Zero thinks about all that she just said to him, knowing she is feeling lost. Knowing that Ichiru didn't help his cause, just put more crap into her head. He knew if he didn't do something right away, things may go wrong. He still did feel she wouldn't leave him, she loved him too much. He had that on his side. He just wanted her to feel wanted and loved, just like she made him feel all these years.
He knew in a way, he let Yuki still take over this life he was living. He just now knew she wasn't what he really wanted at all. It was all just a fantasy made up for a book. In real life, he saw her as just a friend if even that. He just did something with her, that could ruin his whole real life here and he didn't want that either. He never saw himself giving into temptation, yet he did. Just like at Cross when he went after her blood, this time it was something else. It just didn't satisfy him as he thought it would.
Zero barges into Alexa's office, needing to make this right.
"Why do you feel I would leave with her and leave everything we have?" Zero states.
"Because I know how you feel about her. I know you want her. You have always, why would that change now? I can't compete with it. I can't compete with her." I answer.
"You don't need to. This is real life, I don't want her as I did in the manga or at Cross. I am not leaving you. I am just sorry I didn't make that really clear last night or even this morning. Seeing her was a lot to take in." Zero admits.
"Really? You're just going to give her up? Let her go? No regrets? You don't have to stay here because you think the rest will disappear. We looked into it, everything stays the same but you." I confess.
"I already knew that. I looked into it myself. I am not staying because of that. I am staying because I love you. I want you." Zero answers.
Zero moves close, grabbing me and kissing me passionately. His hands roaming my body.
"Zero what are you doing?" I say.
"Showing you how you make me feel. How much I want you. What I should have done from the start." He replies.
Kissing me again on my lips. My arms just wrap around him, pushing him closer to me. I love him so much. So far nothing stopped that, or the want I have for him.
His hands move my black pencil skirt all the way up my waist sliding my black silky panties down my legs. He lifts me up placing me on my desk, where I just wrap myself around him. Undoing his belt and pants so he can slide inside me. I kiss down his neck and back up to his lips moaning into each kiss as he slams into me. The urgently growing with each thrust until we both let loose.
His body lands on top of mine trying to catch his breath, me trying the same. What was he really trying to prove by this? I didn't know. I was just happy to hear he wasn't going anywhere. I just knew he was hiding something. This made no sense to me. He never did this before, we have made love but not like this.
"That doesn't fix everything Zero," I say.
"I know, we will work on our relationship. She will be going home soon. I will say goodbye in front of you today. So you know everything that is going on." Zero says. Fixing his pants.
"That's a start. I still feel something isn't right." I reply.
"Everything is fine. It will all go back to normal once she leaves. You will see." He responds. Kissing me on my head.
"If you say so. Last night when you came home, you barely answered my questions. You were up all night thinking just as I was. " I shout.
"Stop, You know there is a lot going on, I mean really this was a huge thing seeing her again. I didn't think I would ever see her again." Zero answers.
"Now you did. Are you going to regret staying? Start thinking about her all over again. I Can't live like that. I can't be the second love of your life. I am tired of trying to compete for your love." I answer.
"I don't feel for her what I did. Things are way different then they were. I believe after this I will finally be free of her. I needed this more than you know. I had to see for myself. There is no completing. You are my wife, the woman I love." Zero replies.
I don't know what to say. Did I really hear this right? He was picking me? When Yuki would show up would she change his mind? Was it really over? I couldn't help to think these things. It was nice to hear that he loved me. That he wanted me. I just hope its really the truth.