The MachineGun

Though I spent most of my time in the orchard with Ochi and Zhambul I did make sure I viewed everyone's gift atleast once. Among the people who gathered that day the most satisfying pair to watch using their gift was Dekhgui and Ordzol.

Ordzol had a gift to peel the vine in layers which she used to thin the vine along its length.Her gift was capable of covering a large section of the vine at a time.

After Ordzol peeled the vine and thinned it Dekhgui used her gift to displace the thin pieces of the vine in to the ground. Her gift was able to cover more section of the vine than Ordzol's.So, she waited for Ordzol to use her gift the second time and then used hers.

The most pleasurable thing to watch was when Dekhgui activated her gift, the thin sections of the vine displaced so rapidly and hit the ground that it looked like someone pointed machine gun and sprayed bullet continuously.

Whenever Ordzol sees me coming to watch them, she will come to talk with me excitedly and ask me about my gift. Today also the same thing happened.

"Gan you came again today. Did you finish using your gift."

I smiled seeing her enthusiasm.

"Yes Ordzol. Have you finished your work."

"I have. I am waiting for Dekhgui to clean up the rest."

"Ah.. I wasn't late for the show then."

She laughed and sat near me.

"Gan did you work on the tree with the big zukr today."

"Yes. I seem to get the worst Zukr's recently as my gift eradicates them cleanly."

"Your gift not only eradicates it, it makes it harder to grow back as well. In the previous sections we worked only the trees you worked on doesn't have any zukr growing back. How wonderful would it be if you can use your gift more times."

I scratched my head awkwardly." I am trying my best, but I am not able to activate again. "

" Don't worry it takes time. My mother told me her gift only improved after 10 blooms from the gifting ceremony. Everybody has their own path. "

I sighed and we turned together to watch when we heard the sound of objects rapidly hitting the ground.I took some Lhasa i kept in my pockets and gave them to her. She smiled at me happily on seeing that. I suspect most of the reason for her excitement when seeing me is because of this.

Dekhgui came back after using her gift and sat down. I shared Lhasa with her as well and we were happily munching together after some time. I was curious from the first time I saw her using her gift and asked her what does she usually do with her gift.

She told me she does whatever people asks. Sometimes she removes sand, dust, water from huts. She helps khulan build windows during construction.She also steps in whenever people wanted to break hard things into smaller chunks. It seems like she was also the one who helped my mother dug the clay pit for her pottery work.