Chapter 115 – Ice Phoenix and White Dragon Combine – Battle Climax.

The pendant on his chest emits a bright colour as time seems to return to normal.




Two gigantic lightning strikes come down at the exact spot where Jack is, the two differently coloured lightning strikes destroy the land creating a charred landscape where nothing looks like it ever lived for thousands of metres. Nothing is left, not even trees in the landscape causing the on-lookers to gasp and some even feel as though there's no way that anyone could have survived anywhere near that.

"He can't be dead..."

"No but who could survive that?"

"Apparently our Lord... how's the movements going?"

"Well... fine but is there any point of that now?"

"We have to focus on finding Lord after that."

"Hey look, it's snowing..."

"Oh yea, I've never seen snow, why is it snowing?"

"Snow, that stuff moving in the sky?"

Everyone looks up in the sky and can see all the fog cleared while snowflakes are falling from the sky, the temperature hasn't changed at all yet there's snow falling down on the ground.

"What does this mean?"

"I'm not sure" Tyson says.

Back on the battlefield, the two crystals remain where they were summoned without moving, their colours a brilliant shimmer dazzling without care of what's happening.

*cough cough*

Jack is standing there with a struggle, his ears are bleeding yet he doesn't seem physically hurt albeit unsteady on his feet.

He makes a sudden turn with his weapon, his jab is easily parried as a blue robed figure is standing before him.

Jack smiles and relaxes his stance, the blue robed person is a girl that he has sometimes come across yet she has never harmed him. Her robe is even more tattered than before while her mask doesn't even hide a third of her face anymore.

"Did you trigger the barrier?"


"That thing didn't trigger the barrier so it can only be you."

The young woman points in a direction, Jack spots the fog gathering around a small portion of the demon ape that was left over.

His eyes go wide in shock as he grabs his spear, the girl just snaps her fingers causing the demon to disappear in a puff of ice.

"I'm not sure what would trigger a barrier that hasn't happened here before, besides what kind of barrier? There's a few formation barriers back at the frontline, are you talking about those?"

The young woman ignores him as she looks around squinting at the charred landscape, "What happened here then?"

"Well..." Jack scratches behind his neck when the young woman gasps.

"WHAT IS THAT? DID YOU ANGER SOME SORT OF GOD?" The woman points into the sky.

Jack squints in the sky, the snowflakes have mostly stopped falling allowing view of a clear sky yet there's a strange sight up there.

A giant figure, it looks like a giant hand coming to press down on this location, it's figure is so big that it looks like it's coming from outer space.

She appears before Jack not caring that her mask has fallen off, "What did you do? Why do you have rainbow iris?"

Jack is left almost speechless looking at her faintly dirty face, her pristine blue her and perfect cute face leave him momentarily stunned and not noticing that she's starring into his eyes.

"Ugh you won't know, come out Halle!" the woman turns away from Jack.

"Uhh who?"

A puff of snow appears on the woman's hand, the little snow glows blue and enlargens becoming a full sized bird that perches on her arm.

"Yo Gabriel, wait I smell a fire phoenix? I thought they disappeared. Wait, that's not all..."

"Halle, we don–

"Come out you dragon, I know you're here and I want to see you" the little blue bird speaks with a feminine voice.


"Come on out!"

"Umm" Jack tries to interject but feels something on his sleeve

'Quit your chirping, I'm here what do you want. I was sleeping.' Xueli appears on Jack's arm then stretches out. She seems slightly different to before yet Jack isn't sure how to say it, it's not like she got stronger but maybe she got shinier.

"Hahaha, you look like this? The mighty dragon has been reduced to this."

'We also have good memories and hold grudges well.'

"Hahaha, you're in this form like a little worm and you say that?"

'I can still roast a chicken well'

"Oh yeah?"

"Guys, enough we need help with what's going on up there!" the woman, Gabriel speaks while pointing up in the air.

"What the hell is that? What is going on Gabriel?"


"Umm, I'm not sure" Jack shrugs as the little snake looks at him.

"We could gather our energy... wait no.... the dragon like this means we wont have enough energy."

'Oh you're worried about that sort of thing, I am more worried about you keeping up as we all know fire overpowers ice.'

"Not when you're like this."

'Try me.'


"What, what's going on?" Gabriel asks the bird.

"We'll gather our energy together, that's about all we can do since this dragon here thinks she can keep up with us."

"Ok come here, we'll need to sync up. We don't have long as it's nearly here. Come here." the bird waves its wing towards Jack. He walks towards the young woman and bird, the temperature feels chilly as his breath develops some ice to it.

"Don't get any funny ideas, concentrate" Gabriel softly speaks to Jack without looking him in the eyes.

"Ok. What are we doing?"

"They know, we just have to help them a little."

Xueli moves towards the Ice phoenix, the two of them face the same direction as a spark of energy appears before them.


'Shut up, again!'

The try the spark again, Jack uses his spiritual sense to feel what's happening as the two sparks appear again and join together. The two small sparks of fire type energies interlink and join together as a two coloured little ball appears before them.

"Lucky, I couldn't go any weaker."

'Concentrate, keep up!' Xueli's voice has a smugness to it as the ball gets larger, a new colour is introduced as the ball gets ten times larger near instantaneously.

"What?" the ice phoenix looks flustered as it glows brightly trying to keep up with what Xueli did as the ball becomes twenty times larger than it started giving it a large size before them.

'Can you keep up?'

"You still have more?"

The bird sounds flustered as the continue to pour energy into the ball, the yellow energy increases the size again and again. The blue fire has increased in size too several times but always lagging, Xueli droops as she tires out, Jack feels a draw on his own energy which he does nothing to hinder. Xueli is using some of his energy to put into the thing too, Jack helps her by focusing on his energy too as it steadily increases in size.

The moments pass by as the ball gets larger and larger, the finger getting ever closing almost indistinguishable from the sky now.

Jack can feel the pressure getting close as he looks up at the sky, "How will we know it's here?"


Jack pushes his energy into it, his various types of energy contaminate the energy ball causing it to shift out of shape and warp.

"It's unstable!"


Jack can feel his heart become heavy as the pendant around his neck glows brightly, Gabriel notices it but she can see his expression looking up so she does the same.

The large figure from above is here, everyone can feel its presence as they look up in the sky.

"Let go!" the ice Phoenix says.

Xueli backs away and collapses off Jack's arm. Jack catches her and watches the ice phoenix.

The ice phoenix is carrying the large ball of energy in its beak but its whole body is glowing as its form becomes larger and larger, it becomes much more beautiful going from the simple looking long tailed parrot to a beautiful fan-tailed blue bird that looks majestic. The ball of energy brimming with multiple colours swirls around in its mouth as it looks up.

The finger breaks the clouds as it comes down, it's gigantic as it compresses the air coming down.

"This energy..." Gabriel mutters as she looks at the finger.

Jack watches the energy get released by the large bird as its form disappears, the huge ball of energy shoots as if it doesn't care about the wind or gravity, it gravity in a straight line up towards the finger.

"Is it enough?" Jack asks quietly, his fists tightening as he looks at the crystals.

The finger presses down as the big ball of energy collides with it, the energy ball is the size of a flea on a dog as it lands on the surface.

A large explosion of light comes from the finger forcing everyone to look away for a moment, the sound hasn't come across the vast distance yet giving them time to prepare yet they watch how it reacts to the energy.

A large hole appears on the surface of the hand, it doesn't seem to have done much as the large black-red and dark-yellow come pressing down.

"Well... what now?"

"I promised Sovereign Leah that I'd look after you so let's go, where's that woman of yours?"

"What? I'm not leaving."

"I have a promise to uphold."

"This is my village and my people, I will sacrifice my life before I leave them."

"Ugh." Gabriel steps before Jack, her body covering him as she looks at him.

"I'm not going anywhere?"

"Don't force me."

Jack and Gabriel stare at each other when Jack's attention is grabbed by the crystals floating behind her, they start shimmering in a different colours as if something is happening with them. The wind starts blowing from above as their hair flutters about in the wind, Jack watches as the crystals glowing gain strength and get brighter for some reason, he watches this as Gabriel scans over the frontline with her spiritual sense.

"Where is she..."

The crystals don't change apart from constantly changing, he looks up at the sky and spots nothing which is strange, the pressure is still there yet it's not as intense as he returns his gaze to the crystals. They seem to have stopped moving as their dazzling colour sits there.

"Where is she... I can't find here. Where is she? What are you looking at?" Gabriel turns around and looks at the crystals, her senses wrap the crystals as she frowns.

'User, process is complete. Please gather dimensional anchor crystals without touching them.'

"What are those crystals?"

Jack is about to move towards them himself when Gabriel does it before him, she turns around and appears before the crystals.

He isn't able to warn her as she reaches out to touch the dark-yellow one, *ZZT*

A spark leaps from her cause her to fly backwards through the air, blood pours out of her mouth as she crashes into Jack, her blood goes all over Jack as he knocked down to the ground by the woman.

Gabriel recovers nearly instantly as she leaps out of Jack's arms in a burst of ice, her body temperature plummits as she stops bleeding as she looks at him with a frown.

Jack wipes his mouth wondering if it's his blood or not as he gets to his feet unsteadily, he ignores her and the strange feeling brewing in his stomach.

His footsteps are slow yet firm as he walks over to them, he stands before the two crystals wondering if that's really it.

'All the issues with lightning could be compressed into these crystals?' he thinks in his mind as he reaches out for the crystals.

Gabriel snickers under her breath as she sees him reaching for the crystals.

His hands touch them as a strange frost comes over the area, his hands start to ice over as a lightning zap makes the ice and crystals disappear.

Jack's mind goes black as the crystals disappear, the pendant around his neck shines brightly and his body disappears.

"Huh?" Gabriel asks as she sees him disappear, but the only response she gets is silence.