Where is she?

When he moved from his previous place and got a job, all her memories stayed behind.

He got rid of their pictures and almost every other thing that reminded him of her. His brain assured him that she would leave his mind if he did that. That his obsession with her would disintegrate along with their memories.

Yet, no matter how he tried or what he did, he could not get rid of this particular picture. In the end, he flipped it around and fixed it in the photo frame such that he could not see her face. But keeping it on his desk never failed to be the constant reminder of what they once were. 

''Look at you! You are idling at the workplace," the voice brought Maxim out of his reverie.

Maxim placed the photo frame on his desk and glanced at the newcomer. 

''What was that?" Alex eyed the back of the photo frame.