Chapter 121 - Another abrupt return...

Jack looks at his arm where there's a familiar tattoo, a strange looking gigantic dragon wrapped around his arm with its eyes tightly shut. He watches it for a moment where its chest heaves up and down slowly as though it's slowly breathing.

"What the fuck is going on?," Jack says out loud as he stands in an incredibly dense forest that seems to be untouched for countless years, "I know you're listening to me White, respond."

'Master, you have returned to the game world. Congratulations, now you will–

"You told me that I couldn't return to the game world, what happened to that?"

'Master's current access is truly strange.'

"That's all?"

'This unit cannot speak to what it does not know.'

"Where am I then?"

'6 regions away from your region, Plains of Sorrows.'

"What? How?"

'The necklace around your neck, it's responsible.'

"How? I asked how."

'After absorbing enough energy your body was sent to another location utilising the main function of the teleportation stone. It's a strange yet normal application of the stone's ability which has been further enhanced with the simplistic dwarven upgrades enabling other functions.'

"Is it still usable, I don't seem to have that energy coming from me anymore."

'You temporarily don't have that energy, the dao's energies were redirected for now but you still have the mark on you.'

"Shit what how long? That thing is going to strike me again?," Jack asks the air incredulously causing many birds to fly away.

'No Master, it wont strike you and the necklace will take 98 days to recharge at your current rate.'

"Oh good 98 days but I don't think I can handle that strike again so whatever," Jack says sarcastically as he holds his hand out in front of him as he looks over the forest surrounding him.

'Master, until you have settled your foundation it is suggest that you refrain from using your usual techniques.'

Jack holds his thoughts, "I'm not able to use my qi or cultivation technique?"

'You can use it Master but it will have adverse affects, luckily Master's learning of Bridging-the-Stars will suffice in the meantime.'

"How are they different? Isn't my body naturally using the qi to enhance itself here?"

'It's about maintaining a stable flow of energy for your body, if you disrupt it then you will crumble your entire progress so far.'

"Shit that sounds serious…hopefully Lunamarie knows the pill technique, fuck how am I going to get back?"

'Master simply needs to remember the news that region travel is going to unlock soon.'

"You told me that it's restricted."

'Master simply needs to show up and and see. Any city heart should tell us what Master needs to know.'

"Hmm," Jack mutters, "is there any city around here?"

'This unit only has knowledge of the nearest system city, roughly 400km south west.'

"What about something smaller?"

'Sorry Master.'

"I see," Jack mutters while looking around at his surroundings, the thick and alive sounding forest surrounding him that almost ignores his presence, "we need to get out of the forest at least."

'Yes Master.'

Jack stands still for a moment and looks ahead of him, a flash of energy flows through his eyes and a small space before him explodes upwards with a crackle of lightning covering him with dirt.

"Is that it?," Jack says while looking at the tiny space that was blown away. A new wave of exhaustion hits his mind after the power usage disallowing a constant usage.

'Master's minor accomplishment is superb. It will improve in time and as Master's power expands but for now it is delivering a powerful strike.'

"It's small though, I can't use it to get out of the forest."

'That's right Master.'

"That's not helpful."

'This unit cannot help you much further than that at this moment.'

"Sure…," Jack says with disbelief, "so which way is south west?"

'87 degrees to your right.'

Jack looks ahead in that direction, "Well can't see shit so guess I'll get moving if I want to get anywhere in time."

The young man begins to stumble and climb through the thick trees, vines and shrubs while trying to avoid the wildlife. It's slow work but it's also familiar work as he works his way through the foliage without any real sense other than that he needs to get through this stuff. A big departure from where he was only minutes ago, flying on the way to Moscow. He has a few hours until they land so he can just log out about 10 minutes before then, he can just practise using Bridging-the-Stars in the mean time.

Some time passes by as Jack's bloodshot eyes look behind him where he can still see where he arrived, progress is worse than slow as his body tires from the constant power usage. He stands before a giant tree that has only partially been knocked down, the tree itself has surprisingly maintained its integrity after being struck by Bridging-the-Stars yet it's still blocking his path.

Jack places his hand on the giant tree and moves his mind, the tree disappears before him as he stores it away. He looks inside his mind and spots the giant trunk laying on the ground slowly being absorbed by the black dirt, the interior space is like usual with no change coming across the world tree leaving him disappointed as his vision returns back to the game world.

Jack blinks a few times in disbelief, "Where did you come from?"


A black fuzzy creature with a long snapping jaw filled with teeth stands before him on two strange looking stilt legs, a blurry object approach's Jack from above the creature's head.

"Bunny Dash!," Jack yells while jumping away from the strike.

A large cloud of dust is kicked up behind him as he lands a hundred metres behind him, the creature adjusts its position as the fuzzy illusory object above it seemingly phases in and out of existence.

"Can't we talk this out?," Jack asks the creature hoping it has some intelligence.


A hissing roar comes from the weird creature that is slowly approaching Jack, the young man frowns at this response as it takes him a moment to notice it moving without moving its legs.

The blurry object above its head approaches Jack again, "Bunny Dash," he says launching himself backwards again leaving him little room to retreat further.

The creature was ready this time as it also launches itself forward, the illusory object strikes at Jack again.

Jack raises his arms to block the strike as he lands, he can only grit his teeth as countless strikes hit his body leaving what feel like tiny little bites all over piecing his skin in countless places yet it's over just as soon as it began.

The creature lands a short distance away, Jack can feel a slight amount of pain course through his body as he stares at the creature before him.

"If Xueli were here then I'd ask what sort of creature you are, but since you're here…"

Jack's eyes sparkle for a moment before a light of energy flows appears inside it, it glows brightly before dulling a moment later yet that's all it takes.

A light appears from the ground and engulfs the creature sending sparks into the nearby forest setting fires before disappearing into the sky.

The creature is entirely still as its strange looking fur is standing on end, the illusory tail slows down then slumps over before the large body of the creature itself slumps over then falls over unmoving, Jack stands still for a moment watching for any moment yet as the forest surrounding him continues to alight he cannot stay here.

He begins to move away when he spots the creature's body engulfed in a giant black flame, it eats away at the body in a single moment leaving only a single item behind.

"Really?," Jack asks as he looks at the item left behind.

A treasure chest.

Jack looks around him wondering if it's a joke or trap, yet the burning forest around him doesn't allow him to delay much further forcing him to walk towards the treasure chest.

"White? What is this?," Jack asks as he stands next to the treasure chest.

'Regional Reward Chest number four.'

"Is it safe?"


"Is that all you have to say?"


Jack deeply breathes inward to quell his anger as he opens the chest lid, it easily slides off revealing a beam of light that shoots into the sky with a prompt that comes up before his eyes.

'SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT - You have slayed one of several immature regions beasts plaguing this region, you must seek out all the children of the corrupted…'

The system voice speaks to Jack as the beam of light disappears leaving behind the wooden chest, Jack scoops up the single item in the chest as it disappears leaving him alone in this forest that is now beginning to burn intensely all around him yet he doesn't feel panicked as he looks at the item in his hand.

A familiar orb like stone.

A village creation stone, only blue grade yet it's enough to solve the current predicament.

Jack sends some energy into the stone activating it, a prompt asks him.

"Yes," Jack selects and says at the same time causing a large wave of energy to spread through the area, a blue water based orb expands on the spot sending Jack flying backwards alongside a wave of blue energy, a wave of water energy it seems as the fire disappears as it's covered by the blue energy wave.

Jack lands on the ground roughly as he watches the city heart orb pulse with power for a moment, yet all that happens is the orb douses the flames leaving him disappointed getting up off the ground.

"Last time I had a blue village creation stone it created a while basic village for me but now I don't have anything except the orb?," Jack says out-loud as he approaches the orb.

A form shimmers into existence through the orb, Jack pauses his steps as the young man's form solidifies from the orb and looks towards him, he crosses his fist across his chest and bows down.

"My Lord."

Jack is left speechless as several other people appear from the orb announcing their presence with a similar, "My Lord," they each say bowing down before Jack in this smouldering forest.

Jack is speechless because every single one of these 8 people are identical wearing the exact same clothes, "Raise yourselves and relax, we're not in any sort of official setting right now. I need to ask some questions of you all but I don't have much time left here."

None of the men move upon hearing Jack's words leaving him standing alone still, "Lord, our proximity to the city heart means that we are in an official capacity right now. We do not wish to make a careless movement and anger it."

Jack frowns, "Fine but atleast one of you needs to stand up and speak to me, I expect the rest of you to begin to work so that there's some protection for the city heart before nightfall."

One of the men stands up, his face can only be described as bland with no distinct features except for some deep blue eyes with bowl cut short straight black hair which each of them also have, "Lord, you can call me Cedric I am the oldest of the group and can speak for everyone."

"Fine, what about the rest of your names?"

"They are also Cedric."

"That's going to get confusing."

"That's no problem Lord, just call us whatever you'd like and we shall respond."

"Fine, let me look at your information," Jack says while raising up the system menu.

Name: Cedric Cedric Sidrock

Grade: A

Title: None

Profession: [Stage 1 Resident]

Race: Human - Unknown Aquatic Bloodline

Age: 18 (80)

Loyalty: 100

Stats: Strength: 10, Intelligence: 20, Constitution:10, Agility: 30

Cultivation: Stage 1-1

Cultivation Technique: None

Skills: Water manipulation, Water temperature manipulation…

Equipment: Cloth clothing....

"Seems fairly normal, though that unknown bloodline is concerning, what's with all the different water manipulation skills?" Jack says while bringing up the information of the city heart, the blue city heart that seems slightly different to the last one.

Village Name: Vestian Inner Forest Village (Epic)

Level: Primary (0/500)

Village Area: 1.2 square kilometre

Residents: 8/150

Soldiers: 0/68

Popular Support: 100

'Village Special Stats: Crop Output +20%, Crop Growing Time -10%, Population Limit +10%, Population Attraction +10%, chances of attracting higher grade population +10%, Pest resistance +30%, Toxin Resistance +50%, Generate 1 unit of Sacred Spring water per day.'

"That also seems normal, I am curious about the name but what's Sacred Spring water?"

"Lord, to answer your questions… we do not know our bloodline either but perhaps the Vestian name may be a clue. Sacred Spring water is just like regular water but we are able to survive on its nourishment. It will be quite important to our survival out here while the manipulation skills are innate for us."

"I see," Jack mutters while thinking about the name Vestian, just something to ask White or Xueli later on, "can I do anything with it?"

"Lord could sell the it as Alchemists use it in their more advanced recipes."

"Oh, that's good as our alchemist is much stronger than a grand master but for now use it as you please. Now start getting to work people, more should spawn tomorrow and you'll need some sleeping quarters," Jack says while looking at the people crouching on the ground.

"Move it you guys, don't disappoint the Lord," Cedric standing up says to all of the others who quickly stand up and scramble about using their water manipulation abilities to replace all the tools that someone would normally need to do all of the work they're doing.

"Very resources," Jack says while nodding his head, "dress differently so I know how to tell you apart from your… siblings?"

"Yes Lord, we are all siblings I will heed Lord's guidance," Cedric says while bowing, "thank you for giving us this chance."

"This is the first village outside of the primary region, you will have to manage it without outside support until we can teleport freely. I'll log out now for some time, hopefully you can accomplish everything and scout out the region. I don't want to leave before we make sure it's safe."

"Lord, we shall accomplish that by the time you return," Cedric says with his fist over his heart.

Jack nods his head and watches the men set about working chopping down trees and digging into the ground laying foundations down. The simple form of buildings can already be seen with with quick movements, all of this would feel somewhat patronising if it weren't for their 100% loyalty rate solving any guess work around their loyalties though that usually decreases as new people arrive or spawn in.

"Good job, I look forward to see what you complete by the time I get back," Jack says while pulling up the menu.

"Yes Lord," Cedric says to a disappearing Jack leaving him stunned and slack jawed, "Lord? Does lord have personal teleportation capabilities?," the man yells at the air with no response.

Jack feels a heavy pressure on his consciousness as he feels himself return to the real world, yet that's not all as he immediately feels the wind rush past his ears while gravity takes control of his body.

He begins to plummet towards the ground quickly reaching terminal velocity as he has nothing to slow his fall, Jack struggles bringing out the words "White!"

'Master, you have returned.'


'Master, this was always going to happen if you logged into the game while moving.'

Jack internally yells at the voice while gritting he teeth he twists his body shrouding himself allowing him to speak for a moment, "Don't lecture, how do I solve this?"

'Master really needs to master spiritual communication, this unit has no immediate solution for Master. His current form isn't able to utilise techniques to solve the situation. Master could return to the game world and reach the Nascent soul stage.'

Jack's mind begins to work in overtime as he's forced to turn around and look at the quickly approaching ground where he can see an empty street beneath him, his heart races as he reaches the point of no return.

He reaches into his mind and pulls out the giant tree trunk that he burnt down, it's partially eaten by the dirt yet it seems incredibly strong, the increased weight causes his speed to increase while the direction shifts to nearly straight down.

Jack can clench his whole body as the ground approaches, he can only hope that this will work …


The tree trunk hits the tree sending an incredibly amount of force through the tree causing it to snap apart, Jack places his fingers on his forehead causing his body to disappear just as force is sent up through his body that was touching the tree.


The tree explodes into thousands of fragments as giant chunks land on the nearby store fronts, many people are confused but Jack is unharmed as he returns to the game world to a stunned crowd.

Jack breathes in deeply as he calms his heart down looking at the people around him, "I had a situation come up in the other world, please don't mind me I'll be gone in a moment."

"Yes Lord," some Cedric's say and continue to work on the log cabin buildings they've nearly finished, Jack walks away and speaks quietly.

"White, did that solve it?"

'Solve what Master?'

"The falling situation in the real world?"

'You will find out when you return so why spoil the fun?'

"Are you being annoying on purpose?"

'This unit only wants the best for Master.'

"Fine," Jack says unwilling to argue with her for now, he begins to log off when she speaks up again.

'This unit suggests Master wait until things calm down on the other side, you caused a large commotion which will draw many people.'

"Right, I don't even have my passport nor any money… might be best to wait until night time so let's help these guys out…," Jack says while looking towards the Cedric's working.