chapter 4: The Aftermath

So, my first heroic 'feat' was a bit... boring. I mean, stopping a bank robbery has to be the most cliché heroics ever next to getting cats down from trees, right? On the other hand, it allowed me to find out just how strong I was, which is very. On the other hand, the robbers were led by a tiberium-powered Terminator and King Shark, so it wasn't your usual robbery either.

That said, either King Shark's demigo status came from some lesser god, or he wasn't as powerful as he could have been, because I literally manhandled the fish without much problem. Metallo posed even less of a threat, and only served to demonstrate the indestructibility of the Praetor suit. Well, the suit and my unprotected arms.

Sure, I could have ripped them in half or kept firing and not releasing the trigger until they were a burning mush and be done with it, but that would have angered Superman and Company, and at that moment I did not want to risk it since despite the statement above I still didn't know the full extent of my capabilities, and it wasn't like I knew martial arts or anything like that to compensate for lack of strength. It later turned out I was, in fact, much stronger than I seemed then, but it'd take me some time to discover that fact.

Another thing, I took the kryptonite that Metallo used to basically live and brought it with me to the Fortress. You never know, and besides better to keep it away from Superman as far as possible, no?

You might also be wondering, why did I bring the plasma rifle with me instead of something more heavy-hitting? Well, aside from not wanting to become the Incredible Punisher yet, I didn't want to leave anything that the World's Best Detective could use to know anything about me, and most of my other weapons left either spent cases or shells, and chunks of metal on their targets, while the rest left nothing at all, area surrounding the target included.

So, back to the Fortress of Doom. The drones had managed to gather several metals from across the Solar System, including titanium, iron and tungste, which allowed me to make, among other things, tungstronium, aka the thing the heavy cannon, the chaingun and the gauss cannon are made of.

Why was tungstronium important? Because it's incredibly tough, way more than the original tungsten the alloy is made of. The main downside is that it's pretty damn heavy, but I'm pretty damn strogn myself, and besides I wasn't going to make more guns for me: rather, it would be the main component of the Fortress' defenses. Between the reactor and the fact ammunition was essentially limitless, the only thing left was making sure they could fire as much as I needed/wanted without their barrels getting wrecked or melted after how long firing.

I also scoured the entirety of Mars, remembering the first episode of Justice League and the War of the Worlds homage it paid with the tripods and the invasion. Guess what I found? Nothing, not a living soul, either native or local. I did find some fossiles, but they belonged to very primitive lifeforms, and according to VEGA they were billions of years old. So, no Martian Manhunter, nor alien invasion from Mars.

And no, there was no Hebeth hiding either, nor gate to Hell in either the planet nor the Moons nor any kind of ruins under the surface of the planet. No, I didn't shoot Mars, and not because I didn't have the BFG-10000 with me: I didn't want to destroy Mars with what I had planned, which was making a base so I found out the hard way, by mining.

Why make a base on Mars when the Fortress of Doom was more than enough for me? I had several ideas planned, but I found out that the Fortress, even with the magic crap it had, was simply just not big enough for me to enact them, and to make them happen I didn't just materials, but also more space on actual solid ground.

Now, back to Earth, things had become quite hectic when the public, namely the press and the government of the USA, found out about me and my actions. Some wanted to know more about me, some wanted Superman to take me to the gutter before I killed someone despite the fact I had yet to kill anything at all (and I put emphasis in 'yet to kill'), some wanted to steal my tech for the betterment of their people... The typical reaction to a literal space marine suddenly coming out of nowhere and then leaving just as fast, really. Some organizations even had the gal to already make plans about this despite barely knowing anything of me.

Like a certain playboy-cum-vigilante who began analyzing videos of me like a freaking addict to screens.

Unfortunately for them, I had a superAI that could hack every firewall they had and copy-steal their files for me to read.

Nonetheless, still other people liked the fact I helped Superman and the others, Supes himself included, and didn't off neither the Payday wannabes nor the supervillains despite having the means to do so, which I kinda liked. Sadly, that also made them assume that I was some kind of gun-toting Superman, powerful but reluctant against killing, which I wasn't.

Especially given my next official heroic act was me killing a bunch of terrorists with extreme prejudice. Before that, however, several other things happened.

All while Batman tried to know more about me.


Seeing him be slow and ponderous, or just standing there and taking the shots just feel wrong.

He needs to be constantly on the move, dodging enemy fire while shooting, jumping around, hookshooting his way closer to deliver a devastating melee attacks, and so on. Always moving, always in action, always hard to pin down, until he's just right there in your face and ripping your spine out - until a moment later he's stomping on someone else, or makes some distance so he can rocket barrage the enemy.

Only if you have this kind of Slayer running around, when some villain finally manages to nail him down with a few well placed shots, only then him tanking those would feel satisfying.

In other words, neither the Doom Slayer, the Doomguy nor the Doom Marine were ever known for their physical durability. It always was all about mobility and firepower (and also glory kills with the Slayer)

I know, but I want to create a sensation of 'unrelenting powerhouse' for the lesser villains that can't hurt him in any way, to make an impression. The 'he's standing there, menacingly' effect, basically.

And then scare the holy fuck out of them when he starts running and they find out (the hard way) how fast can a 7.3 foot space marine be.

Besides, the Praetor suit (or at least the chestplate) it's supposed to be indestructible, and let's be honest, if even the UAC couldn't destroy it, a bunch of heisters with 20th century guns aren't going to do anything to it. Heck, after entering the Divinity Machine , the DS himself has to be bulletproof to some point.