Losing mind

But alas, the smile never came.


That's the only word that flashed in Diana's mind after she ruffled the man's hair.

He remained expressionless and she could almost see a hint of displeasure in his eyes. He took a few steps back and Diana had this feeling that he was going to slam the door on her face so she hugged the baby protectively and retreated a few steps back worried that the little thing would start crying again.

But the expected slam did not come.

The man just stepped back and moved around a bit. The next thing she knew the lights were turned on and she was welcomed by the sight of the garage house that was in an absolute mess.

Maxim stepped out, "Hi," he said, without offering a smile.

Remembering her earlier stint of ruffling his hair, Diana did not why she felt embarrassed about it. After all, she used to do it before. They went to the same high school and the same university but he graduated early than her.

The man skipped one year and graduated early! Geniuses have a way with the things they do.

And now, meeting him after 6 years, she never expected things to be awkward between them. At least not this awkward. The moment she saw him, she felt so happy and acted on impulse but now looking at him, it certainly felt like things have changed.

Not in one way but in many. For example, his appearance.

He was not the beautiful skinny boy in dark-colored hoodies anymore. The man was wearing a tuxedo, his rolled sleeves gave her a glimpse of the popping veins on his forearms and his muscular body looked gorgeous.

His face looked as beautiful as ever with those dark eyes, straight nose, striking jawline...Just the boyish grin was absent. He looked cold and distant and somewhat manly.

She shook her head, telling her mind to stop making mental notes on 'Maxim Warner'.

"Umm... Hi..." she said after some time. Noticing the hint of confusion on his face, she asked, "Did I get the wrong house? I checked. This is 66, isn't it?"

Maxim glanced at her intently, his gaze trailed down her shabby appearance, the scratches on her face, on her jeans, her messy hair... His attention shifted to the peacefully sleeping baby in her arms and his gaze faltered for a moment before he looked back into her green eyes, "You..." Maxim opened the door wide, "...are at the right place."

"Woah, that's good," Diana let out a relieved sigh, "I will send you the advance right now, alright?"

"Here are the details," Maxim showed her his account details as she stepped inside.


After showing her the Garage apartment, Maxim was gone.

And Diana placed the baby carefully on the couch before she slumped on the floor, putting her head right beside the baby.

The place was semi-furnished, with wooden flooring but everything was in a mess.

Diana could even see the spider webs around.

No wonder. Why would they rent a top-looking place at such a cheap rate?

Letting out a soft sigh, she closed her eyes...not knowing when she gradually drifted off to dreamland.


"Ahhhhhhh!" Diana screamed at the top of her lungs when she felt a touch on her shoulder.

'Wahhh Wahhh'

The baby sleeping on the couch was stirred awake and her eyes snapped open.

"Hey, calm down. It's me."

She was greeted by Maxim's panicked face.

"Oh, damn... I am sorry," she pushed herself to her feet, only to stumble in the process.

Maxim grabbed her elbow, "It's fine. I didn't realize you were so deep asleep..."

She sighed, "I was tired. The long journey..." the additional adventure. Leaving the latter part unsaid, she picked up the baby in her arms and placed her on her shoulder as she patted her back, "Do you have some milk at your place?"

"I...am not sure," Maxim said, his gaze flashed for a moment as he looked at the baby before he glanced at Diana, "I can check," he continued before he turned around to walk towards the stairs.


His footsteps came to a halt and he turned to look at the woman who was busy swaying the baby in her arms. His eyes darkened for a moment but he did not say anything as he climbed upstairs.

Soon, he walked downstairs, "Do you need milk to feed the baby?" he asked, holding a spoon in his hand.

The baby had calmed down after Diana gave her some water so it was relatively peaceful from how it was some time ago, "I don't drink milk, Warner," she glanced at him with a 'Are you kidding me' face.

Maxim blinked before clearing his throat, "Cow milk is not good for babies. It's better to give them formula milk."

"Formula milk?" Diana was dumbfounded, "What's that?"

Maxim sighed, looking at her with a 'How could you not know' face?

"I have no experience," she bit her bottom lips.

He frowned.

Diana expected him to ask questions. He knew a lot about her so she had expected him to ask questions the moment they met but he didn't ask her anything at the door. Neither did he ask her anything when he showed her the place nor was he asking her anything at the moment.

"Earlier...when I was sleeping...why did you pat my shoulder?" She was dreaming of the scary expression on her mother's face and right at that moment, Maxim patted her shoulder, jerking her out of her dreamland.

"I was passing by and I heard your stomach growling," Maxim said with a straight expression on his face, "So, just wanted to ask if you are hungry."

"I..." As if on cue, her stomach growled and she blinked, "Wait you were passing by from this place?" He literally lived upstairs. Why would he pass by the garage apartment unless..."Were you heading out?"

"Yes, I am hungry so I was planning to go to the supermarket," Maxim nonchalantly said, "You can tag along. Let's buy the necessities for the baby."

Diana glanced at the shopping bags for the baby but she just realized the baby was still wearing the same diapers from 13 hours, "Oh my god..."

"What happened?"

"I haven't changed her diaper since morning," she bit her bottom lips, "Is that why she is crying?"

"You..." Maxim was exasperated, "Their skins are sensitive. It's possible that she developed rashes or she has pooped that makes her uncomfortable..."

"What do I do now?" Diana looked like she was about to cry.

Maxim massaged his brows but the corner of his lips twitched when she started crying for real.

"I-I just knew I'd mess up..." she sat on the floor, placing the baby on the couch as she hugged her knees, burying her face in between.

His expressions shifted.

One sob was followed by another until all he could hear were the sounds of her crying.

"Just... don't stand there... Leave... Leave me alone," Diana kept mumbling in between her crying fits.

She did not cry the whole day when her world flipped and she dropped like she was on a rollercoaster. She did not cry when her body was bruised and cut nor did she cry out of hunger or pain or at the sight of her pathetic account balance.

But now, she was in a crying mess sitting in front of her old friend with whom she had not been in touch for almost 6 years and who almost looked like some Greek god, inside his huge but messy garage apartment over the issue of having forgotten to buy baby diapers.

If this was not losing her mind, then she did not what was.


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