Chapter 117 - True Reverse Skyfall Absorption

"Daoist, Daoist, get ready they're coming," a young man wearing a purple robe tugs at a black-haired young man who is standing in a daze.

A crowd of people have surrounded the couple yet every single one of them are staring up in the cloudy sky as though something is about to happen, the young man with black hair blinks his eyes slowly before staring up at the sky without focus.

Impenetrable thick clouds are hovering above crashing about creating booming sounds, the dense pressure simply coming from the presence of the enormous clouds is breath taking yet it seems a common occurrence in the grand scale above. This lasts several moments before strange thick lines develop in the clouds, the people around the young black haired man begin to cheer.

"They have answered us, the dao's caretakers are here. They'll listen to our call."

"Quick begin to pray so that the dao may bless you," the surrounding people kneel down in pray.

The young black haired man blinks confused and opens his mouth, "The dao isn't like that… you cannot see or pray to it…," he mutters.

"Quickly kneel so you may be blessed," a young man grabs the black haired man, he attempts to force the black haired young man down. The black haired young man resists, he doens't allow himself to be pushed down and works his way out of the other persons grasp who has returned to praying.

Everyone is praying to the countless strange worm-like clouds in the sky, the young black haired man looks up at them then down towards the ground at the people in reverent prey to them.

"Idiots," the young black haired man mutters while looking up at the sky frowning.

A spark appears in his hand, many people notice this yet do not move from their spots, the spark increases in strength and noise. It emits a rainbow colour after a moment.

The black haired young man punches forward into the air a few times, "Got it," he yanks his hand down watching the sky with a smug expression.

His expression quickly changes into one of horror as he looks up at the sky, "So many?"

In the sky, thousands upon thousands of giant worms are falling from the sky yet as the young black haired man stands there he doesn't waver, he raises his hand and increases the size of the spark. They appear from everywhere in the endless expanse of a cloudy sky.

"Well hurry up, I don't have all day," he holds his hand up as the clouds-like worms impact the rainbow sparkle, the people do not stand up from their kneeling position not wiling to witness what's going on.

Countless numbers of the worm-like clouds are absorbed into the black haired young man in mere moments, a crackle of lightning above draws some people's attention causing someone to yell out, "They're disappearing!"

Many other people look up, "They're falling!,"

Majority of the people look up, "Where are they going?"

Everyone looks up from kneeling, they witness all the clouds in the sky falling down and disappearing shortly after, "Here, this guy!," someone shouts near the black haired young man.

All eyes are turned towards him holding his palm in the air with a rainbow sparkle, an enormous amount of energy is being absorbed through the palm yet this isn't visible to the other people who simply see someone holding up his palm.

"What are you doing?," someone asks.

"What needs to be done," the black haired young man speaks calmly.

"You cannot do that," someone grabs at the black haired young man who dodges the slow lunge.

The sky is thinning out returning to thick lightning yet a quiet rumble seems to be brewing, the young black haired man keeps his fist raised while looking at the crowd now gathering around him.

"You guys can do this too, it's in the manual under Reverse Skyfall Absorption," the black haired young man speaks.

"We cannot, it will only anger them," someone says nearby.

"We cannot anger them."

"This guy is angering the caretakers,"

"We cannot allow someone to anger the caretakers," someone in the crowd speaks causing a stir sending a wave of whispers about the crowd.

"What do we do?," someone speaks up.

"We must stop him," someone says, "we cannot let him anger the spirits."

A flash of light appears near the black haired young man's head but it's pulled towards and absorbed into the rainbow sparkle coming from his hands, he keeps it raised high in the air as the invisible waves of energy flow into his body.

"Elders! We must inform the elders!"


A bell begins to ring on the exterior causing six robed people to appear on the edges of the crowd, the black haired young man watches them speak to someone for a moment before disappearing then reappearing near him with a soft crackle in the atmosphere.

They surround him with their body each glowing a soft colour, each of them cleanly shaved old aged men with grey hair and stern expressions on their face. The wrinkles and saggy lines in their skin showing their advanced age yet each of their eyes are fierce with a viciousness behind them. Each of them look different yet the same, none stand out more than the other.

"Disciple, stop your actions."

"Why are you telling me to stop? I am simply cleansing them. The manual instructs us in this usage."

"Manual?," an old man mutters while sending a look towards the others.

"Yes, this is called Reverse Skyfall Absorption," the black haired young man's eyes wander over to the old man to his who has moved closer, "this isn't even the full power."

"Can you show us the manual?," someone says on his other side trying to draw his attention.

"No," the black haired young man says finding himself dodging a sudden strike that came from no where. An old man has appeared only a step away holding out several sparking fingers in a strange pattern.

The young black haired man steps backwards to avoid the blow when another strike comes from behind him, he twists his body dodging this slow strike and finds himself in a dangerous position with the other's closing the circle around him. Everyone else has backed far away from the scene watching what's going on.

"Stop what you're doing and let us restrain you!," one of the old men shouts while striking out at the black haired young man.

"Don't hurt him, we need to recover that manual plus that rainbow lightning…"

"It can't be, it's only a legend."

"Get him!"

All of the old robed men suddenly pounce on the black haired young man who mutters something under his breath and disappears from the spot reappearing slightly over one hundred metres away slowing himself down with a trail of dust.

The old men flash and disappear from the spot, the black haired young man bitterly smiles before disappearing from the spot and reappearing in another direction with his hand remaining glowing with the worm-like clouds still falling to the ground.

An old man appears in his pathway again, the young black haired man looks around before another old man appears before him and reaches out grabbing for his body. This leaves the young man with little choice, he raises his glowing hand up to the elder man grabbing for him.

The old man grabbing for him is pushed backwards trying not to touch the rainbow coloured spark, his face panicked as the rainbow sparks get closer to him forcing him to leap backwards.

The group of old men surround the one that was grabbing at the young man, who has now collapsed on the ground none of them seem willing to touch the now unmoving man laying in the dirt. The man's appearance has aged incredibly as though he's now a bag of skin and bones on the ground.

"We have to watch out for that hand, it can absorb our energy."

"Five king's seal?"

"We don't know if it'll solve it, set up a 6th law edict formation, second and fifth elder," one of them says quietly.

The group turns to face two of them who both nod in unison, the group disappears a moment later as the two of them appear on opposite sides of the black haired young man who has returned to absorbing the energy above. The old men's fingers glow in a certain pattern and imprint on the air as they perform several sets.

The young man's rainbow eyes looks between the two of them watching these movements and symbol imprint in the air before a moment later three figures strike out simultaneously in vital spots avoiding his head. One glowing palm is aimed for his heart, one glowing palm is aimed for his lower body while another is aimed for his neck holding a bag of sorts.

The black haired young man's rainbow eyes remain calm watching these people approach him, his body disappears from the spot at the very last moment causing the elders to strike at nothing.

"He knows the flash step…"

"Why didn't he use it before?"

"Shut up and get him, the second and fifth won't last much longer," the group of old men split apart and look for the young man when someone yells.


The young black haired man with rainbow eyes is standing next to the second elder, he blinks a few times watching the second elder up close as the old man begins to heavily sweat. The other's move in a flash as their bodies flash through the air, the young man's rainbow eyes blink looking at these people moving towards him without interest, his facial expression don't move looking at this display of skill.

Two palms and a kick come towards the young black haired man, this time some sort of force is holding him in place making sure he isn't able to move.

"Master truly is an idiot," the young man speaks with a feminine voice, "he thinks this idiot is on the same level as me?"

A second copy of the young black haired man's body appears out of space behind the old men striking at him, they land their blows on his body yet the unexpected happens as it disintegrates into a bunch of light that scatters into nothingness.

"Was that Light-space decoy?"

"It can't be… that'd mean the manual…"

"Get him, he can't be far,"

"I'm not far but you guys are idiots, it's time to end this scene, witness. True Reverse Skyfall Absorption," the feminine voice speaks behind them but they don't have time to turn around as he holds his hand up to the air where a giant rainbow sparkle engulfs the sky above starting from the young man's hand. The entire sky disappears leaving behind a blank black space, the clouds that always existed have disappeared while the weird worms are also gone… that's not all though as all of the people have disappeared too except for the two elders holding the formation.

The two still standing old men look bruised and battered, their bodies bloodied and their expressions horrified as they look at the black haired young man.

"What sort of monster are you?"

The young man looks at the old man with a crazed yet expressionless look, his rainbow eyes give a beautiful yet horrifying contrast, "Those are the monsters," he points upward where the two elders nearly fall down upon seeing the distant yet distinct shape of worm-like creatures in the distance, thousands upon thousands of them dwarf the very planet they're standing on. Their disgusting appearance is completely unlike the cloud-like worms that were previously coming down.

"What can we do?," the fifth elder speaks.

"Nothing," the young man says as the creatures engulf the entire space causing everything to become black where the young black haired no no longer exists, nothing exists yet…

A young woman with rainbow coloured eyes appears looking out at the black space that seems to have wiggling worms everywhere, 'Congratulations Master, you made it… but I still had to save you in the end. Master's dream cannot be spoiled by you I hope you're prepared for when I take your place…'

"Oh did you just twitch bro? You want some of this?," a voice says placing an item on the lips of a young man laying on the ground.

*cough cough*

"What the fuck?," Jack yells as he sits up coughing out some smoke unaware of where he is, he looks around and simply spots bare metal walls completely unlike where he was previously.

"You're up, good. We got some problems, I can't even contact my cousins."


"Bro, just listen. You passed out about 20 minutes ago,"

Jack nods, "Yeah… the lightning…," he cradles his head in pain, "what happened?"

"Well the lightning cleared up but some people showed up,"

"Showed up? Who?"

"I don't know… probably the guys that showed up at your workplace, I was able to drag you over here but that's about it. All the cars don't work."

"How'd they get here then? How'd they find us?," Jack cradles his head nursing his head.

"I wish I knew bro, got any ideas?"

"Talk to them?," Jack says.

"Sure bro, one two three not it."

Jack smiles at this display, "Think we'll be able to run somewhere safe?," his expression turns serious lowering his voice.

"Well you're awake, we'll manage bro," Tom says while rolling something up.

"Alright, lead the way."

Tom lights something up and walks towards the metallic doors, "Alright let's go," he says while smoke comes out.

He kicks open the door revealing an open parking lot with rubble everywhere, garden tools are laid out before the two of them as they look out at the crushed cars and building remains, Tom points in a direction.

"They're wearing black suits and driving in a black suv. I saw two of them there, while 15 of them were on foot over there," Tom says while pointing elsewhere, "the rest are probably still exploring the warehouse we were at."

Jack's eyes gaze out in that direction yet immediately return to Tom, "where is everyone?"

"Probably evacuated, this place was classified as category 0, it was projected to no longer exist after the events, you missed out on all the fun," Tom walks towards a parked car then crouches behind it, he crouches behind another car and repeats it this action despite it not giving him an actual benefit.

Jack walks only a few steps behind ignoring his movements, Tom's red eyes indicate how serious to take this moment for now, yet his eyes are peeled on the wreckage of the quickly coming into view warehouse rubble.

"Shit," Jack crouches down behind a car as their movements round the corner of the one of the other buildings, "they're still at the rubble."

"Yeah bro, but it's cool let's go there," Tom points towards a set of black four wheel drives sitting there with their doors opened not too far from the men on the rubble.

"Really? I think–

–go now, let's go now," Tom pulls on Jack's hand causing the two of them to break into a quiet run out in the open.

Jack had no choice in the matter as he was pulled forward into this exposed position but this also gives him no choice but to focus, he pushes his muscles forward and follows behind Tom who has broke into an olympic class sprint towards the closest car.

The people in the rubble haven't noticed while several other groups seemingly have their back turned at the same moment as the two of them reaches the cars, Tom jumps into the driver seat while Jack jumps into the back seat.

"Ready bro? We gotta get to the airport."

"Yea we gotta go," Jack says while sitting up looking around at the groups of people gathered with various guns including many that should be illegal like submachine guns.

The engine roars into life, several heads turn in its direction but none take action before the car begins to speed away with the roar of the engine allowing it to slowly accelerate to a speed, Tom yanks the steering wheel.


Jack looks up at the noise and spots a hole in the car, "Ah it's gunshots."

"Yeah bro, hang on," Tom yanks the steering wheel again this time climbing over a pile of loose rubble, the bricks and wood don't look crossable but everywhere around looks works. The four wheel drive heads up the rubble rocking about forcing Jack to grab onto the seats for stability, the speed hasn't slowed down either but that's fine compared to what's behind them.


The distant sound of gunshot comes over the car as the rear window is smashed by the bullets, Jack ducks while Tom floors it further causing the car to shudder and launch forward over the top of it, the large car flies through the air for a moment sending Jack forward into the front seat when,


Jack's heart is beating wildly as he looks as where he was sitting, several wooden poles have pierced through where he was just sitting.


The vehicle's engine groans as the wheels spin before finally snapping the wooden pole, Jack scrambles forward to sit in the front seat where he finds himself sitting on something, he removes the items and finds that he's sitting on some guns.

The car is free from being stuck and heads down the rest of the rubble pile, the suspension and shock absorbers completely broken and possibly many tire punctures cause a rough ride yet Jack can only hear his own heartbeat as the car finally rejoins the normal streets with a few cars yet Tom doesn't take a chance turning into many side streets and into a quiet suburban street, he stops the car and looks at Jack.

"Get out."


"They'll have trackers in this car, we'll take one of my spares."

"You live here?," Jack looks out at the expensive looking gated houses that are still pristine.

"Nah, but I got a car I can take over the fence so let's go. If these guys are any good then they'll be here shortly."

Tom exits the car, Jack does too after taking everything out of it and hands some to Tom, who then lights the car on fire, "Let's go."

The young blonde-haired man walks over to a fence leading into a house while Jack follows quickly after, his expression in shock at how quickly the car was engulfed in flames, not even his flames within the game world would work that quickly.

Tom leaps over the fence, "Ah sweet, it's here," is all that's heard followed by the roar of an engine and the opening of a nearby gate.

A lowered red sports car rolls out with a roaring of engine, a Mclaren senna is somehow on the road before Jack, "Get in," Tom says through the tiny little window.

Jack runs to the other side of the car nearly hit by the swinging door and climbs in, Tom doesn't even wait for him to buckle up before he slams on the accelerator causing the engine to roar into life and send the car flying past the burning wreckage of the four wheel drive and down the street.

Jack looks behind and notices several black four wheel drives heading into the street the two of them were just in, they two of the cars split off their direction but given the speed different it won't matter in moments.

The red sports car rounds the corner rapidly and enters the main road heading to the highway, the gears and the speed picks up as the empty highway before them looks strange.

"I've always wanted to do this, damn roads are never open."