Chapter 94 - Lunch and a show

Amber steps forward, "Yes, you can help us. We have a reservation."

The lead server's expression darkens, it looks like he's about to yell at Amber when his eyes look behind Amber and Jack. His expression suddenly lightens up.

"Of Course, Of course" the lead server's expression tone becomes happier as he clicks his fingers.

Several new servers appear, the lead server speaks to them quietly for a few moments then turns to attention towards Jack with a brand new expression. He looks much younger and friendlier than before.

"This way, this way. We'll prepare the best food, please follow us."

The servers bow and create a corridor, Jack feels awkward but holds it back as he walks forward being almost dragged by Amber. Her personality has changed so much since coming here but it's still her thumb into wrist at times exposing her original personality.

"Don't enjoy this too much, you either give me a baby or give me my own squad."

Jack coughs as they're walking up the steps, "What?"

Amber giggles, "Come on my Lord, we can't dawdle too much. I know these young lords like to take their time to eat, you need to hurry up, but don't forget what I said."

The people behind them mutter amongst themselves taking a moment to come to a decision, Jack raises an eyebrow to Amber quietly trying to relay a message but she ignores it turning towards the people chasing after them.

The group of wealthy young people are now almost running up the three-flights of stairs yet as they reach the top of the stairs many of them lean over and pant while one of them looks as though they'll pass out.

Amber speaks with the brown-haired girl for a few moments before coming back to Jack standing by some paintings, "Everything is fine, they just thought it was a custom to arrive at the top of the stairs in order of importance."

"Are they going to continue acting like that?" Jack whispers to Amber causing her to smile and walk towards the attendant on this floor. Jack frowns at her but is drawn into conversation with the group of followers.

Jack gives them some inane responses to their idiotic questions as he watches Amber.

Amber has a few calm and quiet words with the attendant that is standing on this floor keeping them there, "Wait here please, we need to ensure the booth is ready."

The attendant turns around but Amber raises her voice as she speaks, "If it weren't ready by now then you have already failed your jobs."

Amber walks away from the attendant and enters the largest double doors on the floor, she opens to a large white curtained room that is bathed in beautiful sunlight that enters through the large windows that open onto small balconies filled with flowering plants.

There are about 40 chairs set up around a few tables, but there's no one sitting in them. People on the perimeter are currently placing flowers and other ornaments, but there is no food is on the tables.

"Alright, you guys out."

Amber shouts, her voice echoing in the ears of all the workers including Jack. He can hear a gasp and light clapping from the people behind them, he feels tired of them already as he hears one of them cheer on Amber. The workers stop and look at Amber, many of them look angry but when their eyes get drawn to the lead server who is signalling for them to leave, they can only leave with defeated expressions.

"Cool, so what do they have to eat here?" Jack asks as Amber returns to his side.

"Wait to find out" Amber quietly whispers to him as she leads him in to the room, the workers aren't willing to make eye contact as they walk by the group. Jack feels strange as he passes by the two of them but he cannot say anything as Amber leads him to the lead throne-like chair at the head of the tables.

All the other chairs are empty yet he still feels strange gripping the leathery padding on the chair, his gaze looks out at the room and then towards the follower of Amber and Jack take their own seats without prompt yet they're silent as the neatly take their own seats looking at Jack now and then.

The lead server steps forward and speaks to Jack, "Lord, we have cuisine from all around... it's slightly restricted right now but we can boast a wide selection of goods from around the world. The eastern swamps crabs and south ice fields tuna, those are not even available through the system either. We have many other types of meat too and we'll serve you many types, served as a delicacy and in many styles…."

"Good" Jack nods his head sending whispers about the room.

"Of course, Lord." the lead attendant exits the room while some new servers enter the room and distribute some snacks and wine. It's small pieces of bread and nuts, pieces of fruit and perhaps cheeses?

Jack inspects the cheese that's part of the platter before him, it's gooey appearance is strange as he puts it down and grabs a glass sniffing it.

"Is there any beer? Something more than wine?"

"Beer... I think that's related to ale? They should but it's strong, oh perhaps the dwarves will like it" Amber speaks to him while the servers take the orders of the various people.

"Ugh whatever, I've gotta head back to the real world soon and won't be able to experience this anytime soon..." Jack downs the glass of wine.

The people in the room gasp, "Wow, such elegance in a single gulp without spilling it."

"That's elegance?"

"I don't know?"

"It has to be, look at his presence just siting there..."


Jack can hear their quiet conversations amongst themselves, he's not sure if they're purposefully raising their voice or his spiritual sense is just picking it up. He tries to filter them out by trying out more food before putting them down unable to enjoy their flavours.

"So can you tell me more about your past? I can't relate to the usual you to this..." Jack quietly whispers to Amber.

"Not yet... you have to give me what I asked for."

The doors in the far corner of the room swing open quietly, the lead server walks forward but sees Jack and Amber in their current close proximity so doesn't make his presence known immediately.

"What? The things you asked earlier?"

"Yes, tell me... which one?"

Jack's eyes are drawn over to the server who is holding two large pieces of meat in his hand, the two pieces of meat look delicious as he can almost smell them from this distance. He compares the two pieces of meat trying to decide which one he would like as his mouth forms the word and quietly emits the word, "both... maybe."

"Uh wait, I mean, I have to talk with everyone else first..." Jack is speaking his thoughts while catches up with what he just said trying to save the situation.

Amber grabs his arm, "Well that's an option" she giggles as her face seems happier than usual, Jack wants to correct the misunderstanding but at some level perhaps it was true. His mind wanders for a moment again considering future implications before shaking it to focus.

"We're going to have a lot of things to talk about when we get back…" Jack downs another cup of wine as he looks around at the people who are talking between themselves. They've left Amber and him alone for such a long time and some of their eyes are darting to Jack a lot.

The lead attendant walks into the room opening the door loudly, their hands are filled with the two types of meat dishes that Jack is most looking forward to yet that's not all as many other servers with plates filled with other meats, fishes and other types of food.

The foods pile up quickly to an almost food mountain before the group, they're all well-cooked and dripping with juices and fats as the gleam in the sunlight. The whole thing is very decadent.

"Let's eat then, if we want to inspect the marketplace and let you guys head back to your families."

Amber speaks out as she grabs several plates of food, she piles them up before Jack before tending to the other people in the crowd. Each of them get their own meal made by Amber as they say something quietly to her, Jack could spy on their conversations but he doesn't to. Their expression is enough, it's like they're giving their opinion and perhaps today so far has been a test of something.

Amber sets down her own food, she has a pleased smile on her face and quietly mouths towards Jack, "Thanks."

"Let's eat!" Amber shouts not allowing Jack a chance to speak, some of the people in the crowd frown upon hearing Amber announce it quickly but the others dig into their food. Their hands are a blur as their plates are emptied quickly and refilled.

Jack smiles at seeing them act so familiarly, compared to the usual people he meets they're relatively simple as they try to get to know him or impress him, but he does wonder how Amber relates to them.

The meal continues for sometime as time passes, several plates have been emptied but no one is finished as they refill their drinks.

"So Amber? Can you tell us what you do?"

"I just handle some domestic affair. The city is still growing and the region barrier is limiting us. We're ready to grow, I think."

Jack nods as he listens to this, the other people gasp in amazement as Amber describes the relatively simple layout of the bureaucracy inside the village that she's aware of. Nothing too detailed, but enough to give them the sense that it's not like how things are in this city.


The loud knocking interrupts conversations. Everyone looks towards the door, then to Jack.

"Come in" Jack announces, the door swings open quickly as the lead attendant comes in with a sweat coming down his forehead.

The lead server pats his head with a cloth as he approaches Jack's table and whispers, "Lord, someone wishes to see you..."


"I don't know, but he wants to talk about the item you have. That's all he relayed to me."

Jack touches the leather pouch, Xueli has taken the most valuable item yet the actual item related to the auction, the one that was on the list. He scratches his chin and feels that it's still disguised giving him some leeway with being recognised yet if it's someone that has any sort of power…

"How many are there?" Jack asks after arriving at no decision.

"There's 5 of them, Lord."

"Send them on up" Jack smiles as he continues to eat his food.

The lead server wipes his brow again and walks down the stairs, Amber grabs Jack and whispers to him.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing fun but... well this should be fine, no fighting is allowed right?"

"Yes, especially this close to the auction plaza…" Amber pauses for a moment, "Why?".

Jack pulls her closer, causing her to lose her balance. She falls into his embrace as the people walk through the door; her face brightly blushes while Jack sizes up their faces.

3 of them are black hooded, their eyes unable piercing through but giving them a lifeless feeling. The other 2 are a young man and short fat man, Jack briefly sends out his spiritual sense to inspect them. He frowns as Amber pulls herself away from him; she opens her mouth as though to say something but can see that Jack is looking at the doorway seriously, keeping her mouth shut in the end.

Jack can feel a familiarity with the short fat man, yet Jack can feel that the short fat man's gaze does not linger on him as they all look at Amber who is still bent over him.

"What do you want, I am enjoying this lunch with these fine people and you are interrupting us. Look at what you made happen, are you planning on reimbursing us?"

The short fat man holds the young man back, one of the hooded people speak, "SILENCE! We are here to collect from you!"

"Oh, what are you here to collect?" Jack asks with disinterest.

"What your people stole, idiot!" the young man yells.

"Young Lord, control your emotions."

Jack raises an eyebrow towards the mention of young man but cannot recognise him. The young man's face turns red as the short fat man speaks to him in a whisper. One of the hooded people speak up in their strange raspy and lifeless voice, "the item in your possession is ours."

All eyes are on Jack and Amber, yet Jack helps Amber up from his lap with careful movements, careful and slow. She has escaped from his lap and fixes up her clothing, yet Jack isn't done as he fixes up his shirt from where Amber wrinkled it and some food spilt.

Everyone is waiting for him, yet he doesn't care as he squints towards the intruders, "What's mine is mine. If you wish to take what's mine, then we'll fight."

"Oh fight? Let me fight, he wanted to fight so let's go." the young lord has a dark qi surrounding him.

The fat man trying to control him sighs, "Young lord, control your temper."

"Ever since that bitch from Apricot Town was stolen, I haven't found who did it. Maybe this is the guy I'm looking for."

Jack stops what he's doing and looks at the young lord closely now, he feels his blood boiling upon remembering the qi now. It was the cave with the Dark Elf, the puppets and the soul crystal. It's all related to Jessica and this guy. The fat guy must be the young lord's helper that did the final attack…

"Lord, I'm sure he's not..." the fat man speaks to the young lord.

"You're not strong enough." Jack speaks bluntly. All eyes return to him yet he sits there unperturbed by the disturbances going on. He takes a sip of wine and places it down on the table, Jack's eyes not leaving the young lord's eyes.

The young lord becomes enraged, "strong enough? I'll show you!".

The young lord's hands move in the air making several symbols appear, the atmosphere darkens as the dark qi enters the atmosphere. A chilliness comes over the environment as people look at the ball that gathers, no one tries to stop the man as it gathers the energy.

"Do you want me to use this? This shadow ball?"

"Shadow ball?" Jack asks, pushing away from the chair.

"Yes, this Level 4 skill, only people in the XianTian can learn this skill, but I could master it before, Come over here and kowtow to your daddy. I'm superior to you" the young master laughs as he sees Jack standing up.


Jack suddenly 'bunny dashes' backwards then forwards at incredible speed, his spear appears from no where covered in fire qi. It has pierced through the middle of the shadow ball gathering in the young lord's hands. Few in the room could follow the movements, but it doesn't stop them from gasping at the result.

The shadow ball quickly disappears as Jack eyes down the fat man who has placed his hand inside his robe, Jack doesn't break eye contact with him.

The fat man doesn't move.

The young master collapses as his shadow ball collapses, his body is exhausted as he crawls to the short fat man, clinging to him pleading, "Help help, kill him! He insulted me!"