Chapter 134 - Intense conflict on the beach, sect people.

Jack wanders the crowd's gathering information here and there, not uncovering much information directly but certainly through spiritual sense where it seems that most people neglect but not all as some people look at him suspiciously upon detecting him eavesdropping. No one says anything outright trying to keep the peace but Jack certainly finds himself shunned from certain groups after some time.

The information flowing around revolves around the quest just now, people are sharing their scores and sometimes, the items available on the list but it's very likely that people are either sharing it elsewhere or waiting until they move elsewhere for some privacy.

"So what did you final score end up being?," a young woman asks next to Jack.

"Around 2500, you?," Jack responds to the smiling young woman next to him, watching her long black ponytail blow in the wind.

"nearly three hundred thousand, how'd you get so low?"

"No idea. I got plenty of kill points but my final score was incredibly low."

"How many kill points?"

"Nearly three million?"

"Three million… how? Did you kill every single thing?," the young woman asks with widened eyes.

"Basically, I didn't confirm the kills but I think I got everything."

"What about the boss?"

"Yeah, I got that too…," Jack says without continuing what he was saying, he cannot just blurt out that he can't remember how it died but it's certainly dead.

"Wow, that's amazing. I only got 3,000 kill points."

"What? How'd you get so many final points?"

The young woman shakes her head, "I don't know. I'd give you some if I could since all the rewards were gone already for me. I could only upgrade my weapon."

"Why not your armour? That stuff looks good but it could always be good," Jack says while pointing at the metal plates covering her body tied on with pieces of string like ancient samurai.

"It's authentic like this besides, I already know which armour I will get and I need a weapon to earn the money to get it," the young woman says with a fierce glint in her eyes, "you understand right?"

"Right. I guess I'm like that with my robe," Jack rubs the embroidery that is barely visible to the eyes, Jessica's feelings can be felt through it, "so how much longer are we going to wait here?"

"I'd have to ask Lucas," the young woman says, "LUCAS!," she immediately yells without giving Jack a chance to interject.

A male's voice responds nearby, "What?"

"How long until we can go?!" she yells, Jack wants to shut her up but he notices the person who yelled is nearing and immediately wants to leave.

"Marta, stop yelling. We haven't planned on anything yet," the man says arriving next to Jack, a shaved head man much shorter than himself but much more muscular.

"Well this guy wants to know when we're going and I need to get back to earning money," the young woman named Marta says pointing to Jack, "it's boring here."

"You two are free to leave if you want, actually I insist that this guy leave as a few people have been suspicious of him."

Jack squints his eyes, "Why?"

"No one arrived for hours then you suddenly arrived then nothing else at all, some people are suspicious is all besides…"


"You look suspicious, I've seen you walking around looking at people."

"I'm not allowed to look at people now?," Jack asks incredulously, "if they were unhappy with me then they just needed so say something."

"Well I'm saying something now, so why don't you leave."

Jack frowns, "Really?"

"I'm asking you to, don't make this difficult."

Jack scans around him and notices that quite a few people have been placed strategically around him, it seems like they're trying to actually push him out of the group, it's possible be could challenge them but then he recalls what White said prior to entrance to the quest area, there were many people with false cores in the crowd and there could be some here. Jack internally weighs up his options, there's not much he can do in this situation and there's not much reason to.

They're just standing around for basically no reason.

"Can't we talk to Petr about this?," the young woman, Marta interjects.

"No. Now are you going to leave?," the man looks to Jack for an answer.

"Anyone who has a problem with me can come directly to me, I'm talking to someone about something and don't need to explain myself," Jack says turning his nose up at the bald headed short man near him.

Marta smiles then awkwardly looks around her, "Umm…,"

"Marta leave, I'm going to have to teach this guy a lesson. When he's asked to do something, he very well should do it!"

"LEARN SOME MANNERS!," someone shouts from behind Jack and strikes out.

The bald-headed man, Lucas, also strikes out with a punch towards Jack's stomach.

Jack is about to use 'Bunny Dash' when he notices something in his spiritual sense and doesn't move, "Could those seniors please come out!"

The two people striking out at him immediately stop, everyone else suddenly turns attention to him as even Marta looks towards him confused.

The green-eyed young woman is the first to speak up, "What do you mean?"

"He's bluffing," someone in the crowd says.

"Of course he's bluffing, he's outnumbered 20 to 1 yet…"

"Why didn't he move?"

Jack ignore the murmuring about him around him, "Seniors, please come out."

Nothing happens, Jack doesn't react to this but the person who striked out behind him moves out first and grabs his shoulder, "Please cooperate…"

"Do not touch him," an elderly voice announces itself behind Jack who hasn't moved at all during this confrontation. It is as though it has been there all this time yet people are only just realising they're there now.

The man reaching out doesn't stop his hand, "Shut up old man," he attempts to grab Jack's shoulder.

"Youth these days..," the elderly white haired man with a top-bun says with a sigh, "how did you find me?," the elderly man asks Jack standing beside him.

"Where'd George go?," someone in the crowd asks

"He was just grabbing out at that guy…,"

"He disappeared?"

Jack turns to look at the old man, "You weren't hiding very well, I could sense you."

"Ooooh," the old man says with amazement, "well how about now?," he says disappearing again.

"Where'd the old man go?"

"He just disappeared? Did he go where George went?"

"I heard his voice after he disappeared, so he has to be here still."

Jack ignores the crowd and looks behind Marta, "I can see you old man."

Marta widens her eyes and turns around, everyone else looks there too and notices the man wearing a simple grey robe.

"Very good young man, your appearance betrays your depth," the elderly man says, "Elder Fuanzhi, what do you think of this sapling?"

"He has potential but we're not here to retrieve disciples," another elderly voice can be heard from the distance, all of the players turn to notice the newcomers about 30 people wearing similar looking robes in different colours and insignia. Jack can recognise it as the garb that higher ranking sect people wear as Leah introduced him to.

"Very well," the elderly person near Marta says then flashes away and rejoins the group of newcomers.

Jack raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't react, he was using his divine sense to check the area and found someone hiding nearby. He didn't think there'd be a whole group of them and they look even stronger than this random old man.

One of the players steps forward, "Who are you? Identify yourself?"

A person wearing red robes moves forward in a flashes, the player who spoke up has disappeared in a burst of fire, "Learn respect!"

"You are as hot tempered as always, Elder Feng."

"We have been awaiting this chance for thousands of years and these… players, have shown up and disrespected us. The agreement says we must not directly cause them harm but if they so disrespect us, one cannot help their karma coming to them."

"You aren't one to dispense it out though," one of the other elderly people says behind him, "regardless you make a good point. We have waited thousands of years and there are players here before us, the agreement was made without this in mind. Perhaps we should rewrite it. We may lose the chance later."

The elder that was just speaking gathers an amount of wind energy in their hand and looks towards the player group including Jack with a vicious glint, it's as though they don't even see them as worthy opponents but simply bodies waiting to be harvested.

"Who are you people?," someone speaks up in a respectful tone, Jack looks towards them and notices the one called Petr that Marta talked about previously.

"We're simply travellers from a far away place coming to a ceremonial point that is quite important to us, why are you people here?," an elderly man wearing blue robes speaks up, his balding head showing his age quite evidently.

"We are players who arrived at this point after performing a quest, we don't know anything about a ceremony."

"Right, you just so happened to arrive here at this very time?"


Most of the players nod their head, Jack cannot fault those words and finds himself agreeing with the words despite not wanting to be associated with this group anymore than he has to.

"I see, well then we might have some problems…," one of the grey haired people says while shutting their eyes.

"Why?," one of the players mutters.

"There will be a life or death trial coming up, I suggest anyone who doesn't wish to take part leave now. You will have half an incense stick of time," the elderly man wearing blue robes continues to say as everyone surrounding him pause their steps and nod their head.

"Very fair Elder Tianxuan," another elderly man says, his raised thumb and smiling face would confuse anyone of where they are at, yet his brown robe shows that they're not on Earth.

A few of the players murmur among themselves, Jack can only overhear parts of conversations but it seems like people don't care about what these newcomers have to say as most are blowing off their words without care.

Marta quietly walks up to Lucas and speaks to him, "Do we listen to him? I have some important stuff."

"Don't worry, we can't give in to these AI and besides, they said they're under some agreement so they can't hurt us," Lucas says with confidence to Marta. Many people overhearing the confidence can be seen breathing a sigh of relief but Jack holds his ground and doesn't relax. He has had experience with these sorts of people before and their tempers can change very quickly.

"I don't think we need to leave, but I think you need to explain what's going on properly," the man with a respectful tone speaks up flanked by several people, it seems like they're showing force despite being overall respectful.

"You ingrates, you return kindness by spitting on the gesture."

"Settle down Elder Ting, we cannot deny the youth are foolish but who wasn't?"

"There's a difference between foolish and a hindrance, they will not be a benefit going forward and perhaps will delay us. We cannot risk wasting the last thousand years of peace because of some interlopers."

"What do you propose Elder?"

A sudden silence comes over them, only the wind can be heard rustling the foliage for a moment, no one seems to be willing to make a sound until the elder Ting speaks up; "Do we need to speak further?"

"No, I guess not."

Most of the players look at each other confused for a moment unable to decipher the conversation that seems to be starting and stopping at random, a few players have backed away from the groups but the rest of them have mostly gathered together.

Jack can feel a pulse of energy, he wants to yell out but he's not able to say anything before the newcomers move out.

Their movements seem almost trained as they each stand before a small group of players looking over them for a split moment before striking out, a burst of energy later very few people remain standing in shock over what has occurred.

Everything only lasts two moments before the whole scene seemingly returns to normal, "Useless things," one of the elderly people says as the players begin to react to the blood splattered landscape around them.




Many voices can be heard calling out for people without any sort of organisation, as though they're just realising what has happened instead of realising how close they were to death just now. Jack is safe as no one arrived near him or anyone around him though he cannot relax as he looks over the newcomers, the elderly people and the younger ones standing beside them.

"What happened?," Lucas asks running over to Petr leaving Marta behind with Jack.

"I can't tell, I think those people did something," Petr says pointing towards the group of robe wearing people.

"How could they do all that? Isn't everything balanced? I thought you saiid they has an agreement?," Lucas says taking a swipe at Petr forgetting where he is.

"Ask them, I only know as much as you… settle down," Petr finally says with a command voice, Lucas stops taking swipes at him and stands beside the young man, "Why did you do that?," Petr asks with a loud booming voice covering the space showing unsettled emotions.

"Young man, watch your tone," one of the robe wearing young people says bringing up his fist.

"I can demand answers when wronged, why did you slight our group such?," Petr asks bluntly, "we were simply standing around and you come here wiping out over 80% of our group with no explanation, don't you think you owe that at least?"

"Junior, you dare take that tone with our esteemed selves? You are lucky we only wiped out eighty percent of your group, if it were up to myself or Elder Feng then we would have wiped you all out," a sneering elder speaks up, "you should be thankful that we held restraint."

"Restraint?," Petr, Lucas and most of the players mutter in unison as if rehearsed.

"Yes, we elders had to take action because our juniors would not be able to pull back their energy enough to ensure you all would not perish. If you get down on your hands and knees, kowtowing to your uncle seventeen times I will forgive you," the elder wearing a red robe sneers standing alongside the Elder Feng and Elder Ting both with their greying almost white hair and long moustaches.

"Kowtow?," a player can be heard asking while someone whispers in response; "Grovel."

A quiet murmur is stirred up between the players as everyone looks towards Petr and Lucas who have been acting as leaders of the player group so far but perhaps they've bitten off more than they can chew?

"I will not kneel before someone who just killed several of my friends," Petr says with an angry rage building in his voice.

"They're not dead even we, residents of this world, know that much about how the systems work."

"That doesn't matter."

"Why not? The people no longer have to wait around for whatever it is you people are waiting for, while you all are stuck here…"

"They lose everything they had on them," Lucas shouts in response.

"We know, some of the equipment is very interesting and will help our sects develop. It's a shame that they're locked away from us usually… perhaps—

—Enough Elder Wu, remember that we're still not at the Centre," another elder who hasn't spoken up yet interrupts the one called Elder Wu who was arrogantly looking over everyone. The person that was standing beside Jack is also standing beside this previously quiet older man.

"Sorry first elder, my emotions got the better of me," Elder Wu bows his head towards the one called first elder.

The first elder partially opens his eyes looking into the sky for a moment, "We have a few more minutes," he says before shutting his eyes again, "no more of this. You're in charge Elder Fuanzhi, remember 28:7:4."

"Right, thank you for your guidance first Elder," an elderly man wearing a green robe with a faint dragon appearance on it, "now players, I do not care about prior grievances but the truth is that death is almost meaningless for you unlike us. We will be happy to return the items to the people who lost them but they will need to seek redress from the appropriate sect until then, please follow behind us and listen to all instructions."

The group of newcomers begins to move through the crowd of players who quickly step aside and let them pass, none of the players remaining nearby are willing to make eye contact with them as they pass by. Their appearances are noble and elegant as they walk over the landscape without being hindered yet the expression on their face as they make eye contact with the few willing to do it…

It can simply be described as one of contempt, scornful contempt of a lower being.

Jack is unwavering as he watches these people pass by, their gaze mocking him yet he simply watches these people pass by without a care. It's not like these people would be stronger than Leah or the Tier 3 Demon nor the lightning. He steps forward to follow after the group curious about what they're talking about and feels himself stuck on something.

He looks and spots Marta holding his robe, "Are you curious about what's going on? If you don't feel confident then you should head back but if you're still alive then they might sense some potential in you," Jack reassures the young woman who still has an uneasy expression.

Jack places his hand on Marta to release his robe while lowering his voice, "those guys don't want me around while I'm wondering why those strong guys are here. I can protect myself but if you're not confident in yourself then you should head back. I can't protect you but I'll help if I can," he says while walking away from the young woman who seems still unsure.

Lucas seems to have noticed this exchange and comments on it, "Weak, can't even protect one person? Well come on everyone, let's stick together and show those arrogant computer programs that we're not someone to trifle with!"

Petr nods his head, "Yes, let's go everyone. We'll show them."

"What do we do about that guy? I still don't trust him, you heard what one of them said about him being a good sapling."

"Right, I don't trust him so he can't be with us."

Jack doesn't even turn around but he is watching what's going on through his spiritual sense, every player is agreeing with the group while Marta is standing off to the side slightly but quickly rejoins the group as Lucas walks over to her. It's not sweat off his back that these people are like this and by now he's used to it as it's not the first group of players that has been against him inexplicably but until they actually move against him he won't do anything.

The group stops by the edge of the water, Jack stops slightly behind them followed by the players behind him looking on.

A quiet minute passes before the players begin to get restless asking incessant questions to their new leaders whom are visibly getting irritated, "What are we waiting for?," someone yells out.

"Disrespectful, just wait," one of the young disciples says.

"What did you say—

—the water begins to make a loud noise as it parts way as if by magic, all of the players including Jack look on mesmerised by what's going on before them as the ocean itself parts way going into a deep darkness far below the surface.

"There is 28 minutes to make it to the first point then 7 minutes to reach the second point where we have 4 minutes to defeat the guardian creature that appears," Elder Fuanzhi says, "if you miss any points you will be left to die. This is your last chance to leave as once you enter the path, you cannot leave. There will be creatures trying to impede your progress along the path, it will be dangerous so I repeat this is your last chance to leave."

"Path for what?"

"Temple of the Red Lotus."