Chapter 10

Zero just sits in bed, not sure this is real or not. He is scared to be happy, that it may all disappear as fast as it all appeared.

I lay close to him, holding him tight. Not able to believe, he is here with me. I never thought I would ever see him again. Now he was laying in my bed right next to me. I want to make him happy, give him everything that his creator took from him. I want to make him the way he should be. At the same time, I want to keep him, him. I see the sarcastic man is still there, just still in shock over things. He wasn't rude or mean to me. It was nice. He may turn back into the sweet, calm boy he once was. Without all the anger that built up inside him. There shouldn't be any resentment now. Or hatred towards vampires, Since he was no longer one, and they didn't exist here.

I just look up at him, still in shock. Since we are now in the real world, his features are so much more. The details he has are beyond words. He was gorgeous in his own world, but since it was just an anime world details were not the best. Now being real his true self shines through. I know that also being in the real world, it's going to bring real problems. Things are not going to be pre-written. There will be regular life problems we will go through. I just hope we can deal with them and make it. Not wind up to dislike each other at the end of this. We had a long road ahead of us.

"Zero, would you like to go check out your house? See where you live? I am a bit curious, to be honest. Plus I want you to see what outside looks like. I want you to see everything." I say.

"Sure, I still can't believe all this. I am trying to take it in. I can't believe, how I just fit into this world like I was always here. Like it was meant. It's so surreal." Zero states.

"I know. It was weird being Yuki when I was in your world. A little fun though, I have to admit. I knew you cared so much for her. You would let me do anything. Being myself now, I'm a bit unsure." I admit.

"I want you to feel, comfortable with me. That you could do anything with me. I want to get to know you, like you. At Cross, we would sit and talk for hours. I enjoyed that. I hope we can do that here as well." Zero says.

"Me too. That was me. Our conversations were real. It's just to be honest when it came to making love, I just felt more confident since I was her. I'm really not that forward in my own world." I confess.

"Do you still feel the same for me?" Zero asks.

"Yes, God yes," I say

"Then we shouldn't have any problem. It will take us both a bit to get used to this. I feel different in this body. I don't know how to explain it." Zero comments.

"You're a real human now. Not an anime. Not drawn in a story. You have everything a real man has." I state.

"Oh god, everything a real man has. My mind wonders and I get flustered just thinking about that. His naked body must be incredible. " I think to myself. My cheeks start to redden.

"Are you ok?" Zero asks.

"Yes, I think we should get dressed and go check out your house. Actually, I should get dressed. You're already in the white shirt and black pants. Damn you don't ever button that shirt do you?" I say.

"No why? I hate that freaken tie." Zero replies.

"Cause you look hot. I'm going to have to chase all the other women away, aren't I?" I respond a little worried.

"You don't have to worry about any other woman. I am here for you, and now our child. I still can't believe that." Zero answers.

"I couldn't either. I didn't think you could get pregnant being in a dream. Or whatever that was. I guess, that just shows you to always wear protection. " I laugh.

"Do you regret it?"Zero asks.

"No, not at all. I want this child very much. It's extra special to me. For many reasons. I do know what it is. Do you want to know?" I ask.

"Yes Please. What is it?" Zero replies.

"We are having a boy, "I state as I show him the ultrasound photos. "This is our son," I add.

"Wow, this is so cool. Am I going to fit in here? I mean I don't know anything about this world. Am I going to be able to be a good father?" Zero ponders.

"You will be fine. I will show you everything you need to know. The rest you will pick up just living here. Like the rest of us. Stop worrying." I say. Hoping what I just said is true.

I get up and get dressed. While Zero just sits on the bed and watches Tv. Getting acquainted with our world. I see his lavender eyes widen with each commercial break. Just watching how things work. Lost in the Awe. It was like watching a child see things for the first time. It brought a smile to my face.

"Are you ready?"I ask.

"Yes. I think I like TV here. There is a lot of things, I would like to try. Is that ok?" Zero asks.

"Of course. What did you see you would like?" I reply.

"Some food items. I want to taste everything. I love to cook. So I want to do that here as well."He responds.

"That sounds good because I hate to cook. Anything you want, we will get. It will be fun watching you taste things for the first time." I reply.

"Ok, I have my keys and wallet. There are a few keys on this. So, I am guessing one maybe a car? How do we find it though?" Zero asks.

"Let me, I say and I click the button and the car beeps." There it is." I answer.

"Is all this because its what you want me to have and be?" Zero asks.

"I think so. What I wanted for you here is to have a normal real life. And most of all to be happy. I want to give you things you never had in the other world. I want to bring a smile to your face, not just once in a while but all the time." I comment.

"So far you're doing a good job. I feel free being here. Not the weight of being a vampire on my shoulders. Needing blood, and those damn blood tablets had to go! Always dependent on her, where I didn't want to be. Not to mention, everyone at the association always looking at me. I'm the level E. Its not like I asked for it." Zero remarks.

"You don't have to worry about any of that now. It's all in the past. I just hope you don't regret this or miss things." I answer.

"What's there to miss? I do still care for Yuki. I always will. I can't help that. But the rest I can let go of without looking back." Zero admits.

"And what about her? Can you let go of her?" I ask. With panic in my voice.

"I am here aren't I?" Zero says.

While driving to his house which isn't far from mine, I just wonder if he will think of her and miss her. That no matter what I am doing for him, he will still ache for her. The thought hurts me deeply. I just need for now to let it go, to enjoy what I have in front of me. While I do.

We get to his street, looking for the house that is on his ID. We come to it, seeing a regular rowhouse, two stories high and we park in front of it.

"I guess this is it," Zero says.

"I guess so, "I answer.

We both get out of the car and go up to his stairs, Zero using the key to open the door. Letting me walk in first, him right behind me.

We walk into a living room. medium brown walls with white crown molding, dark brown sofa with multi-colored throw pillows. Hardwood flooring with an area rug in front of the sofa, that matches the pillows. The bay window with blinds and a light cream curtain, wooden coffee table and big screen tv on the wall. Next to that room is a small dining room with a square table and four chairs. Then the kitchen.

"This place is great so far. Wow, this is where I get to live? I love it." Zero says checking things out.

When all of a sudden his phone rings."Ok, where is that coming from? "Zero asks.

I try to help him find it. Finding the phone on the kitchen island. I hand it to him.

"Hey Bro, are you coming over today?" Ichiru asks.

Zero just says silent, not sure he is hearing what he just did.

"Bro are you there? Your playing with the damn girl of yours aren't you? Take her with you then. Mom and dad want to meet her anyway. Mom isn't happy that she is married though. So beware from now. You're in for it." Ichiru laughs.

"Mom and dad?" Zero says.

"Yea, what the hell is wrong with you?" Ichiru asks.

"Nothing. We will be over." Zero says. Still in shock.

"Then hurry, you only live down the street. IT shouldn't take you no time. Damn your off your game today."Ichiru states.

"Yea yea. See ya in a few." Zero responds. Hanging up the phone.

"Zero are you ok?" I ask.

"I don't know. That was Ichiru, and My Mom and dad want us to go over. They are alive? They are ok? They are here?" Zero says. Walking up to me and giving me a hug.

"I wished for you to having everything you didn't before remember?" I say.

"I don't know what to say to you. I don't know if I can be around them, without them noticing something is wrong. They're alive." Zero responds.

"You will be fine. Enjoy it. They are here for you." I answer.

"Ichiru says my mom isn't too happy about you being married. So please whatever they say, don't let it bother you." Zero states.

"She is a mom, of course, she doesn't like things. She is worried about her son. I understand that." I answer

I don't show him, but deep down. I now see that the regular everyday things are coming to get us. A mother in law. I already had one so I know how it goes. Just this time, I would bite my tongue to give Zero everything he needs. Just for how long would that last? This should be fun.