End of time..

Three years have gone by in a flash, we are now married for ten years. After everything that happened with Yuki, Zero finally did let go. Giving me the man, I always wanted him to be. He was before that just now, I felt and knew he was mine and only mine. I had no worries about him leaving me for her. Which felt great. Which felt freeing.

After he told me the truth, I didn't know what to do. I thought about walking away, but then I was like why? We have gone through so much. He was here to live, and not going back there. Why throw it all away for one mistake? Even though the mistake was very hurting. It took me a while to get over even though, I tried not to let it, get the best of us. I saw him trying to make things better. Trying to be the man, I needed. Which only meant he loved me the way I wanted him to. The rest of our lives was wonderful. I am glad I stuck it out.

Zero and Ichiru talk a bit more than when this took place. I do still see that Ichiru doesn't trust Zero. I am not really sure why. Its as if he knows something and is holding back. I know it's not about Yuki so I really don't care.

Our Son is now ten also, Zero and he do all kinds of things together. He is a wonderful father. I smile every day just watching them two interact with each other. I also see ZJ's hair turning lighter and lighter as the years go on. Zero's genes for just being an Anime guy are pretty damn strong. Our son looks more and more like him, which only makes me happy. ZJ is happy and full of life, he is nothing like what Zero was in the anime. Then his life is happy and normal.

My in-laws are also happy with there life here, and with each other. We still go on Saturday to eat dinner with them. We all get along very nicely now. My mother in law learned to curb herself. Not really having anything to hit me with anymore, since we been married for so long and she sees just how much I care for Zero. That alone made her lighten up a lot. She even told me once, she never thought, it possible for someone to love another the way I do him.

She isn't alone in that thought process. I never imagined. I could love another human being the way I love him, that wasn't my child that is, but I do. Even though its been ten years, I still feel the same way. It never faded or lost its shine, the way it did with my first marriage. He can still touch me and set me on fire. I still catch myself staring at him time to time at his silver hair and gorgeous lavender eyes. Those eyes that I love. I never thought any of this possible, I am just glad it happened.

Ichiru once asked me, if I ever had to go back would I miss this life or want my old one back? I told him if I was satisfied with my old life, I wouldn't have ever fantasized about Zero in the first place. I wasn't really happy in my old life, where this one I was. I had no regrets. It was hard at the start but we got through all that. Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy.

One day at the office, I see Ichiru go into Zero's office a little pissed off. Which isn't new. These two are something together. They love each other and hate each other all in the same breathe. I was used to it by now. Zero never really getting over the fact, that Ichiru liked his life for his own. He felt even here in real life Ichiru wasn't happy with his life and wanted to take his. Zero knew he didn't have to worry about a thing, so he just shrugged it off. Which only pissed Ichiru off more, knowing that I cared so much to let Zero get away with almost anything.

"Have you told her the truth?" Ichiru says slamming the office door hard behind him, almost cracking the glass.

"Told her what? What are you talking about now?" Zero hisses.

"You may be able to play her, but I know better. You think not telling her is going to make it easier? What about mom and dad?" Ichiru snaps.

"Either way, it's going to hurt, why let her know now? Why let her wonder when it's going to happen? I Rather her enjoy now, and what we have." Zero replies.

"So it's just all a big what the fuck happened? When it takes place? God, I am glad your not my husband." Ichiru answers.

"I wouldn't want you to be. You're an ass. I want, what we have left to be special. I want to give her everything she gave me. I love her very much, everything I have is because of her. and I will never forget that." Zero admits.

"I think you should tell her. I think that is only fair." Ichiru huffs.

"No, I want to give her back her old life. If I tell her that, she won't let me." Zero admits.

"How about if she doesn't want it back? She wasn't happy back then. Why not leave it the way it is?" Ichiru asks.

"Because she left everything for me. Her life, Her home, Her job. I am not sure if she really wanted to give that all up or not. Just once I showed up, she did. This way I give it all back to her to redo it the way she wants." Zero confesses.

"Taking back everything you two shared? Do you really think she wants that? She wanted more than anything to be your wife." Ichiru comments.

"And where did that get her? Always wondering if I would go with Yuki even when I had no intentions of it. She was always looking over her shoulder. I made her feel the way Kaname always made me feel. I gave her things and took a lot away. I want you to give her this box, it will have all the money I made pictures and a few other things so she knows it was all real. So she is taken care of no matter what she chooses to do." Zero states.

"ME? You think I will still be here? That she will even want to talk to me if I am?" Ichiru asks.

"I know you baby brother. I know all this time all you did was fight to make sure you never returned. I also know how much you care about her. Plus you look exactly like me, if she picks you, she gets me in a different way. A way she honestly deserves. Without having to worry about someone else." Zero confesses.

"Wait, what? This makes no sense. You would actually do that?" Ichiru asks.

"I have no choice you know what is going to happen. I only have a say on how it goes down. I will give her old life to her, with you remaining here she can choose you or her old life. Whichever makes her happy." Zero says in a sad voice.

"Bro I am so sorry. I wish this wasn't happening. How could you let go of someone you love this easy?" Ichiru asks.

"I have no choice as I said before otherwise, I wouldn't. We both know that. I Just want her happy as she has made me. We had ten wonderful years. Even with all the shit that took place, she gave me a son I adore. There isn't much I can ask for." Zero states.

"What about ZJ. You can't do that to him." Ichiru says in a panic.

"He will be fine, he has you. I know when it comes down to it, you will look after them. You will do the right thing. You love them both just as much as I do. Its the only reason I can do this and not worry. " Zero admits.

"I will do my best. If she doesn't want me, I will still always be his Uncle." Ichiru states.

"Tell him about me? How much I loved him. How much I wanted him. How I never regretted him. He was perfect from the moment he was born." Zero says with a tear in his eye.

"I will, I promise," Ichiru replies sadly.

"And make her want you, I know how you can be. You look exactly like me, it should help your cause. Stay close and don't give up. It's what I want." Zero answers.

Ichiru just nods.