
The next morning, I wake up in Zero's arms. I see he didn't go to work, which in a way I am glad. I know that any time now. I can go into labor. I would prefer him here with me. I don't want him to miss a thing, since this may be the only child, I am able to give to him. I snuggle up to his warm chest, my tummy in the way for now. Soon we will get to meet our beautiful child. All this is still surreal to me even after nine months of going through all this. I am carrying and going to have Zero Kiryu's child. It took my breath away.

The thought of him leaving, or going back to his real-life always enters my mind. I am still scared as fast as this happened it could all leave. It's not like, I have any idea how it happened or how it's supposed to go. Which leaves me with tons of questions. Ones I just try to let go and enjoy the time I have with him. I love him and that hasn't changed a bit in the last few months. If anything, I have gotten closer to him now really knowing and being with him.

From what I see, Zero seems happy being here, He doesn't mention Yuki or his past life at all. He seems to take one day at a time here. He is very calm, and level headed. Even happy at times, with smiles and joking around. Especially when he is around Ichiru. I think out of everything that I have given him, that seems to be the most special to him. He loves spending time with him and being adult brothers. Ichiru is a lot of fun, he just says things the way it is, even more bluntly then Zero. I think he gets that from his mother.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Zero asks.

"I am doing ok. Thank you for staying home. It's nice having you here with me. I don't want you to miss a thing." I reply.

" I have no intention of missing anything. I can't wait to meet our son. Who we need to think of a name for. I think our time is running out." Zero states.

"Yea true. What do you like? I would love to name him after you but Zero isn't a regular name here." I respond.

"I think a regular American name would be fine. I see your point about Zero. When I tell my clients at work my name some just look at me, but in Japanese, my name is rei, which means Zero."

"While you have been here what American names do you like? I ask.

"I guess a few of them. William, Connor, Nicholas. Do you like any of them?" Zero responds.

"Yes, they are all nice. I want you to name him. I have two other children and I have done this before. You haven't." I comment.

"We are doing this together, not just me. I love that you always think about my feelings and are always trying to make me happy. I just want you to be happy as well." Zero responds.

"I am. Very happy just being with you. Its been one hell of a ride so far. I just know everything that you went through before. It just bothers me you had so much pain in your life. You're so kind-hearted. So good. You don't deserve that at all." I reply.

"It's just the way things go, here I have come so far. I am so far from that Zero, I was at Cross. There is no hatred for vampires, No sadness for losing my family. I don't suffer from needing blood, all that pain just from turning into a vampire. I feel so free, so happy. I feel things, I never felt there at all. I don't feel so cold and empty inside anymore and all that is thanks to you. I will never be able to repay you for all this." Zero mentions.

"I just don't want you to feel that you owe me because of it, or that you need to be with me because of it. That's not why I wished for all this." I answer

"I know, I am with you because I want to be. I can say. I am truly happy just where I am." Zero replies.

"I am very happy to hear that. What took place last night with Joel? What is the real reason he isn't letting the girls come home now?" I ask.

Zero just looks at me not really wanting to say, but he wants to keep things honest between us. At the same time, he doesn't want to bring me pain.

"He didn't want the girls to be left alone with me while you're at the hospital." Zero states.

"Really? Wow. He still doesn't trust my judgment. Then if I really think about it, it's just his jealousy doing all this. He is just using the girls. "I reply.

"Don't worry about it, things will be fine. He will get over it sooner or later." Zero answers.

"I hope so," I answer. Kissing Zero tenderly on his lips.

His hand brushes up against my cheek. His touch makes me feel peaceful.

"I think we should get up and get some breakfast. Are you hungry?" Zero asks.

"Yes always," I answer.

Zero gets up from the bed, heading out the door to go downstairs to get us some food. I get up from the bed, wanting to follow him down. When all of a sudden a gush of water, falls to the floor. I know right away what is happening. I try to stay calm but even though this is my third child I am still a little freaked. Following the gush, I am now in full pain. The contractions coming swiftly.

"Zero," I Yell.

"What babe?" Zero Yells back from downstairs.

I take a seat on the bed, not able to stand the pain is strong. I just try to take deep breaths to help with the pain. It hurts so badly that I can barely answer Zero. Which he notices and comes back upstairs.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Zero says.

"I'm in labor. We need to go to the hospital now. I don't think it's going to be long. As you can see my water broke." I reply.

"Ok, don't panic. Let me grab that bag. I didn't start any breakfast but the coffee. I will turn the pot off." Zero starts mumbling to himself.

I can see he is very nervous and trying to contain it, so I don't notice. Which just brings a smile to my face. He is so cute. He grabs my bag and me. Helping me down the stairs and into the car.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Zero asks.

"They are coming fast and hard Zero. I don't think we have much time," I answer squeezing his hand.

Zero drives fast to the hospital which luckily is only five minutes away. Zero parks and helps me out of the car, bringing us both to the doors of the hospital. We walk up to the front desk.

"My Wife is in labor can you help us?" Zero says.

"Sure, What's her name? I will get her a wheelchair and you both need to go up to the maternity ward. "The Front desk answers.

"Alexa Kiryu is her name," Zero says.

I sit in the wheelchair doing my best to go with the pain. As Zero puts us both in the elevator to go up to the maternity ward. He just holds my hand as we go up to each floor. I can see his nerves written all over his face.

We get up the ward and the nurse tells Zero to wheel me to the room on the left. We both go in and Zero helps me into the bed as a nurse comes in to check me. I hate this part, but its just part of it all. When she checks me, she knows right away the baby will be here in no time.

"Wow, you two got here in the nick of time. You are already dilated 10. Its time to push.

There is no time for an epidural this will be fully natural. There was no time for anything, to be honest, things were happening so fast. Zero holds my hand and I start pushing, which only takes about four pushes and I hear our baby start to cry.

"Zero he is here. Is he ok?" I ask.

This whole nine months, all I did was worry if this child would be ok. This wasn't a normal encounter at all. I was expecting all kinds of things to go wrong. He was produced in an anime world then brought to life here. Would everything be normal? Or would there be things we couldn't explain? I never brought that up to Zero, not wanting to make him upset or worry. I knew he had a lot going on just getting used to being here.

"He is fine, he is 7 pounds 8 oz. "Zero says.

"Does he look ok?" I ask.

At first, Zero just looks at me, then he gets what I mean.

"Yes, everything is fine." He replies taking him over to me and placing him in my arms.

Was he ever so right, this little baby was perfect in every way. He was a regular human baby. Everything in the right places. His eyes shimmer lavender just like his dad's. His peach fuzz hair is the lightest of brown. He is a combination of us both. He is gorgeous.