This won’t do

"Are you sure, young master? This one won't resist regardless of what you want to do with my body."

Taking a deep breath to subdue the evil flame which reignited right away, Li Feng flatly said, "Cut off all their heads and put them in front of Zhi Yin's residence."

Nodding her head while pouting a little since she couldn't tease her young master anymore, Yu Yan didn't bother asking any questions since her job didn't include questioning the reasons behind why Li Feng did what he did.

Waiting until Li Feng went inside the courtyard, Yu Yan looked towards the blood soaked and corpse littered backyard and sighed loudly as she prepared herself for a long night of work.

After all, given how she was the only one who lived with Li Feng and he didn't have any other servants, both the job of getting rid of the corpses and cleaning up the blood were supposed to be done by her.

And as if that wasn't enough, her young master had even ordered her to gift Zhi Yin the dead assassins' heads.

Unable to resist thinking that maybe Li Feng gave her the additional order because she tried to tease him, Yu Yan sighed once again since there were a total of twenty corpses she needed to take care of.


"How long are those idiots going to take to assassinate a lowly Muscle Forming cultivator?"

Pushing down the uncomfortable feelings welling up inside him, Zhi Yin picked the marble which relayed whatever sound was heard by its pair marble in hopes of understanding what was happening on the other side.

In the beginning, Zhi Yin who was enjoying himself by forcing all the women he had captured didn't feel that anything was off. But it had already been five hours, and neither Mo Fan, nor the others in his group came back to report that they had succeeded in completing their mission.

As for the possibility of them all escaping by themselves or revealing his plans to anyone else, Zhi Yin was sure that none of them dared to do any such thing.

After all, doing so meant nothing more than throwing the lives of their family members away.

So…. What the fuck were those bastards doing by not coming back already?!

Gritting his teeth and cursing the commoner trash who couldn't do anything properly, Zhi Yin after dressing himself left his courtyard to enjoy some fresh air and calm down.

"Once those bastards come back, I'll make sure they properly enjoy the gift I've prepared for them."

Grinning as soon as he thought about the gift, Zhi Yin opened the door and saw something which caused the smirk to freeze right away.

Sucking in a cold breath, Zhi Yin quickly recovered and looked around to see if anyone else had seen this.

Luckily, since he didn't keep any guards or even servants around himself because he didn't trust anyone but himself, Zhi Yin discovered that no one else had seen the row of twenty recently severed heads covering the entrance of his courtyard.

Quickly moving forward and storing the heads inside his spatial ring, Zhi Yin poured a formula on the floor which made the marks of blood on it disappear right away and leave nothing behind.

Standing up, Li Feng who just finished completing one round of training stretched his body with a smile and stroked the compact but firm muscles on his arm with a huge smile.

It had been less than a week since the day he fought against those assassins sent by Zhi Yin, and Li Feng could already feel that his strength had grown up by quite a bit.

Even though it wasn't to the point that he would breakthrough into the next realm, Li Feng was sure that experiencing a real fight allowed him to advance quite a bit inside the Tendon Tempering Realm.

As long as he kept this up and fought against similar assassins once every week for a year, Li Feng was sure that he'd reach the peak of Tendon Tempering Realm.

But, there was one small problem with that plan of Li Feng's.

That was, there were no more assassination attempts!

"This won't do."

"Huh? What won't do, young master?"

Smiling mysteriously, Li Feng asked, "Why do you think I asked you to throw the heads of the dead assassins in front of Zhi Yin's house?"

"To warn him?"

Shaking his finger, Li Feng said, "Partly, yes. But the most important reason is because I wanted to taunt him into sending stronger whetstones."

"I don't think killing a few pawns of his would make Zhi Yin angry enough to send stronger people to deal with you, young master."

Snorting a little, Li Feng couldn't resist smiling proudly as he explained himself.

"When I told you to throw those heads there, I guessed there were two ways that Zhi Yin's thoughts would travel in."

"One, he'd think I'm so strong that none of his tricks would work on him, and I could get rid of him whenever I want to. But I'm not doing so since I can't be bothered with someone like him."

"And two, I'm strong enough to kill him, but I won't do so because there's something I need from him."

"But regardless of which way he thought, I was sure that he would send stronger assassins as soon as possible to try and kill me."

"After all, regardless of what he thought of me, I am someone who knows sensitive information related to him which could threaten him at any point of time."

"But never did I expect that he wouldn't try to kill me right away and would instead wait for an opportunity to get rid of me without any failure."

Nodding her head, Yu Yan finally understood why Li Feng asked her to put those severed heads in front of his house.

At the same time, she was now curious about what her young master would do now that his original plan had failed.

Would he go and mock Zhi Yin to his face, or make new enemies deliberately to gain battle experience from fighting against them?

Regardless of what he chose though, Yu Yan felt that exciting times were awaiting the both of them who had spent almost every day of the past two years cooped up inside Li Feng's courtyard.