Back at the village, Jessica and Lunamarie attend a dinner with Mai, the table is riddled with mostly leaf items as Lunamarie appears to enjoy it. Mai is fascinated by the new bunny girl munching away on the leafy items as her smiles as wide. The little girl is messy from a long day doing something neither of them know about, Jessica takes a slow bite of some food as she looks around the table.
"Well, this isn't much of a meal, he basically brought you here last night and left..."
"Well, I don't mind, not having to talk to him is a load off my mind."
"Are you guys talking about big brother?"
"Will he come back soon? It's already nearly night time, and he's not back... If he's not back by night time, then what will happen?"
"Maybe nothing will happen, I really want to try to sell all those pills I made today. I want to try to quickly get out of here and find how to get back..."
"Let us hope that nothing happens, but we'll have to prepare as though it will. Jack said that he'd be back by tonight but he might get tied up in something, do we have more of those demon suppression flowers Mai?"
"Umm... you mean the gold and black ones?" Mai chews her food and speaks between bites.
"Yes, we used some of them in the pill making today, but when we went to get more there was a shortage."
"Oh... yes, I took them." Mai continues to eat normally.
"Ok, want to tell us where?"
"I used them."
Jessica exhales slowly out of her nose, "You used them productively right, can you make some more?"
"Sure did, they're everywhere. I can make some more but not today, I'm tired so I just want to wait until Big Brother comes back but if he's not back before it comes..."
"Ok... umm, what is it?"
"The creature in the pond... it's coming. It's scarier to the one on the outside."
"What?" Jessica asks as Lunamarie watches silently.
"Umm.... big brothers... wife, you have to go look for yourself. It's confusing, big sister would know the words but where is she?"
"Leah is... trying to save everyone so she'll be back once that's taken care of."
"Really? Why isn't she here though?" Mai looks to be developing tears in the corner of her eyes.
Jessica gets out of her chair and consoles Mai, "It's ok, Jack will be back here soon and you're having more fun here than if you'd be with your elder sister right?"
Mai sniffles and nods, "Un".
"So you just need to worry about making sure you're prepared for when Jack... your big brother shows up again. He's going to take care of everything and if not, then I'll be here and so will this bunny girl stuffing her face."
Lunamarie chokes on her food, "Wha?"
Jessica and Mai giggle as Lunamarie swallows down the food, "We'll both be here for Mai, right?"
"Oh yeah, of course. Mai, you can always count on us" Lunamarie smiles and gives a thumbs up.
Mai hides behind her hands, "How can I be sure you guys aren't just saying that?"
"Well... you can never be sure, you can only place you trust in someone. We will never want to hurt you so... you can place your trust in us... that's if you like us..." Jessica quietens her words.
"Oh I like you, especially bunny girl, but elder sister always moves us around so I don't want to miss you too much when we move on..." Mai wipes her tears, Jessica helps her.
"Well... even I worry about that but, sometimes having that person to miss is better than not knowing them."
"Huh?" Mai tilts her head.
Jessica smiles, "It's because you miss them that makes it worthwhile, they were important to you" she reaches down and hugs Mai.
Mai fights against her for a moment before settling down, her arms wrap around Jessica and her breathing gets heavy. Jessica softly pats the little girls back as Lunamarie watches on from the distance in silence.
"Make sure you're rested up for tonight because if Jack needs you then you'll need be ready."
"Ok sister... elder sister..." Mai hides while Jessica smiles giving Mai another hug.
"Rest up" Jessica says as she leaves Mai at the table. The little girl has red eyes but she is eating her food with a happy smile on her face.
"Do I have to stay up tonight too?"
"Bunny elder sister... umm haven't you looked outside or have you been inside all day?"
"I've been inside most of the time but it's just dark outside isn't it? I want to know what's going on with that plant outside, I know those herbs and seeds. That seed shouldn't be able to do that."
Jessica and Mai look at one another, they both have an smile on their face as they wait for the other one to talk.
"There's a few things going on outside, so be prepared to see some weird things later..."
"Stupid bunny elder sister..."
Jessica and Mai giggle as Lunamarie smiles too.
"What? Tell me..."
The duo continue giggling as Lunamarie joins in giggling, the tent has a giggling sound within it in contrast to the exterior where there's is just endless darkness, nothing can be seen as the usual red moon has disappeared because the cloud coverage is so thick. It looks not too bad within the village but that doesn't stop them being on edge, curfew is strictly enforced as soldiers run up and down. The military of the town has increased massively after the first day of hunting.
As people were shown the horrors of what was going on the border of Dragon - Phoenix Village they were horrified, this had many effects but the largest one was unity, everyone feels like they should be working towards the single unit. It has slowly ticked up as the darkness increased, it's now night and thousands of soldiers have been deployed on the perimeter of the village to ensure order including around the fields. Everyone is waiting for something to happen yet nothing has happened as the darkness just increases.
The auction frenzy lasts for at least two hours as they go through over 4,000 items including many of the ones that Jack included. He has only spent 5% of what he has earnt today so it has been rather profitable, yet there's nothing to spend the money on... The crowd has settled down as many of them file out of the building either empty handed or with empty pockets and happy faces. Many of them carrying the storage ring with pride.
Everything is taken off the stage, Megan comes back onto the stage with a cheerful face.
"I hope everyone had fun today, this last item will be well, the last time. If we could have more items then I would but the time is getting late and the sun shall set shortly."
"Can we see you again Megan?"
"Sure, I work here usually. If you want to sell anything then make sure you see me..." Megan looks around the crowd then looks at Jack, she lets out a wink towards him.
Jack's eyes go wide as Megan smiles as looks away, Jan and Teun's faces immediately snap to him.
"What's going on there?" Jan asks.
"Nothing, first time I've been here. Maybe it's because of how much money I've spent."
Teun frowns while Jan gives him a thumbs up, "Good work then".
Jack smiles with an awkard expression and looks towars the stage as Megan continues to speak.
"This item is from the system... yeah from the godly being himself."
The room is in an immediate clamour as they stand up in shock, these items should only be handled by the system so this sort of event having an item like this either means that it's something high level or someone got really lucky and sold it here. Many people are questioning if Megan herself talked to the godly being while many others are asking about the item.
"I can't talk about the Godly Being but I can tell you about the item... kind of. I cannot be used by residents but they can own it."
"That's unfair."
"It will upgrade the rank of a city heart."
"what?" many people gasp in amazement. The players near Jack aren't immune either which he takes note of.
"This was entrusted by the godly being so I please bid responsibly."
"Shit!" can be heard before being muffled quickly, Jack laughs as he raises his hand.
The bidding had started at a lower price but Jack calmly announces, "10 million."
The players on the floor shut up while the ones behinnd him also do, the robed people seem to have disappeared at some point but that's not important. The two players near Jack look at each other before looking at Jack.
"Do you need this item?" the first one asks.
"I guess? I'll need it eventually."
"Hmm well, I guess we'll all need it... eventually. How about about this, we play a game?"
"Oh like what?" Jack asks plainly.
"We name how high we're willing to go?"
"Hmm I have a feeling that wont be enough. Do you have any idea?"
They both look towards Jack, nearly everyone is looking at Jack as the crowd looks on in silence. He's only given a few moments to think about what to when he blurts out the first things.
"Rock paper scissors?"
"I've never had great odds with that..."
"Haha, same."
The group laughs as they each hold a hand up in the air, Jack smiles as they nod at each other.
"On the count of 3?"
"Go for it."
"3." Jack announces.
Jack looks at the other two hands, Scissors and Scissors.
He looks up at his flat hand, "Ahh..." he lets out a sigh in defeat. Many people in the crowd let out a sigh but several of them can also be heard laughing.
"Ok on 3?"
They throw at the same time, Jack watches it closely and cannot spot anything cheating so he's relieved as the result is revealed.
It was rock vs paper, the man with the ridiculous clothing won.
Jack and many of the crowd quietly clap as does Megan, "Here you go, your item for 10 million, unless anyone else wants to bid for it?"
The crowd is silent, no one speaks yet Jack's eyes travel towards the second floor where a muffled groaning can be sound, a frustrated voice that seems to be silenced.
"You win, that concludes the special Easter System auction, please check for updates on your system information... and enjoy The Secret World Online..." Megan bows deeply as many people clap and cheer for her.
An attendant quickly comes and delivers the item to the player, Jack collects the final couple of items he bid on as he looks around the crowd, many of the people around him are not moving yet the crowd of people are proceeding into the lobby area. The attendant doesn't require any payment and he's not too worried about getting paid as he can feel many eyes linger on him from the distance. Unable to pinpoint them, Jack stands up and stretches letting out a yawn.
"Well, it was good to talk to you guys. I gotta head back to where I'm staying, don't want to run into anyone that wants to cause trouble."
The two dutch people laugh, "I don't think you'll have any trouble on that front" they finish off a drink and lean back in their seats.
"Nearly time to begin a 48 hr shift but damn is this relaxing..."
"Yes Teun... relaxing..."