Chapter 132 – Insights into elsewhere, taking on the quest.

Somewhere in some seemingly forgotten region… the Plains of Sorrows, a group of women sit around a living space casually talking inside a spartan yet homely wooden homestead with a roaring fire. A young short green haired girl with green features is sitting in the lap of a long strawberry-blonde long haired wearing a long white robe on a large couch as they look down at another young woman with long grey bunny ears crouched on the ground sorting through hundreds of different herbs giving the room a beautiful scent.

"It's no fun without the sun," the young girl complains, "it's no fun without big brother."

"There isn't anything we can do. It's no fun to stay cooped up inside but it's also dangerous outside."

"Can't we teleport somewhere now? I thought the dwarves unlocked that through the city heart system thingy after big brother brought a scroll back?"

"They did but that only unlocks travel to cities, none of the villages have advanced yet and even then they'd not advance to cities just yet."

"How do you know this stuff? It's so confusing, elder sister tries to get me to study but I always forget it later."

"Ah, well you're still young so maybe when you get older you'll understand better."

"Right, like mating," the young girl says.

"Right, where is your elder sister?"

"Well she can't leave the region so somewhere inside the region?"

"Wish she'd hurry back her friend is…," the blonde haired woman looks towards the door that wildly swings open suddenly letting a strong gust of wind inside.

"AAHH, THE HERBS. CLOSE THE DOOR!," the rabbit-eared girl shouts from the floor grabbing at the air.

A slamming sound is heard settling the room down, most of the herbs have been disorganised and thrown about the room in random spots without a care.

"Sorry, is that Ice Woman back yet?"

"No, she hasn't come back yet. She said it'd be a week and it has only been a few days."

The long black haired woman clicks her tongue, "She's going to owe me big time,"

The rabbit-eared girl is crawling around the floor picking up the herbs that scattered about without a care to the conversation going on around her.

The blonde haired girl smirks, "You think you can challenge her? She's the second strongest disciple within the Ice Phoenix Sect… beyond sage rank."

"I don't need to challenge her s she's a righteous person who will uphold her contracts."

"Unlike someone," the blonde haired woman mutters under her breath, "are you preparing to go on a supply run?"

"Glomor has said that he needs to return to check something about some shrine and the rats probably need to be culled. I've suggest that we start selling the excess rat meat in the system city but someone said it was Jack's idea?"

"Yes he rejected it, he wants to use the rats as some sort of fighting force. I don't know how that would work as they're just about as smart as normal field rats."

"Well maybe the ones the wolves don't eat will get them smarter, I heard that's how the underwater races breed," the black haired woman says whilst taking some cheese from the table, eating it without a care.

"What do you know about the underwater races?"

"That's about it, life or death competition from birth ensures only the best candidates for survival pass on their genetics so she's not back?"



The door swings open suddenly again, "AAHHHHH," a scream can be heard as a large man with two horns can be seen entering the room, he immediately shuts the door limiting the damage.

"Excuse the intrusion madams," the man says as the group watching the bunny girl begin the process anew.

"General Laoshe? How unusual for you to come here, what do you need us for?," the blonde haired woman says.

"Ms Lazali requested someone to fetch her when the convoy is ready," the man pensively says.

"Why would they send the second most important person in the military to be a messenger?"

"To speak frankly, everyone else is intimidated by all of Lord's madams," the muscular well sculpted man says with a serious expression causing a soft giggle to come over the room.

"General Laoshe, when was the last check on the kobold and goblin villages performed?," the blonde girl says stroking the young girls hair.

"I'd have to check with Hilda for more recent information; kobold was last checked 17 hours ago where their population has increased by 22. Goblins were 36 hours, it's possible they're overdue for a return."

"Right well I'm feeling a bit cooped up, I think I need to check out what's going on with these goblins myself. These orbs we get from them are always contaminated in the same way requiring me to purify them, we can't keep risking it."

"Madam doesn't need to purify the essence orbs, I am sure General Cinder would be willing to dedicate himself."

A distant and muffled, "the eternal pit I would," is heard through the wall.

"Does General Cinder wish to join us?," the blonde haired woman yells out.

A red-haired man steps through the door, his expression lighthearted and apologetic and he holds his hands together, "I am only here as support. Please don't worry about me."

"Well this would be a good chance to evaluate you myself, the goblin territory is under your Lord's control and you are defense commander. Why is there an overdue supply convoy if it's all Lord's territory?"

"Madam, we are limited in overall manpower. We are limited to a military of only 1400 units for an area larger than 48 square kilometres. The only reason why we haven't been overrun is the support of the heavy cavalry, their sustained combat capabilities over vast distances have meant the difference between life and death on many occasions."

The blonde haired woman is expressionless though her hands visibly falter for a moment as they run through the young girl's green hair, "Well perhaps you need to shift your priorities, if we aren't able to maintain secure lines within our own territory then what right do we have to call it our territory?"

"I'll take your advice under consideration madam, the red-haired man bows, "if you'll excuse me," he walks towards the door.

"Fine," she says indifferently to the man, "General Laoshe, are you still running scouting patrols outside our territory?"

"Yes, I'm due to run another one in 6 hours for now I've been up for 18 hours and need some rest," he says rolling his shoulder.

"What about to the system cities?"

"That's Bane's space, I can't follow what he's doing… he's gone crazy since Lord has gone so I suggest you stay away. He's not harmful, he's just incessant about talking regarding his latest disgusting 'project'."

"Right. We shall keep that in mind," the blonde haired woman says, "I shan't keep you from your rest then,"

"Thank you, madams," the tall tough dragon man bows meekly towards the young women and walks out the door quickly followed by two quick sets of heavy footsteps.

"GENERAL CINDER, COME HERE PLEASE!," the blonde haired woman yells.

A set of footsteps stops and turns around, the black haired woman speaks.

"Jessica why are you bringing him back?"

"Amber, you're going on a supply run and Drakon needs to sleep so I want to talk to the other general."

The red-haired man steps back through the door, "Madam?"

"I'd like to organise myself as part of the convoy Amber is going on, you'll be joining us and we'll be going to the goblins. I want to see the place myself…"

"Madam? Is that safe? Shouldn't I fetch Drakon?"

"It's probably not safe, that's why I'm bringing you. Drakon needs to sleep and this is technically defensive. If anything comes up Drakon will be here to respond."

"II want to come too," the young girl says in Jessica's lap.

"Are you going to sneak away and follow us if I say no?"

Mai nods her head, Jessica gives Mai a hug while muttering "that settles it then."

A little firebird appears on Jessica's head messing up her hair slightly, Jessica shoes it away causing it to pester Tyson who ignores it.

Tyson's forehead has some visible veins develop on it, "Madam… are you sure?"

"Are you going to betray the pride of your race? Are you afraid of this sort of challenge?"

"No madam, I'll… I'll go prepare," the man says and then marches out with the firebird, Fia, messing up his hair. The little firebird flies up to a neighbouring house's rooftop and lands near some perching red and blue birds, the red and blue luan that Jessica has a special connection with.

Fia begins to pester them too by rubbing up against them trying to get them to play, the luan birds let out a beautiful cry then take flight into the sky leaving a trail of blue and red as they disappear high into the sky leaving Fia behind.

"Now we won't be cooped up," Jessica says petting the now returned Fia, the little phoenix chick notices it and gets jealous asking for scritches too.

"Yay," Mai cheers, "but I don't want to see the goblins. Last time I was there…," scritching the birds too but they don't enjoy it hiding away again.

"They most likely don't want to see you either but let's go anyways, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want."

"Ok," Mai says standing up avoiding the herbs scattered about on the ground and the bunny girl picking them up.

"Coming Lunamarie?," Jessica asks

"No, there's a backlog of pills that need to be produced and I'm already running behind. I need to finish that," she says with a smile.

"Ok," Jessica says while getting up from the couch, "you're coming right Amber?"

The black haired woman finishes drinking a glass of red-wine, "Yep coming," she says before burping a few times.

The trio walk out the door to meet up with the convoy that was already prepared with the dwarves, now quite a few others are going out on a longer expedition…

Around the world countless other groups are setting out on their own expeditions taking advantage of the events running around the entire game space's regions as each individual one has an event. Many teams that won't know about the trials and tribulations that await them inside the quest space and after...

Elsewhere in the world a young man with long black hair and innocent blue eyes stands among a bloodied group crouched over panting for breath, his giant glowing yellow sword is slung over his shoulders without a care yet every single person's eyes are fervently glued to that sword in a silent worship in a narrow barrows with a red sandy desert outside the hole.

The young man waves the sword forward causing his hair to blow about, the sword casts a light over the area including the men after which they begin to rise to their feet one by one.

Their eyes never leaving the sword, yet the young man lets out a happy smile as he looks around at all the people rising to their feet, "Let's go!," the young man says waving back and forth a few times.

The men's eyes follow the sword back on forth a few times then they begin to yell in unison, "AHH KILL THEM ALL! KILL EPSILON FOR OUR LEADER!"

All of the people begin to charge out of the burrows yelling about crazily as they slash at everything that moves leaving the red sands of the desert to be even redder than before. Nothing is left alive as they slaughter all of the animals, insects and other creatures that call the desert home while ignoring all of the damage they receive on their bodies even striking out at one another from time to time.

The young man is seen smiling from the burrows in his completely ignoring what's going on before him as he seemingly talks to him.

"These idiots really will do whatever I say… who thought it'd be that easy to get an army."

"Watch your mouth," a brown-skinned arm appears from the rockface beside the young man and grabs his shoulder, "they are your loyal followers."

"Yeah yeah, am I going to get the next set of weapons yet?," the young man says pushing off the brown-hand on his shoulder.

A man wearing a red-robe comes out of the rock face, his tall frame towering over the young man who still has a face of ridicule on, "You need to prove you can wield it."

"I can already wield this sword, doesn't that prove I'm ready for the next one?," the young man says resting the sword point down on the ground.

"No, it's not that easy."

"Yawn, you promised me I'd be the strongest yet I'm already behind others. I don't even have my false core yet Epsilon isn't even accepting people that haven't formed a golden core…"

"There is no shortcut to strength."

"Can't I have that pill yet?"

"No, the false core pill will be of no benefit to you right now. You can form it when you complete my training, once we're done here there is an event available in the system city offered through the under-mountain dwellers prophetical group, you are to take your group and complete it."

"Will I be done my training then? I've done most of the foundation excises you wanted me to do so I'm ready."

"We can discuss it after you return from the system realm as it ends soon, we may have to return to the mountain."

"The mountain? The sacred site of the mountain-god?"

"Yes, there is an inner and outer region. The outer region contains several holy sites of the sects and churches located on our continent where they allow access sometimes."

"What about the inner?," the young man says as dollar signs flash in his eyes hearing the information to share online.

"I've never been, I have heard that it's a space to hold people."

"Like a prison?"

"Perhaps, it wouldn't be the most surprising part of this place."

"Like what? Isn't this a game world where anything can happen?," the young man snorts not caring about his words.

The red-robed man disappears back into the rocks without responding to the young man who immediately turns to begin yelling at the men feverishly killing everything without minding the bodies around them including their compatriots, "KILL!"

The men immediately look towards the sword that begins to cast a glow over the entire area, the men begin to visibly heal their wounds and attack their enemies with a renewed vigour still without regard to their bodies.


"Young madam, we cannot be away from the town for very long. You only recently upgraded and the city heart orb is incredibly vulnerable to attack right now," a young maid looking woman talks to another young woman marching through a harsh yellow desert landscape.

"I cannot deny my peoples food, our transport horses have perished and our last convoy is yet to return," the harsh sunlight causing her red hair to shine like it's on fire waving about in the strong gales blowing through the desert.

"There's nothing out here though young madam, this direction is only certain death. All the other settlements are in the other direction, including the nearest water source."

"There has to be something out here," the young woman says marching forward through the endless desert before her with a maid and two camels following behind them carrying large packs of loaded with luxury looking textiles. They don't have weary expression on their faces but their cracked lips and bloodshot eyes shows that they're under true stress as they walk through this hellscape devoid of any animals or greenery.

The two continues on in silence not talking as they focus on their journey ahead, the young blonde haired maid begins to rub her eyes slowing down her steps unnoticed to her fellow traveller.

The young maid stops her steps, "Wait please madam…," the young maid pulls out a flask of water and looks forwards noticing the young red-haired woman has disappeared, "madam? MADAM!"

"I'm here Kein," a quiet voice can be heard beneath the wind, "here!"

"I can't really hear you? Where are you madam?," the young maid named Kein begins to run forward unable to see properly due to her eyes being red and swollen. She begins to run towards the distant voice that she can hear leading her in an almost blind state.

Suddenly the young maid's body begins to fall, "AHHH!," she screams feeling her body become weightless for a moment.


It only lasts a moment though as the young woman lands in a pool of water thrashing about wildly, "HELP ME MADAM, HELP ME PLEASE MADAM, I CANNOT SWIM MADAM!"

"Stand up Kein," the red-haired woman says standing next to the trashing about young blonde haired maid.

"I can't hear you madam, I can't see you madam! HELP I'M DROWNING!"

The red-haired woman bends over and grabs the maid by her collar, "Stop flailing about and stand up."


The red-haired woman lets go of the maid, "Open your damn eyes up and look where you are."

"What?," the maid peeks through her eyelids, "ohhhh," she says while opening her eyes up wide.

"I think we found something special," the red-haired woman says, "but we have to explore it first."

"What is it, madam?"

"I'm not sure," the red-haired woman says looking down the incredibly long hallway filled with countless archways covered with countless shining gemstones, "but we have sorted out water issues I think, wonder if this is a shrine."

"That's right it could be, Madam, you are so wise."

"Just call me Kate, I've told you many times Kein."

"I cannot Madam, you are the city lord. I am eternally loyal to only you, you are the madam in my heart."

"Right, city lord," the red-haired woman called Kate smiles awkwardly as she gathers water in various flasks. This process will last hours while the process of exploring the complex they've found themselves in.