Chapter 12

In the middle of the night, Zero wakes up, as tired as he is, he can't sleep. All the thoughts running through his mind. It feels like a dream. He doesn't want to wake up from. He had his parents and his brother. It was wonderful seeing them again. To be able to share his adult life with them. To let them see his child be born. The feelings, he felt were overwhelming, to say the least. He looks at the sleeping woman lying in his arms, he can't help himself but smile. Something he caught himself do a lot today. More than in his whole other life. He didn't feel angry anymore. It was even hard for him to keep his emotions hidden at times. He was starting to feel like he did when he was a child. It was unbelievable to him.

He slides out from the hold of Alexa, covering her up and tucking her in. Knowing that he owes all this to her. Did she love him that much to make all this happen? He was in the real world, yet he knew nothing about it. He gets up going to the bathroom, then downstairs to get something to eat. Taking a better look at his new home. He sees on his way back up the stairs, there is another bedroom, but its an office with a computer. So he sits down to check out, what the internet has. He goes to reads the news of the day, seeing a lot of bad people were here as well. Even though they were not Vampires, he would have to watch over people. Seeing his job didn't differ too much. He also sees in the corner of the room his work clothes and his gun. Which wasn't the bloody rose but still a gun. Not much in that has changed, still the black dress pants, white shirt, vest, and gun holder. He chuckles at his findings. Saying at least something stayed the same. As he goes back to search the internet.

As he is innocently looking around, sex sites show up in the corner of the web page. Zero a little intrigued as to what this is. He wasn't very, experienced in sex at all. Only sleeping with one woman.

In the past at Cross, Alexa would be the one doing everything to him. He just enjoyed it and she let him. He did notice here, that she was a bit shy. Holding back, so he took the initiative the last time. He figures maybe he could learn a few things, and clicks on the links. Some things, he sees appalls him, even baffles him. Then others he sees turns him on and he wants to try. Never really knowing you could do all this with a person before. He does his best to stay away from the wacky weird stuff and tries to see just how to pleasure a woman. Wanting to give back to Alexa what she did to him. Now seeing how some things are done. Which excite him. He feels himself rise to the occasion. Which makes him feel a bit shy himself. Yet, he feels he is going to see if she is willing to play. He knew at Cross, she never said no to him. She was one to touch, and want to be close. So he figures, he would try it here. Maybe it would make her feel more comfortable with him. Seeing that earlier, he made her crazy, just like he did at Cross. Which made him feel good.

He takes the computer off, heading back to his bedroom. Seeing Alexa laying peacefully in bed sleeping. Instead of getting on his own side, he snuggles in, on her side, pushing himself up against her back.

I just moan as I feel his chest on my back. His hands go around my waist. I just push myself closer to him. The feelings that go through me, are incredible. The way he can make me feel, I never thought possible. I just keep my eyes closed enjoying the feel of his body up against mine.

Zero sees that she likes him being this close, he lightly kisses her neck and nibbles on her ear lobe. Knowing this is something, she likes a lot. His hands climb up the shirt she is wearing, gently rubbing and squeezing her breasts. She just moans pushing herself up against him. Which makes him harder. He slides down, pushing the shirt up as he kisses and licks her tail bone up her back, making tingles run through her. His hands roaming her body, making there way to her panties. Which he now just slides off and throws to the side. He slides a finger inside her, feeling her moisture that is growing from each of his touches. This makes him smirk to himself, knowing she desires him.

He slides himself back up. Kissing her neck again, as he slides his manhood in between her legs. Letting it slide between her lips, making her want him even more. He lightly moves her leg putting it over his thigh, so he has more access to her. He pushes her body against his, where he slides inside of her, making her scream out his name. He gently slides in and out of her, and he slides his hand around her, letting his fingers rub her nub, as he saw on the internet. He keeps rubbing it as he slides in and out of her harder and faster. He sees her body react as soon as he touches her. Her moans and pants deepen, and her body starts pushing up against his harder. He knows he found the right spot and keeps it going. As she bucks into him, He feels himself almost there as she lets go, screaming out his name. That just sends him over the edge and he lets go. Letting his seed fill her. Happy she is already pregnant, cause if she wasn't. She would be from tonight.

They both pant and stay close. Trying to calm themselves down.

"Zero, where did you learn that?" I ask.

"Did you like it?" Zero replies.

"God, yes," I answer.

"Good, I learned it from the internet." Zero states.

"You bad little boy, "I say with a smirk.

"I learned a few other tricks too. Next time you're in for it." He chuckles.

"I don't know if I can handle anymore. You make me completely crazy now." I answer.

"Good, it's the way I want to make you. I also want you to know you don't have to be shy with me. You can come to me when you want it. Like you did before. I kind of got used to it." Zero admits.

"I will just give me time," I answer. Snuggling up to his chest.

I have to admit. I like this new Zero. I didn't have to go after him, he was always coming to me. It felt good. Just also as a human and pregnant, I am more tired. Where he still seems to have his seventeen-year-old sex drive. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. I just hope, I can be all he needs. I just cuddle up closer and fall asleep. Feeling content and happy for the first time in months.

In the morning, I hear the phone ring. It's Zero's. He crawls over me to answer it. Giving me a kiss before he says Hello.

"Hello," Zero says.

"Hey Bro. You coming so we can shoot some hoops? I wanted to talk to you too. You're not going to let your new girlfriend keep you away?" Ichiru laughs.

"No, She is sleeping. I will shoot some hoops with you. I can't seem to sleep anyway. I just drift in and out." Zero states.

"I will meet you and mom and dads." Ichiru answers.

"I'm going to go spend time with my brother. While you catch up on some sleep. Ok?" Zero says.

"Yep, Enjoy your time," I answer.

"I will. I will make some breakfast for us both when I return." Zero responds.

"Sounds good," I say drifting back to sleep.

Zero gets dressed and walks down the street. Seeing Ichiru waiting for him on his parent's steps. It's a weird feeling for him to see him there. Ichiru just hands him a cup of coffee.

"I thought you would need this. To get you going. I'm sure you and your lady friend were busy." Ichiru states.

"Why are all of you all over me because of her?" Zero asks.

"Because your not the type. We never saw you so into a woman before. Now having a child? And saying you want to get married? Shit, I thought mom was going to blow a gasket last night. She tried to cover it up but when you left, her and dad couldn't stop talking about it. Is this woman just trying to trap you?" Ichiru asks.

"No, I admit our relationship isn't like any other, but she loves me. She has given me everything, I ever wanted." Zero replies.

"Bro, are you going to be able to be an instant father to her kids? They aren't babies, they know their father. You're not going to be able to replace him." Ichiru responds.

"I'm not trying to. Things are happening fast, I Know that. It's just the way it has to be at the moment. Once we are past all this, things should calm down and be normal." Zero answers.

"I hope so for your sake," Ichiru says.

"What about you? Don't you want to settle down?" Zero asks.

"No, not at the moment. I am having too much fun playing the field. I just hate that, I'm going to lose my wingman." Ichiru admits.

"You're going to be an uncle, and I will always be here for you." Zero remarks.

"I know. Are you a bit nervous to meet her kids?" Ichiru asks.

"A bit. Not sure, how it's going to go. The younger one, I was told isn't going to be too happy. It's probably a lot for them to take in. Their parents are divorcing. Their mother has a new guy a new child. Its a lot I'm sure." Zero comments.

"Heh, They are teenagers, they are going to be more brutal then mom." Ichiru laughs. Throwing the ball at Zero.

"Gee, thanks. You make me feel so much better. You little shit." Zero replies.

"That's what I'm here for, big bro." Ichiru answers.

Zero enjoys being with Ichiru, being able to discuss things with him. Be open. Its something they haven't had since they were children. He did know that Ichiru was right. This wasn't going to be easy. It was just part of the relationship now. They would deal and hopefully get over it. Zero just felt this was part of being Human and in her world. It still beats dealing with Vampires and Kaname. Which he sat there and thought. "I wonder how that ass is doing? He got the girl, I wonder what happens next." Zero thinks. Not knowing the full storyline.