Harassing blondes

 ''I am fine,'' Diana shook her head,

''Sleep some more and I will wake you up before dinner,'' Daisy stood up. 

Diana nodded, ''Where are Ivy and Angel?" 

''In the other room, worried about you. I forbid them from disturbing you.'' 

Diana forced a smile on her face but somehow the smile did not reach her eyes. 

Once Daisy left the room, she closed the door behind her and pulled her phone out before dialling Maxim's number.

But his number was unreachable. 

She tried calling him again but the call went off to voicemail. 

Daisy frowned before she typed a text and sent it to him. 

'Regardless of what happened between you both, I want you to know that I would track you down and beat you up for making my sister sad.' 

Once the text was sent, Daisy raised her head and glanced at the closed door for a moment before she walked away. 

Inside the room, Diana placed the soup aside.