. A strange pattern develops around his pupils, not seen for some time, rainbow petals appear surrounding his iris as the crowd and vision becomes obscure and feels much further away.

He feels his balance thrown off when outside the vision, a giant arm briefly flickers into existence behind the two of them disguising the rumble of thunder far in the distance as it breaks down a wall.

Neither of them react to this as massive amounts of qi from the bunny girl and dagger flow through Jack's enlarged veins to the point of saturating them twice over as she winces, using her finger to write characters that would be readable to Jack if his eyes were open.

Jack regains his balance looking at the faraway crowd when they suddenly kneel giving Jack pause after basking in the feeling of being a giant, a pure silver beam of light comes down from high above.

It bathes his body with a pure and beautiful silver qi, this vision fades away as the crowd applaud comes over his mind.

The hazy fog clears from his colourful eyes as he can see where he is, the vision with the two bunny girls. He has mounted the tree stump where broken silver shards surround his feet.

The shadowed one is staring at him with beautiful eyes giving him a first look at her face but finds it's still shadowed, the mature woman next to her is already kneeling but with her head lowered not allowing him a chance to look at her face.


He attempts to ask what is going on but a giant beam of light comes down from above bathing the area in pure energy.

The pure silver energy is penetrating deeply into his body as he's standing there, the energy bathing his meridians and pores in a strange and new energy. The energy infiltrates every nook and cranny as it repairs and nourishes every aspect of his body with an ancient and timeless qi.

The petals around his iris spin as information flows into his mind about the history, culture, techniques, arts and skills of an ancient race called the Imperial Moon race.

His mind is absorbing rapidly this information as he learns more about this ancient race that existed trillions of years ago yet it he feels strange as his mind doesn't feel overloaded learning about all this information including about the cultivation techniques attached to this race.

It's like something else is handling the task for him as he looks at the girls with his quickly rotating colourful eyes. A deep orange glow comes from deep within his forehead, giving him a mysterious charm when combined with the various stars already there.


He looks out at the night sky; it looks normal as the beam of light continues. Information about an ancient technique that uses pure Moon qi flows into his mind.

The bright silver energy is almost entirely pure moon qi, but it's not all benefits as he needs to either abandon all his cultivation so far and adopt this qi as the primary type or find a way to balance the pure moon qi with another type of qi or perhaps find another method as his body will become saturated soon.

He looks down at the girls below him have their heads lowered as he exudes the pure silver glow, the two girls are bathed in two different colours as one has an impure silver qi while the other one is bathed in a dark grey, almost black qi.

'The two... were the one' a woman's stilted voice comes over his ear. 'The two were the one?' he mutters inwardly to himself.

He works his brain to resolve this problem, but he comes up blank. The only option is to send the qi elsewhere, so gritting his teeth he prepares to bear the pain of forcing what he's about to do.

Looking down at the shadowed girl, he holds the 'Fang of the Night-Demon' as he circulates the dark grey qi around his body forcing it through his arm and into the dagger itself. The dagger responds to it by feeding the energy back, his body is quickly becoming filled with the pure silver qi coming from above.

He looks toward the other girl, the kneeling bunny girl that reminds him of the girl that stabbed him, he circulates a cycle of the grey qi around his body before forcing it to enter the white dagger; the dagger responds by sending the grey qi back showing that his idea will work.

His pure silver qi has nearly saturated his body and not wanting to waste any of it he has little choice in the matter as he prepares for the next step.

Gritting his teeth he forcefully pushes the silver qi through his meridians and into the two daggers, the two daggers glow incredibly brightly within the vision but as he forcefully pushes the pure silver qi, he can feel that they are sending back their respective grey qi and dark grey qi.

Unaware of what's truly happening, the young man's body groans as blood leaks from nearly every orifice but he pushes it, forces the silver qi along his veins and up into the daggers. The sensation of his entire body's interior burning up and then instantly being healed causes agony,

His eyes are shut as the rainbow petals around his iris spin around as grits his teeth and waits for the process to be over. His meridians, veins and pores scream out while being reshaped and forcefully adapting to the introduced elements or new qi flowing back into his body via the daggers.

Strangely, the silver qi is healing everything it touches as it flows through Jack's body, his veins being etched by the unknown non-fire qi flowing through them.

Jack inspects his body and finds out there is a drop of blood surrounding his dantian that is new, he doesn't have time to inspect it but it feels related to the grey qi. His divine sense travels from the dantian and explores the damaged areas that are being healed watching the etching process in real time.

More information about the first level of the cultivation technique flows into his mind bringing his mind out from the interior of his body, most of the cultivation technique is useless but there is one skill he can learn now.

'Moon Shadow Step'

His body becomes illusory in a grey haze while holding the two daggers, it only lasts a moment when he reappears with sweat pouring down his body as he tries the skill again. A black substance covers his body this time, almost causing him to disappear into the shadows on the ground by his feet.

This is the limit of his understanding at the moment because the cultivation technique he is getting information about uses the Pure Silver Moon qi while the two types of qi that flow around his body are type lesser types of moon qi, Moon Qi or Moon Yin Qi and Moon Shadow Qi or Moon Yang Qi.

As his veins adapt to the two qi types, an energy coming from deep within his forehead seeps out causes the giant figure to adopt a grey shimmer as it becomes less transparent moving away from the wall and surrounding Jack unknown to them.

The bunny girl's free hand is a blur as it desperately marks the parchment with strange symbols. Her eyes close for a moment as she winces from the sound loud sound of the lightning and the cracking barrier.

She grits her teeth and leans toward, "NOW!".

She pulls the dagger out of the scroll as the crystal it was piercing it still softly glowing but appears to be almost out of energy; she pulls the white dagger out of their hands when the piercing wound are covered with the pure silver qi and visibly healing.

The removal of the dagger throws Jack out of the vision and into the real world, he opens his eyes as the rainbow petals around his iris spin around before looking around. He can feel his hand is perfectly fine and hanging by his side, he looks at the girl who has sweat pouring down her head beside him.

'User, Warning Heavenly Energies exceeding….'


Jack nearly jumps up in shock from the sound of the lightning hitting the barrier outside, it's an enormous difference between before the vision and now.

"YOU I NEED YOU NOW!" The bunny girl yells.

Jack looks down at the parchment, it's strangely readable to him as the bunny girl fiddles with the enormous crystal weakly glowing on top of it. A large silver crystal covered in red splotches.

The top line of the parchment reads, 'Seven Heavens Binding Contract - Guardian Spirit' causing him to raise an eyebrow wanting to ask about it but as her serious and anxious expression causes him to hold back his words.

He looks around the room quickly, he can see that part of the wall has collapsed on the far side strangely.

"Place your spirit marking at the bottom of the contract quick!" she yells.

'Use your divine sense' Xueli announces to him.

Jack quickly places his finger at the bottom of the parchment along with his divine sense thread, a strange symbol appears at the bottom.

The bunny girl writes the ending line, her fingers elegant flow along the single line as she signs her name giving Jack his first chance to read it.

'Selena Portia Lunamarie Heliuso Tialak Kallius Reguld Ne-'

A crest appears on her forehead while a marking appears on Jack's finger, a small mark similar to the one that appeared on the paper. She has a relieved expression on her face as she is just about to finish marking the final word but her body suddenly freezes.

Jack tries to move but finds that his own body is also unable to move not even his eyes as he is stuck looking at the parchment and his finger with the strange almost completely filled mark, it just misses a last part.

"Oh, I was wondering why you were so eager to get me down in the Treasury, I hope you didn't summon the Dongshu Family avatar as part of your distraction"

The bunny girl cannot move but Jack can tell that she's panicked just from her breathing, a heavy laboured breath.

Jack attempts to use his divine sense to see who it is; it's the young boy from before.

The young boy suddenly points at the parchment on the table, "Do you think I'll let you finish the contract?"

A single tear drops from the bunny girl's eye. Jack and her are both still frozen where they sit, but Jack can feel her sorrow.

Jack struggles against this feeling as it's the second time today that he has been bound by an invisible energy today and he's getting sick of it. He focuses inwardly and tries to circulate any power that he can when the deep orange glow within his forehead gets stronger.

A shimmering of grey haze appears as the giant figure's arm that appeared previously reappears. It gets shimmers in a dark grey haze getting stronger as Jack circulates any power he can. The 4 types of qi flow around his body empowering it while the orange glow gets clearer, a formless worldly qi containing no principles but binding flows out.

The giant dark grey arm appears as energy flows from Jack's body into the giant figure like it's linked to his arm somehow, the bunny girl's body has countless geometric patterns glowing as sweat drips from her forehead as if in response to what Jack is doing.

A complete circuit qi circulation happens between the two of them without the dagger combining them anymore. Jack doesn't have any time to work out what's going on as the something weird happens with the boys finger.

The young boy's finger develops a strange effect as a perfectly straight line that looks like space has folded over itself appears almost instantly crossing the space between them approaching the contract sprawled out on the table.

Jack and the bunny girl are shocked at the power contained within this shot yet still unable to move, but Jack upon seeing her melancholic expression makes a split moment decision.

He can either let this small boy before him do as it pleases or Jack can do as he wants and deal with the consequences.

He forces the power deep within him, not holding anything back as the grey energy that contains an ancient principle fills the room. The geometric patterns on her body shimmer as the rainbow iris surrounding his pupils spin faster and faster.

'A01' doesn't care as he focuses on the parchment, the line almost instantly crosses space but suddenly a giant dark grey arm intercepts the beam with an explosion of two different principles filling the room.


Jack sputters some blood up as his rainbow eyes look at the little boy who has a furious expression on his face.

The little boy suddenly disappears, Jack feels around with his divine sense for the boy.

He reappears closer to the table; he points at the parchment again.

Jack tries to react to this movement, but it's far too quick, he attempts to swing out with his arm but it's too slow.

Another lot of folded over space appears but the sound of the barrier breaking down comes from above causing a shocked expression of nearly everyone in the room as they look up.

Jack and the bunny girl are given no time to react, Jack covers their body with the protective grey arm as his body becomes see-through while attempts to use newly learnt 'Moon Shadow Step' in an attempt to free up their bodies.

'A01' looks up and his eyes go wide, a gigantic lightning bolt of multiple colours comes crashing down.

Several thousand glass-like thin barriers appear above between them and the quickly approaching bolt.


The lightning bolt comes crashing down freeing their bodies from the movement restrictions, Jack's body hurt and his arm has a fresh hole in it but as he looks at the bunny girl, he can see her with a slight smile.

The very moment she could move, she has finished the contract, signing her name causing the crest over her forehead to complete and disappear.

Their bodies are thrown to either side of the room as darkness comes over Jack's vision with a hint of purple, gold and black causing him to nearly pass out. He threw almost everything into his actions just now.

Struggling to stay awake, he looks toward the roof but the roof has disappeared as countless barriers are floating in the air between the ground and the top of the barrier giving Jack a sense of the raw power involved just now.

The dark rumbling clouds clear up as Jack's pupils return to normal with a last message, 'User, Heavenly energies will exceed permitted range soon, seek solution before further usage of Yunis System'

He coughs up a mouthful of blood in an attempt to ask what that is, but he knows that it won't respond to him, he turns over to look at the destroyed and blackened room not noticing his finger has the completed strange symbol on it.

'A01' or the little boy is fine standing there, he doesn't even look at Jack as he holds his hand out and grabs the air as the scroll that is still intact flies to his hand, he has a neutral expression as he reads it.

Selena, the bunny girl, slowly stands up unhurt from the explosion that landed in the room. Her gaze turns toward Jack in while her eyes appear watery looking at him crumpled on the ground, Jack protected her with his own body but she doesn't move awaiting 'A01' to speak more.

"Perhaps we were too hasty there, congratulations on finding a loophole."

'A01' closes the scroll while Selena closes her eyes preparing for him to destroy the scroll but it floats softly over to her. She grabs it and looks at it with a smile before hugging it tightly.

'A01' looks at the sky, endless strange black liquid is seeping in through a large crack in the protective barrier but with a simple snap of his fingers. The hole is repaired.

The lightning has stopped and the heavenly energies have stopped gathering, leaving it a pleasant day through the hole in the roof of the Jade Palace.

"That means I am free to leave?" She asks, her hand holding the scroll shivers.

"Yes you can leave, your task is done here but really well done if this was your plan, degrading yourself into that mans plaything just to escape the treasure of your race. My hand are unfortunately tied by your actions, I cannot harm you due to being bound by the upper system and I cannot do anything to your new Master as he is a participant here"

The bunny girl breathes a sigh of relief, Jack also feels a wave of relief knowing that he wont need to act anymore now.

"That doesn't mean you are allowed to stay here, goodbye"

Jack and the bunny girl aren't given any time to react as a rainbow shimmer surrounds their body and they feel like they are falling, the familiar feeling of being teleported only lasts a few moments when Jack and Selena roughly land on the ground but their surroundings are entirely pitched black not allowing them to see anything as Jack's body emits a soft golden glow offset with a subtle dark grey glow.