Turned him gay

Ryle quirked a brow, ''You are letting him take it, beautiful?" 

The receptionist felt like she was floating on clouds. Beautiful, Princess…. She could brag to her friends that her life was no longer dry. She got nicknames from two gorgeous as hell men after all. She only regretted not recording it. But how could she see this coming when she came to her usual daily days of boring work? 

The heavy pie that fell from the sky nearly crushed her to death. 

Daisy was speechless. This man… Wasn't he seducing that innocent girl just for the sake of a room? Men… Tsk. ''I was here first. I get this room,'' she stepped forward. 

''I will pay double for it,'' Ryle said without turning around. 

Daisy narrowed her eyes, ''Four times the original price,'' All these years of side gigs and part-time jobs she had taken up would go down the drain if she could not afford the price of a motel room.