Seven Years.

Six years have flown by extremely fast. I have been with Zero seven and a half years. Our son is now going on seven as well. He is smart, sweet and looks a lot like Zero just with light brown hair color. I did get something of mine in. We have grown closer as each year has gone by. Having a very nice and loving relationship. Zero after talking to Ichiru that day, finished the Manga wanting to know what fully happened, after reading it fully. He never went back to it or even brought it up. We went on to have a regular life. I couldn't ask for more.

My daughters were now in their twenties, neither of them still living with me or their father. The Young one went to college, and the older one was working and living with her soon to be husband. My other children grew up. I only saw Joel when need be. Like on special occasions. Like when our daughters graduated or got engaged. Otherwise, I was finally free of him as well. He did sure know how to make life hell when he wanted to during those few short years we had. He never got over me leaving him for Zero or any of the rest. I can't hold that against him, I don't think I would have either. It still was unreal to even me and I knew the full truth.

Zero never minded taking my children. Just like he took Ai he accepted them. They have gotten close to him and accept him as well. It is now easier since they are both adults living out of the house. Which now makes it just Zero, ZJ and I. We get to experience what it is to just be a family of three. It's very different than when the girls were here. Its a lot quieter and we have a lot more time for each other. We still see the girls every Sunday for dinner. It gives us something to look forward to. I love spending time with all of my family.

Now that our son is in school full time, there isn't a reason for me to stay home. I now work at Zero's agency with him and his family. I am no detective yet but I do a good job at finding out things for them and doing paperwork. I enjoy being there with him. His family and I have gotten along a lot better as well. His mother has gotten over whatever flew up to her ass when she first met me. I think she can now see just how much I truly love him. That I would never lie or use him. I believe Ichiru told her the truth as well. Letting her know where they really come from, which seems to keep her quiet as well. Knowing that I gave her back to her sons. I gave her a life she never really would have.

Ichiru also looked into what would happen if Zero ever wanted to return to Cross. Where would that leave the rest of them? An old Japenese man from the old country told him, nothing. Its been over six months that they lived here on this earth. They were now built into it as if they were here from the start. So if he went back, they would stay here and live on. To us, it would just be as if Zero passed away since he was here all this time. He was now known as a person in this world. Our son was born here, so he was part of here from the start. There was no fear of him just disappearing into thin air. That all made me feel good. Ichiru just never told Zero what he found out. He told me it was better not to tell him. Even if he changed his mind and left, it wouldn't change there lives. He didn't want it to change mine. We became very good friends.

After Zero read the manga and seem to settle down some, I wasn't as worried, that he would want to return to Cross and leave our family. He didn't seem to have any want or reason too. He also didn't seem to hate Kaname as much as he did, when he first got here. Seeing that he gave his life, and wasn't with Yuki after all. Telling them to go together with that he saw the love they have for each other. That made Zero see him in a bit of a different light. Which in turn put all that he used to feel free. Making this life even better for him.

Its been so long but I do sometimes wonder if he thinks about her still? He doesn't seem to bring her up. I just know that doesn't mean he doesn't think about her. It's part of his past. Part of what he was supposed to be. Just if he doesn't want to talk about it, neither do I.

He seems much happier here than he ever was there. He smiles, laughs feels at peace. It's wonderful to watch. It isn't like at Cross, though. Here is he a regular normal man, that ages with time. In this life, he is already forthy three. He still looks hot just matured. Where in the manga he never aged. He always looked Seventeen. I didn't mind that at all. I found it to be special, we would age together. Grow old together. Hopefully, watch our son grow up and have his own family. I looked forward to that. I looked forward to many things as long as they were with him.