Chapter 129 - Elevator make-out session with Katya, meeting the sister at last.

"Mistress Kalinnova, everything will go much easier if you just hand over the people you are travelling with. We do not wish to impact the business you are staying at but we are prepared to pay the damages if we do," a man speaks through a bullhorn in english making it easy to understand.

"You cannot pay my father for the damages you'd do to my body if I that were to."

"Mistress Kalinnova you know that no harm like that would befall you."

Katya pulls out a pistol and shoots a light in the car near the person speaking, "Do not mention something like that again, I will not let you have these people even if it means I have to kill you all myself."

Jack feels his hand being pulled by the maid as they walk towards Katya in the exposed position, he can feel attention drawn to himself and the costumed woman holding his hand, "What are you doing?"

"We need to help Mistress, don't worry we have support," the maid says while walking beside the vehicle.

Jack looks up in the window and waves at the occupants, his sister is pressed up against the glass and waves at him mouthing something as a young man tries to get her away from the glass. A long haired brunette gives him a nod before sipping a flask… a long sip.

The two of them arrive beside Katya at the front of the armoured vehicle, "Did you call for support?," Katya audily asks the maid.

"Yes, he will be here shortly," the maid responds loudly.

"Right, well then let's see how they like it," Katya says while smiling towards Jack.

Jack cannot do anything except raise an eyebrow, this seems out of character for her yet the situation is intense so perhaps it's just related to performance anxiety? Of course he dismisses this immediately as there's no way that Katya would be like that.

"These helpers of yours don't seem like they will be of much assistance, they don't even have any weapons," the man says with a sneering tone.

"Just be patient," Katya says holding her finger up, "you shall recognise him."


The door behind them all opens, a middle aged man walks out holding his head up high and his chest puffed out flanked by countless attendants yet these ones look different to the previous with a much more serious gaze and body armour, "Shall we talk about this?"

"Sir Sorget, welcome we did not know you were staying here."

"Well that's right so could you please move on. I am sure you can ask for Katya's assisitance another time."

"Yes sir!," the person speaking says, "you heard him let's return."

Several of the vehicles start up their engines including the armoured carriers, they begin to roll out as Mikhail turns towards Katya and her group with a smile, "Problem solved," he says holding out his hand.

"Thank you," Katya says taking the man's hand causing him to smile wider.

"No problem, let's go celebrate," he says smiling when several vehicles come to an abrupt stop.

A four wheel drive has driven up the opposite side of the road and blocked the road, several people get of their vehicle and begin talking peering thiis way.

"Let's go inside and celebrate, let's go," Mikhail says trying to push the group inside.

"What's the rush?," Katya says watching the distant group approach, "I think this will be more entertaining."

Mikhail grumbles, "Yes?," he pleasantly asks the group of young men who have walked up without their guns drawn.

"Sir Sorget, the eastern group have shown up and are demanding we hand over the US intelligence personnel. This is approved by echelon, they sent number 13."

"13… they already lost 14 through 19… idiots," Mikhail mutters softly towards the man, "he shouldn't be unreasonable, tell him I'll sort his issue out later."

"HAND ME THE AMERICAN AND HIS WIFE!," a crazy snarl comes out of a set of speakers sounding throughout the covered hotel courtyard bouncing around the street, "I WANT THEM!"

"Get him here," Mikhail says recovering the situation, "Katya please go inside…,"

"No thanks," Katya says smiling at Jack.

Jack returns a serious gaze, he doesn't like how they have guns pointed at them yet again, his gaze peers to his sister that's within the armoured carrier who is watching everything unfold from her seat settled down from her previous excitement.

A thin lanky man emerges from a vehicle, "GIVE ME THEM!," he yells while running from the vehicle towards the group.

Katya brings out her pistol while Mikhail's attendants bring out their own weapons, "Who are you?," she asks.

"I am here for someone that caused the death of 160 of my comrades, GIVE ME THEM!"

"There's no way that can be true," Katya says while firing a gunshot towards the man causing him to stop his steps, "now get back in your vehicle and leave."

"You think that weapon threatens me? I have 5 snipers positioned around the place that will take you out as soon as you hit me," the man sneers.

"I'll shoot you in your head then," Katya says checking her pistol quickly.

"I have plating installed so any shot you take will not be fatal whereas you will not be able to dodge over 5 sniper shots," the man laughs while approaching again.

"Over 5? You said 5…," Katya says taking a step backwards towards Mikhail again.

A laughter comes from the man as he continues to approach, Katya doesn't shoot her gun as she continues to back away from the man heading towards the vehicle. Jack squints his eyes and looks around the area searching for where a sniper might hide yet there's far too many spots, he wants to do something more…

A glint of a distant glass changing direction hits Jack's eyes, his eyes focus on that area and spot a bump that seems to be blending into the surroundings yet another glint suggests it's possibly a sniper.

Jack prepares his mind and uses the new move, 'Bridging-the-Stars' sending a lightning bolt towards the unsuspecting person. If this were in the game world then this shouldn't kill them outright yet this is the real world… it shouldn't' kill them but it's not Jack's concern at the moment.

A large distant zap of lightning appears on the spot then disappears into the sky drawing attention to itself, the laughing man stops for a moment then continues to walk laughing yet again, "Don't fear the weather… just hand over them."

Jack's eyes scan the buildings loking for another black lump, his eyes scan several buildings before his eyes luckily catch another glint from someone shifting their position while pointed towards him, it seems like these people aren't very well trained if he can notice them, he repeats the same process as before causing the lightning to strike.

A few people shift in their boots upon the successive strikes, none speak up though as the laughing man nears the vehicle where Mikhail steps in.

"We can talk things out, you don't need to take my guests," the old man says with an air of official about him.

"They're your guests now? No, you don't have member high enough to request that of me," the maniacal man retorts back.

Mikhail attempts to covers the man's mouth, Katya snorts "figures," he's quickly brushed aside to little protest. Jack uses this chance to near Katya and whispers something into her ears about the snipers being out.

"Laughing maniac, you should check in with your sniper. They probably are dead from boredom," Katya says with a sneer looking in the distance at something.

Jack attempts to look at whatever it is but cannot see anything, the laughing man stops in his footsteps and stares at Katya for a moment.

He smiles widely, "Ok, I'll check in with them," he pulls out an old fashioned walkie-talkie, "you guys alive? Someone said you might not be," the man says while smiling at Katya but his gaze falls on Jack.

"Ok here," a report comes in immediately followed by another one, "fine here."

Katya looks at Jack with a worried expression but he doesn't have time to notice this as his eyes scan the buildings catching another black lump moving, another round of lightning later the radio is silent. No one is able to notice Jack's pupils changing as they try to work out what's going on.

"Report, report. Report in damniit," the laughing man says before throwing the walkie-talkie on the ground, "no matter. Hand over the people!" the man says breaking into a run towards the armoured vehicle.

Jack positions himself between the man and the vehicle, he knows it won't do much but there's not much you can do when trying to come between a crazy person and their target. He braces himself for the guy to make contact with him when six armoured vehicles pull up on in the hotel courtyard with the Russia flag on them indicating they're from the government. Several dozen people get out pointing their weapons towards all the other people holding out their weapons creating a stand-off situation.

"Finally," Katya announces breaking the quiet tension, "you guys took your time."

A young man speaks up from the authority vehicle line, "Traffic you know, now everyone here is ordered to vacate the area under order 822(b), if you do not comply then we are authorised to classify you as hostile militant and subject to extreme measures."

The newcomers audibly threaten them with their guns while also creating an exit corridor, "You have one minute to comply," the voice counts down.

"I just need—

—no, you must vacate. The city is going lockdown in thirty minutes. Anyone outside without a valid permit will be subject to detention, you are ordered off the streets now."

The laughing man grumbles and frowns, "I won't forget how you caused my snipers to die," he says towards Katya before turning around. A young black haired young man is walking towards the group as the not-laughing man is leaving, the two of them nod their heads towards each other and continue walking.

Jack notices this exchange but doesn't say anything, he looks towards the armoured vehicle where his sister seems to be trying to get out again.

"The city will be going lockdown soon so if you're not staying here then I suggest everyone leave," the young man with slick short pushed back black hair says while arriving at the group.

"Thank for the pointers Antov, we are staying here so it's fine," Katya says towards the man, the attention turns towards Mikhail, "I'm not sure about Mikhail though. I think he isn't staying here officially."

"Oh Mr Sergot? Where is your residence?"

"Room 5304, now if you'll excuse me," Mikhail fixes up his coat and leaves the group towards the lobby door.

"Ok, I will be in touch as I have to speak to you about your connection with eastern front," Antov says while placing his glasses on his face again, a smile yet sinister smile is on his face as he looks towards Mikhail.

Mikhail says something under his breath, "Of course Officer," he grumbles walking through the door flanked by his countless attendants leaving a noisy scene with the rumblings of several engines offsetting it the peacefulness of the people standing before them.

"Is the city going to lockdown in 30 minutes?," Katya asks the young man that showed up, the group has gathered in a small circle near the vehicle door.

"Yes. A biological agent has been detected outside the borders so we are taking early precautions," the young man says looking at Jack for a moment, "is this Mr. Hunt?"

"Yes," Katya answers before Jack can respond, "I've spent the last day travelling with his sister who he hasn't seen in years, if you'd like to interview him then you can always find him here but that shouldn't be needed… right?," Katya says starting with a friendly tone but towards the end her tone has become more strict and formal.

"If all the information is accurate then there's no concerns, I just wished to ask him if it was true he fell from a plane upon arrival to our country?"

Jack immediately feels everyone's gaze on him placing him on the spot, even he himself doesn't know why that happens and no explanation has been forthcoming, "Yeah, it was kind of hard to survive particularly without any money or… cold weather gear," Jack corrects himself trying not to imply he's without identification which may prove a problem.

"It's not that cold, it's the glorious Russian fall where we prepare for the long winter… we must remember them as we can," Antov ends his sentence gazing into the distance at nothing.

"Right well I'm glad it's not colder as I'm usually near the beach, though it is rather chilly outside now, luckily we're all forced to be inside soon…" Jack says trying to shift the conversation.

"Yes, it is cold right now and we do need to be inside. I have to check in with three other sites to ensure they understand the compliance needed," Antov says while turning towards Katya again, "I believe those people won't bother you but if they do, just call."

"You tell me about your developments, thank you for the help," Katya says to the man walking away, he gives a knowing nod leaving the scene quiet with just the maid and Jack alongside the young grey haired woman.

Jack clears his throat, "Thanks for getting my sister, Who was that?"

"He's someone at the FSB, we have traded some information that you provided about villages. The government is having an internal competition to see who can raise the best village and he's one of the front runners," Katya says while turning around and approaching the vehicle door.

"Well glad to see I can be of some help, do you know much about their villages?," Jack asks nonchalantly.

"The project is tightly controlled, I only know what's spread on the forums. It seems like no one can create anything larger than a village until they find some turning point, this has often involved upgrading the spirit beast of the city heart but there are unknown methods to upgrade the ones without spirit beasts."

"What about ones that haven't found the turning point yet… or can't?," Jack asks trying to generalise the information as he has an idea of what's missing but he's hoping that's not the case.

"That's where the sects, academies and churches within the world come in. We have to find the one that contains the right treasure… at least that's the theory," Katya says opening the door allowing the young woman to spring out.

"JACKIE!," she immediately leaps into the young man's arms, "Jack Jack Jack, I missed you. There was so much that happened, so many explosions and bullets and yet I'm still alive and here talking to you. You're really here?"

"Yes Heather, I'm here," he says patting her on the head, the young woman lets out a beautiful innocent smile as though her worries are lifted, then her face twists up and her body goes limp falling to the floor.

Jack, Katya and the maid immediately catch the young woman who has collapsed before them, "Heather Heather? Are you ok?," Jack asks with some worry in his voice.

The maid presses her fingers to the young woman's throat then touching her forehead, "The young madam is exhausted and passed out… perhaps the situation has been overwhelming for her," the maid says helping Jack lift her up.

"We have been travelling non-stop for about a week, she's probably had about 10 hours sleep over the last 5 days," a young man's strict voice sounds from the doors on the vehicle.

"Well sorry we couldn't deliver you in luxury american military man, you should be glad that you're even alive," Katya responds dismissively to the young man stepping out of the vehicle. His short buzzed straight hair cut and uniform-straight clothes immediately tell what sort of person this is.

"It's not luxury but safety, the lines you took us through were probably from the Soviet-Afghan war."

"You got here right," Katya says rolling her eyes, "be thankful for that."

"How long will we be trapped here? Will be able to leave? I have to go to Brussels," Peter asks.

"You are not trapped here, this is the 3rd most luxury hotel within Moscow and they'd never keep people there against their will," Katya speaks.

Jack wants to interject and say that he's essentially trapped but he doesn't speak, Heather's husband has always unsettled him for some reason yet he cannot say anything and if his sister is happy then that's all that matters… though if he's willing to leave without Heather then that will give them some catch up time.

"Ok then, I am Peter Michaels… naval officer at Busan Naval Base," he says holding his hand out towards Katya, "we didn't have a chance to meet before," he says with a charming smile.

"Yes, the situation was dire. I am Katya Kalinnova, I own Nova's Botique fashion line…," she says without finishing her sentence and shakes his hand, "let's go inside your rooms are ready."

Peter nods his head and walks over to Jack, "I'll take her."

"Right," Jack says letting the man take the weight, "are you planning on taking Heather to Brussels?," Jack asks not letting the awkwardness of their non-greeting come between them.

The maid leans into the rear-door of the armoured vehicle and after a moment comes out with a red-faced brunette woman who appears to be fast asleep over her shoulder.

"If she wants to, she has always talked about wanting to see Europe so it might be her chance," Peter says adjusting Heather in his arms then walking away from the group, "let's go as I need sleep too."

Jack lets out a sigh, "Well I guess we won't be seeing much of them," he says quietly as he arrives beside Katya.

"Don't worry, I know how to deal with American military man… plus this one has a few secrets he doesn't want to get out," Katya says then walks away letting her grey hair flutter in the wind.

Jack stands still frowning for a moment, 'What does that mean?' he wonders then notices they're nearing the door leaving him behind. He runs after them and arrives just as they enter through the door to an empty lobby area covered with metal plates.

Peter stops for a moment letting Katya and the maid walk ahead, he begins to walk beside Jack as the distance increases then whispers, "Do you know her well?"

"Yeah," Jack says quietly, "totally."

"Kallinova family runs several leading bio-chemical companies, they supply the chemical weapons for…," Peter says but he's interrupted by Katya.

"I'll have you know that isn't my family, Kallinova run the chemicals while we run something else."

"What?," Jack asks curious.

"Nuclear plants and uranium enrichment, previously ballistic missiles but that was sold off," Katya says dismissively yet Jack is able to see Peter's eyes go wide and nearly drop Heather.

"That family?"

"I'm not part of them anymore," Katya says as the arrive at the elevators, "Vera, you go down with these two and get them into their room. I will go with Jack."

The maid nods her head and presses a button; the elevator immediately opens "Step this way please," she says motioning towards the opened elevator door with a young girl snoring over her shoulder.

Peter walks inside, "I'm sure Heather will phone you as soon as she wakes up so be ready."

"I hope she does, I miss talking to her," Jack says as the door begins closing.

"Good to see you."

"Good to see you mate," Jack says moments before the door closes leaving him and Katya alone, "so anything you need to explain?"

"I could ask the same to you," Katya says with a sly smile on her face.

"What?," Jack asks confused.

"Nothing, I forgot you aren't like the usual people I run into… that's what's so good about you. You don't leave me guess," Katya says stepping closer to Jack into his personal space. He doesn't react causing to the two to stand close together in silence.

Jack can feel her breath moving his clothes as they stand beside the wall, he wants to reach out and touch her but he doesn't know how well the young woman standing beside him would react and besides their feelings aren't quite clear to one another yet, "Can you tell me then? I don't know myself."

Katya laughs and presses the button behind him, "Well I do have a few things I could tell you but first…,"

The elevator door dings open, Jack goes to walk inside the elevator but he can feel a push as Katya forces him into the elevator but that's not all as she pushes him up against the back wall and begins to kiss him.

Jack opens his eyes at this shift but he doesn't fight against it, he responds to her kisses with his own as they quickly make out as though they're two inexperienced teenagers.

Their sloppy make out session lasts a few more moments before Katya peers out the corner of her eye and then breaks the kiss, she begins kissing Jack's cheek then places her mouth near his ear, "Something is happening in Finland, we might be in danger here if we stay longer than two weeks," she whispers with a tickling breath.

Jack wants to ask what this is about but Katya begins to kiss the young man again stopping his words but also sending a message, 'This isn't to be spoken about ever.'

The elevator door stops as they arrive at their shared floor but it takes Katya a few moments to notice as they continue making out, Jack eventually taps her on the waist causing a break between the two.

"As much as I'd like to continue this, I don't think we can stay here."

"Right, sorry," Katya says with a blushing face, she looks at Jack for a moment then looks away.

Jack brings his arm around her and walks out the elevator with her, "You brought back my sister safely so it's a happy day, I should thank you for making it even better."

Katya returns a sweet smile then returns to her usual expression as they reach the doors built into the rock, "I will see you later Jack though Anya may see you before me,"

"Lucky she passed out in the car, I don't think I could handle her now," Jack says scratching his neck.

Katya nods her head, "See you," she opens Jack's door allowing him entry, he steps through the door allowing it to slam shut behind him leaving him alone yet again.

Jack flips the light switch revealing the pristine modern hotel room with only light personal touches like his clothing or the food previously picked up, his life has changed in only a few weeks and this is all his life has now… yet strangely he feels happier or more content? Maybe it's all the things going on in the secret world online or perhaps it's just the closeness he is experiencing now… or perhaps it's the makeout session he just had.

Either way, he feels slightly better about things as he eats some food, goes to the bathroom and then lays down on the bed prepared to enter the game world.

He places his fingers on his forehead and thinks about entering the game world, his consciousness shifts.