Moving In

I wait a few days for Joel to cool off before I text him. I need to know, if the divorce is going on schedule, or if he is going to make things hard.

Alexa: Joel, are you ok? I just wanted to check-in.

Joel: I'm Fine, Don't worry you will get your divorce you so want. I don't see what is so special about him. I still don't see why you are doing this. But if this is what you really want so be it. The only thing is, I want you to put the house up for sale. There is no way. I am letting him live there. You get your half, I get mine.

"Alexa: Fine, if that is going to make this go easier, I will do it. He wasn't going to live here anyway. We were trying to let the girls get us to him being here.

Joel: Really? Letting a stranger come into our home? Being with our Girls? I don't see what the hell is wrong with you. You're normally smarter than this.

Alexa: I know him for a while, he isn't a stranger. Like I said to you before, He would never hurt them or me. You have to have some trust in me.

Joel: TRuST? You speak about TRUST? That's a bit much coming from you. I did trust you. Look where it got me.

Alexa: I see this isn't getting us anywhere. I will call a realtor and put the house for sale. I will let you know what they say.

Joel: Whatever. You will put our home up for sale and let go of everything we built for him?

Alexa: It's not only for him. Its something I need to do. Our marriage was lacking Joel. You don't look for something else when you're happy.

Joel doesn't text me back, I know he is mad. I am sure he is going through a lot of things. Just the same as me. That night I need to speak to Zero. I knew he would be at my home, soon after he was finished at work. He would come home like clockwork.

"Hey, How was your day?" Zero asks.

"Good, and yours?" I answer.

"Good. Anything new about Joel?" Zero asks.

"I spoke to him this afternoon. I sent him a text. He is going to let the no-contest divorce go, as long as I put the house for sale and give him his share. He wasn't too happy with you staying here." I say.

"That's fine, you can move into mine. We can start our life." Zero replies.

"You're sure you're ok with this? You're not only taking me, but you're also taking my two children." I respond.

"I am fine with it. You took me into your home, you have given me everything, I wanted. I am fine with it. I wouldn't even have the home if it wasn't for you. Plus this is a good thing, we can start getting ready for our child." Zero answers.

"That sounds nice. I really want to share that with you. Getting the room together. Buying things for the baby together. It's a special time. I just don't want Joel to ruin it." I say.

"He isn't. I am not going to let him get to me like I made Kaname get to me in the past. Plus you're not in love with him. I know you want me and only me. It's all that matters. Once the divorce is over, your free." Zero comments.

"Too a degree, I will still see him for our girls," I respond.

"I know, but you won't be married to him." Zero remarks.

"Are you really happy here?" I ask. Really needing to know.

"Yes, I am very. I love seeing my mom and dad every day. I am able to pick on my brother. Everything is normal and real. It's great. I come home to you. I am fine." Zero answers.

"Good. I really want you to be." I say.

I know moving in with Zero is going to be a lot. It wasn't my home. I just knew I had to get over that. I made him feel at home at my house. I know he would do the same. It was just weird starting over. I was happy to hear he was doing well here. I knew being with his family would make him happy. I still just wondered if that was the only reason, he didn't mind being here. Yes, I still had doubts. Wouldnt you?

I called the realtor who came to our house and had it asset. We put it up for sale and started taking the furniture out. I gave most of it to Joel. Zero already had furniture, and there was no sense in taking all this stuff to his place. I did take the girl's beds, and their stuff to put it in their new room.

They were over Zero by now, but selling the house, they were not very happy with. They didn't know, why they had to leave their childhood home. I didn't want to say because your father was being petty. I just said it was a good thing to move on. Their new room was big enough for both beds. So they shared a room, which wasn't anything different. They always did. It was just going to take them a bit to get used to a new house.

Zero lost his office, for us to turn it into the baby's room. He just fixed up the basement and put his office down there. Nothing really seemed to bother him. He was so calm and push me I'll go. It was great, to be honest. He was still sweet and loving. I had no problems with him. I wasn't looking forward to living down the street from his mother though. Real-life.....It isn't as fun as the anime world.

It didn't take us long to get the house ready for us to move in. Now just would tell the tale. Could we make it as a couple? Would Yuki come back to haunt us? I guess we will find out. Ready or not.