Uncle Jin

Tang Lin patiently waited for her uncle at the airport. Her uncle, Tang Jin, had just flown from another country and the first person he wanted to see was his niece.

"Lin!!! My great niece!! I've missed you so muc—"

Lin quickly dodged her uncle's hug.

"Let's go. I'm hungry."

"Wow! I haven't seen you in almost a year and you don't miss me!" Her uncle said as he pouted and turned the other way. She couldn't believe that her uncle could be this childish.

"Fine, I'm leaving. Get a cab."

"No! No! I'm coming with you! It's okay! It's only been a year! You don't have to miss me!" He said, but in the inside, he wanted to cry.

The uncle and niece got in the car and went to the most famous restaurant in the capital.

They went into their reserved room and ordered their food.

"So, what's going on lately? Got a boyfriend yet?"

"No. I want to focus on my studies first. And, don't you dare try setting me up with any men while staying with me! The only reason why I'm letting you stay at my house for a month is because you're my dad's brother. If you set me up, then I wouldn't hesitate to throw you onto the road!"

"My gosh! You have a sharp tongue, just like your father! He was able to beat me up verbally and physically, when we were young."

"What are you doing in the capital? I thought you wanted to live a new life with Aunty in a new country," Lin said.

Tang Jin sighed. "Um...I just wanted to visit you guys," he said nervously. Her uncle had a habit of tapping his finger on any object near him when he was lying, and right now, he was tapping the table nonstop.

"You're lying to me! Spill it, now!" Lin yelled.

Tang Jin looked at his niece and started crying and acting like a child, "Li Wan cheated on me!! I saw her kissing another guy at our house, so I packed all of my stuff and immediately bought a plane ticket here!"

He paused for a second and continued, "Please! Don't tell your father! He's going to set me up on dates with rich, spoiled brats who gossip and shop all the time. I went on a date one time and it was torture!!"

"Fine. I won't tell him if you don't set me up either."

"Really? But Lin, you are desperately in need of a boyfriend. I can help you find a good man," he said sadly.

"I'm calling my da—," Tang Lin said as she lifted her phone to her ear.

He immediately stopped her. "Deal! Deal! I won't set you up on dates! Just don't tell your dad. Please!"

Tang Lin put her phone down and thanked the waitress who just brought their food. They ate all the food on the table and left to go to her father's company, Tang Corporation.

The staff and security greeted the two as they walked into the building. They went to the highest floor and entered the office of Tang Lin's father, Tang Wei.

They saw a man with piles of paperwork on his desk and he was swiftly reading and signing each paper.

He pushed up his glasses and saw his younger brother and his daughter at the door.

"Oh, Jin, Lin, what are you guys doing here? Why didn't you guys notify me beforehand? I would've came down to get you guys myself."

Lin said, "We didn't want you to put aside your work in order to greet us, so we came here as a surprise!"

Tang Wei sighed and said, "Work isn't as important as family."

"Brother, we knew you would say something like that. That's why we didn't tell you!" Tang Lin nodded in agreement with her uncle.

"Since when do you take the side of your uncle? Didn't you say he's childish and makes unreasonable claims?" Tang Wei said in an attempt to split his brother-daughter alliance.

"Hey!! What do you mean unreasonable claims? I'm make more sense than you, child!" Tang Jin yelled at Lin.

Tang Lin whispered, "I'm the one who knows your secret and you're staying at my house, so you better shut it!!"

Tang Jin said, "You know what, I sometimes make claims that don't even make sense. I say nonsense most of the time!"

Tang Lin was surprised at the amount of time needed for her uncle to change from one side to another, when he was threatened.

"Uncle Jin is going to stay at my house for a month." Tang Lin changed the topic as they sat on the couch.

"Jin, you don't want to stay at one of my properties? It's more convenient," Tang Wei said.

Tang Wei's properties were known for being tight in security and surveillance. You would be safe, but people would be watching you 24/7. However, it didn't matter to most of the people Tang Wei allowed to stay there because they didn't mind living in huge mansions.

"The people at your properties STALK you 24/7. Who would want to stay there? I want some privacy. I would rather live with my niece than have people watch me take a dump."

Tang Wei sighed at the stupidity of his younger brother and asked, "Well, where's Li Wan? You didn't bring her with you this time?"

As Tang Jin was about to tap his fingers and answer his brother, Tang Lin quickly said, "Aunty has some matters to deal with in the other country. She wasn't able to come."

Tang Jin immediately stopped tapping his fingers and he exhaled in relief.

"Well! Lin and I are going to rest at home. It's been a long day. You don't have work tomorrow, do you?"

"No, it's a Saturday."

"Then, we'll come hang out with you at the Tang Residence tomorrow."


Tang Lin and Tang Jin left, and they went to Lin's mansion. Her property was bought with her own money.

"Hey Lin, let's go to the store. I'm hungry. The food at the restaurant didn't fill me up," her uncle said.

"I know. It didn't fill me up either. Let's go."

The uncle-niece pair went out once again at one o'clock in the morning to get food. The two rarely agreed on much and they argued a lot. However, when it came to food, these people were the biggest foodie friends(BFFs) in the world!

They got to the store and each got a cart. They each threw food in their carts as they walked down the aisles. It was just the two people eating, but the carts were both filled to the top as if they were having a big feast.

They went to the cash register and there was so much food in Tang Lin's cart that she just read a magazine for fifteen minutes while waiting. She saw a handsome businessman on the front cover. He and his family was well known in the capital because of their family's company and this man's success. They were the wealthiest family in the capital. The next richest family after them was Tang Lin's family, the Tang family.

"Oh! Isn't that Lu Shen, son of Lu Tai? I always used to visit them and I would hold him in my arms when he was a baby," Tang Jin said as he peered over his niece's shoulder to see what she was reading.

"Really? You know him?"

"Tang Lin, don't tell me you forgot?! You used to play with him when you were little! Stick boy! Remember?!" Her uncle tried hard to remind her.

Tang Lin tried hard to remember. She then remembered the skinny boy she used to hang out with since she didn't have friends. She looked at the magazine again and said, "THAT'S HIM?!?!! Stick boy wasn't this handsome, when he was young.

"Yep. That's him. Didn't you guys get "married" when you guys were young," her uncle teased.