"Oi!" called Yosh rushing to the twin brothers at the great steps. "Thank Bathala I found you first. I've commissioned Luna and Stella to help me search for the two of you and played a little gamble on the side. Whoever sees you first gets to eat my Para-Applemango fruit that I've been saving and, whew, that's really a close one!"

The two just looked to Yosh's smiling face with blank expressions as if feeling a little sick.

"Hey, are you guys ok? I said a Para-Appplemango fruit? The rarest mango fruit there is? The one that's so deliciously sweet and juicy?" he stopped awhile awaiting his brother's reactions to the mystical fruit that they've been craving since winter. "Oh, come on! What's wrong with you two?"

"Were just tired is all," said Karus lethargically.

"Oh! I guess you won't be too impressed then if I told you that I ACED MY EXAMS TODAY! OH YEAH!" he said shouting with much enthusiasm.

The two began looking each other and suddenly created a very excited face filled with smiling eyes masking what they fell, giving opened mouths and raised eyebrows to further the effect. Nobody can see them like that, especially not Yosh. He won't quit bothering them what's up and they think he's still not ready to hear the news.

"Hooray! We're going to the North after all!" exclaimed Kayzar as he grabbed Yosh's head with his arm and scrubbed his hair vigorously.

"Wow! How'd you do it? I mean you can't really, seriously, positively, ace that exam! You didn't even listen to my lecture; you didn't even make a third of the attention you gave me to Kayzar when he's tackling about Military Tactical Decisions and Elemental Maneuvers!"

"Well, as I've said I just crossed the ones that don't matter and picked the ones that did. Even if I didn't understand Kuya-Kayzar's lecture, it doesn't mean that I didn't memorized some words that he uttered. When it comes to mnemonics, I can be a lot tougher to beat! I haven't really ever experienced an exam beating me!"

"Hah! Good thing you have the ears of a jungle cat and a memory like a snap dragon. I really envy that thing you have there," said Karus patting his shoulders.

"Yep, that's why I consider myself a good hunter - not to mention a handsome one If I might add."

"Here we go again," sighed Kayzar smiling and letting go of Yosh leaving him standing in the middle of the steps.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry Kayzar. I forgot that I shouldn't patronize him that much."

Karus and Kayzar went to the top of the stairs smiling leaving Yosh alone at the steps.

"What? What's wrong? It's the truth!" he shouted as he ran to join his brothers who are hurriedly walking to get away from him.

The three then walked merrily along the long hallways going to the eastern part of the Palace. Karus and Kayzar looked at each other as if conversing with their eyes, giving an understanding with one another. They just smiled and agreed to keep up showing a happy appearance so that everyone wouldn't notice something's amiss.

"Hey, Hey! I told you to include me in your conversation!" shouted Yosh waving his hands in front of the twin's face interrupting their almost-telepathic conversation. "You shouldn't leave the other company guessing what you're thinking! It's rude!"

"I'm sorry we're just realizing something..." said Karus snapping away from their deep thoughts.

"Yeah," replied Kayzar. "We're thinking, since we're going to the north. We should visit our dear friend Nemer."

"Right~" complained Yosh, "I know where this is going. You want me to go to Nemer and ask him to tell his master Dal'Gur to make us new weapons. You two always pass me errands!"

"Hahaha, don't get mad. This time we'll be coming with you."

"Really?" asked Yosh with an unconvinced tone. "I don't like the sound of that..."

"Yeah, we'll be coming with to see this through personally," added Karus. "We really shouldn't make use of those antique items you swiped. It's enough our own blood relatives hate us. I don't want another rumor spreading about us now being thieves."

"I wish Kuya-Reus was here. It sure is fulfilling to brag about my grades to him."

"Er... Kuya-Reus is still at the southern villages, right? And if by chance he's here, you can't gloat your scores to him. He aced every single course there is so you can't compete with that," smiled Karus almost laughing.

"Come to think of it, I think he's on the record to be the most promising prince there is," added Kayzar. "He even beat dad's score."

"Well, whatever. I'm still going for it," replied Yosh confidently. "Meanwhile, we should go to Madj and Kudos. I think they're included in my list of... gloat-able persons."

"But first, we must go to Grandpa Narra to help him prepare," recommended Kayzar.

"Right, the sooner we leave, the better," replied Yosh. "I'm getting shivers just staying another day here."


"Madam," whispered a deep voice in the silhouettes inside a Hut made with bamboo, layered with thin striped wood slabs that beamed to support it. "Is the Grand Princess Alright? Is the healer doing some progress?"

"Shush..." replied Zeba irritated, speaking as softly as possible, trying to ignore Karr with his annoying questions that have been going on for quite some time. "Don't you see that her highness is in this critical situation? She doesn't need to be disturbed, especially with your annoyingly loud whispers?"

The Grand Princess lies half-naked on a bed in the hut. The area where she is lying, where the Water Caster is healing her, is covered with a thick brown curtain all around. Zeba is inside the thick curtains both curious and anxious of Prodea's situation. Karr, the ever so loyal bodyguard, stayed outside the curtains kneeling backwards, watching everything outside the door, guarding them while being so persistently inquisitive about her charge's condition.

The medic that has been treating her is wearing her ceremonial healing robe: a long blue leathery robe that has lots of wavy designs. It is somehow contoured and is curiously moving in a downward fashion almost magical. It has lots of red dangling threads on the seams that is brightly lighting its surrounding area. There are two jugs of water on Prodea's side which the Water Caster manipulates to flow and move about to create some sort of fine water pins that pierces through Prodea's skin - an acupuncture procedure with the water flowing and glowing magically.

"I don't think I can do this alone," the Water Caster uttered softly to Zeba, while directing all of her concentration in manipulating another set of water pins she's gathering from the jugs to puncture Prodea's pressure points. "This is a very complicated procedure, not to mention Her Highness to be so powerful. She is sucking all of my energy subconsciously and I don't think that I can hold my concentration any longer."

"What should we do?" asked Zeba to the Water Caster.

"I think we should..."

As the Water Caster Medic uttered her last words Prodea's Amplifyers began to glow an almost blinding light. Zeba, and the medic near her, began to shy away to her presence as the light engulfed the almost dark room that's only been lit by a few candles earlier on.

They saw Prodea waking up with her hair moving as if being blown by a strong wind. Her eyes began to grow into a bloody red glow.

"No... Dark Arts," whispered the Water Caster, shocked to what she thought is just a myth.

Zeba saw the Water Caster's eye with a glint of fear and is feeling weak shaking. She saw water forming five snake-like figures at each jug and this concerned her too. The snakes then moved hurriedly to the Water Caster and pierced her skin puncturing her neck, chest, arms, thighs and legs. She tried to escape but her futile attempt all turned into vain as the snake glowed and chewed forcefully its way to her insides.

"What's going on!?" shouted Karr as he stood up in agitation. He heard a lot of terrified shouting and fearful screaming which sounded like someone's in an awful sense of excruciating pain and anguish. "Madam Zeba! What's Going ON!?" he tried shouting again while drawing his humongous sword.

"No, It's O-kay!" stammered Zeba with a broken voice. "Do not bother us, sentinel."

"But Madam..."

"Go outside and wait for us there. That's an order."

Karr, with now hearing the faint sound of what he thought to be the Water Caster's cry for help, swallowed his moral conscience kicking in and obeyed the order of Zeba. He left almost weak as he notices blood now crawling on the floor to his side.

Zeba stood terrified to what she just saw. The Princess she knew doesn't know any dark Magicks, she thought as she tried to convince herself otherwise. The snakes are draining the medic with her life and transferring it to an orb like water bubble that is being drained directly to Prodea's heart.

"H-hh-hel-ph m-e..." whispered the Water Caster with much effort as she can muster for Zeba to hear.

"I'm sorry..." mouthed Zeba uttering no voice, giving no sound but her heavy distracted breathing of tension and stress.

Zeba can just look at her with her eyes crying in pain and misery. She can't do anything about it. She thought the consequence and what would happen to her if the queen found out that she placed the life of a medic over the princess's and that just shattered her inside. Her ambition of being the queen of Nagozul is more important, she thought, and Prodea's the only one who can help her dream come into fruition.

The Princess lost all of her elemental energy in her explosive match with Bakunawa. With that, the energy sustaining her life is at a critical point where she might just sleep for all the remainder of her life or much worse - die. Her body needs energy and there isn't enough spirit within her to fill the gap and revive her that is why the Water Caster performs the Energy Transfer on her to at least minimize the damage. What she didn't know is that Prodea too is a Water Caster with the knowledge of the Dark Arts, the arts that were but a myth to some that they have pointed out to be just a theoretical art. She created a summoning ritual called the first stage of Mephisto's Awakening. The caster knew of this but got mesmerized in confusion seeing that no mortal alive can produce such complicated skill for over thousands of years. The summoning transferred the life of the Water Caster Medic into Prodea, eventually killing her in the process.

A few minutes passed and the snakes began to withdraw to the Medic's body that now looks like a skeleton wrapped in a dry skin. The water bubble that contains the essence of the Water Caster's life is now getting smaller and smaller as Prodea siphoned it to the last drop. She then lay back again to sleep, unconscious as she is, now breathing normally retaining her youthful glow, making her look like a beautiful angel lying dormant in her slumber.

"ZEBA!" she shouted suddenly gasping with much effort to breathe waking up with her eyes flaring wide with fury.

Zeba, seeing Prodea up and about, went hurriedly to her side and grabbed a cup to fill it with water for her to drink. She saw grief in her eyes, shocked as she is in her bed.

"I'M GOING TO KILL THAT SCUM, THAT WRETCHED DEFORMED MONKEY - Arggh," she exclaimed wrathfully throwing what Zeba was offering away making the water to splash all over her dress.

She tried to stand up only to fall down in agony as she gave every curse there is in the Nagozulian vocabulary, some of it even Zeba couldn't understand.

Zeba felt the darkness eating away her whole body making her weak to the point of dazing off, ignoring her rampage.

"Useless medic, in the end she didn't have enough spirit in her. Maybe that's why she's so inutile and began to start training to be a medic. Heh, no future for you on summoning great waves you Yit'Vit piece of tesh."

She thought that the depression that Prodea was feeling earlier on was to the fact that she just killed an innocent Nagozulian elemental who was just trying to help her. But that was not the case and she immediately figured out that she did that on purpose. She felt her own conscience now judging her, blaming her for what she didn't do and that really tops all the things she's used to endure when she's with Prodea.

"Zeba!" shouted Prodea that snapped her into her senses. "Take me to the Palace! I need to get strong! I need to kill that wretched Bakunawa! I'm going to find a way to make him pay for what he did!"

"But Your Highness," she summoned all her courage to speak and ask a question. "What did he ever do to you?"

"He put a hex spell on me, moron! As if you didn't know! That garbage managed to curse me probably while I was summoning my dragons, draining all my spiritual energy! I should've known that he was doing that. I kept asking myself what happened and why I'm feeling weak after I left there. Now, in that sleep state, I've found out what that Yit'ard did! Oho-ho-ho, he's a tricky clever bastard!"

"But Grand Princess? The Healer inspected you and found nothing of that sort," she said with a bitter sensation churning in her gut as she looked at the healer with her swollen dry eyes looking directly at her for mercy.

"You simpleton wouldn't understand it even if I speak slowly to explain it to you! You're as worthless as that trash. It's medical procedure to check hexes first if an unknown problem persists. Even I know that and that's saying much because I'm not even a medic. She deserves to die with her incompetence. If I didn't do what I did I would've died after a few hours! Seriously, too many useless people are alive right now when they should've been dead. Lucky for her she died a hero. It's her honor to offer her life to me."

Zeba felt a pity for the Nagozulian medic as she remembered her last cry for help looping over and over her memory. She just faked a smile as she nodded in reply.

"Bring Karr before me and tell him to provide me a stretcher so that they can carry me to the Palace," she dictated speaking hurriedly while grabbing Zeba's robe and pulling a rag to cover her face trying to disguise herself as a Daomagarian. "And burn this hut to the ground. I don't want to see any trace of this wretched place,"

"But Princess, what about the body?"

"I said BURN-IT-TO-THE-GROUND! How specific can I get?! Of course, you'll be burning the body inside, right? Because you're BURNING IT TO THE GROUND!"

Zeba stood up obviously weak and with great sadness. Prodea noticed this but just ignored it and busied herself in passing off as a Daomagarian so as to not be recognized and be pitied upon by anyone. Zeba grabbed all of Prodea's articles as she was about to finish packing her things.

"No, Zeba. Leave it all there. Incinerate all evidence of my stay here and that includes my robes that have my blood. I don't want anyone to have any idea of what happened to me."

"Yes, your Highness."


"Wohoho Gramps! What's cookin'," yelled Yosh slamming the door, trying to surprise Narra brewing his tea at his room.

"Hahaha, I'm just making my usual evening tea. I like to sip some before eating dinner. D'you want some?"

"Ech, No thanks gramps"

Narra looked at the twins offering a cup of tea to them, but they just smiled shaking their heads in unison. The three went near him with his teapot simmering with an aromatic fragrance that's intoxicatingly sweet and addictive. He has a hole on the ground at the middle of his room where the pot of boiling tea is located. He's sitting there fanning the charcoal that's been making his tea boil with his usual small happy eyes and his wrinkled face, though this didn't do much in revealing his age of seventy-five. In his age, he still looks a little bit on his fifties considering the ripped build, even though he's skinny, and his majestic straight posture that impresses many people, especially the old noble grannies in the Palace. His thinning head is very much obvious even though he's trying to pass it off as a short-cropped cut.

"What's wrong with my tea? Everyone loves my tea. My tea is delicious they say."

"Well, we'll just enjoy sniffing it. I know it tastes bad, I've tasted it myself last time," said Yosh smiling after which he gave a loud blow into his whistle dangling on his neck.

"It's bitter, but that's the real taste of tea. The bitter the better they say."

"No offense Gramps," said Kayzar smiling, "we kids are not really into the bitter taste; only old people enjoy eating bitter things."

"Hahaha! True. But take heed, you'll be looking forward to drink tea sooner than you think. It rejuvenates your spirit and cleanses your body. Just ask Reus. If you're at my age, you'll understand."

"Whew, I'm really thankful I'm not as old as you Gramps," said Yosh with a relieved face which led them all to laugh in unison.

Luna and Stella, we're now at the balcony of Narra's room. They noticed them because Luna's been scratching the door trying to take their attention to make them open it for them. Narra smiled as he stood up, still coughing up some laughs, and released the locks which led them to rush in to Yosh's side.

"I sure am missed you guys," smiled Yosh petting them altogether and hugging them one at a time.

"It's a good thing they understand you Yosh," laughed Narra sitting down and putting out his fire. "The study room doesn't permit animals inside. You haven't seen them like in what? Six hours? Eight?"

"I missed them more than they missed me. They're so cuddly I just want to hug them till they pop."

"You're lucky you can hug an owl," grumbled Karus petting Luna while Yosh hugs Stella really tight, "normally, owls don't want to be touched and if someone did then they'll be feeling the sharp wrath of their long solid talons." And then he looked straight at Stella holding his hands remembering the last time he hugged her tight like Yosh and its consequence.

"Hey, Gramps I've got good news," jumped Yosh ignoring Karus's sharp eyes directly at Stella. He grabbed food in his mini-sling bag then giving it to his friends feeding them. "I just aced my exams for today! I'll be joining you all at the Northern Encampment after all!"

Narra began to put up his concerned face as Yosh beamed his wide smile. This concerned Yosh too and began losing his usual happy bragging pose - arms on the side while beaming a big wide smile almost touching his ears.

"Well, congratulations on that achievement Yosh but I heard that the queen gave an order for you to remain here at the Palace for a month," the three gave a big gasp agitated to what they were hearing. "It makes it impossible for me to disregard that order and to let you join our traveling party."

The three began speaking together contesting the idea. A rowdy ruckus ensued with them speaking in unison, whining about how unfair the queen is.

"Hahaha Okay-Okay, I get it but Yosh, seriously, I still can't let you come with us," they all had their pouting faces with Yosh building up a teary eye. "BUT," he hurried continuing which the three noted with a surprise glint of hope, "I can't really watch over you every minute now can I? And whatever you do will be out of my jurisdiction so technically they can't blame me If, for let say, you ran away from the Palace on your own and meet up with us at the entrance to Kulog Pass while we are camping there at the coordinates that I will leave in my study table hours before we depart, because I'm too old and really... I can't seem to remember cleaning up my mess after a long day. Anyway, if that happens, I'm sure I can't let you go home on your own by then and I will be forced to let you come with. But that's just hypothetical. I know you're not going to do that because you're so obedient and polite."

Yosh began to smile with all of them feeling relieved agreeing to the plan. Yosh jumped giving Narra a great big hug which led to them losing their balance and falling to the ground.

"You're the best Gramp ever!" Yosh shouted in a deafening bellow.

"Hahaha, don't say that now, I thought you already said that the late King IS the best Gramps. Don't want him to get all jealous now and haunt me."

"I know but you two are the Best Gramps ever - tying up on the same rank."

Narra smiled as he moved his teapot to its place which is a standing a little crooked because of the commotion.

"I believe Yosh should be thinking to go to Kudos and Madj now to make some preparations," Narra continued. "I think the traveling party that's carrying the supplies to the north changed their initial plan on moving next week and is now doing it at first light on the next day. I think the supplies that the travelers needed are pretty much for themselves and for their traveling companions which are already accounted for so I think he should have his own gear in this journey if he is to sell his hypothetical heist to escape. That's just what I think, but that's just me talking to myself. You know how old men ramble..."

Yosh stood up standing straight striking his right hand to the sky shouting his Yahoos and Yeah-Heys. He then ran outside the door with Stella and Luna following him faster than a rabbit being startled by a wolf. The three were left there silently as they are with Narra, taking his time to sip his hot tea. He then broke the ice and asked.

"So, I know you visited Juni Merl. Anything you want to share with me?"

The two were surprised with Narra's knowledge on what they just did. They began to reveal their sad faces that they've been hiding from Yosh.

"I think Juni needs our help Gramps. He's sick or something. He's mumbling about what he and our father talked about which is kind of vague," said Kayzar with his gloomy eyes looking straight to Narra.

"Oh? Don't worry. I'll arrange something for him to make him feel safe and for him to join us in our travel to the north," Narra assured while standing up squeezing his chin in deep thoughts.

This troubled them so, seeing as he only squeezes his chin when thinking critically on a plan or just plain angry thinking of a way to punish someone. Given the circumstance, it is the former not the latter.

"No!" forced Karus standing up, "Juni said no Daomagarians. He's beginning to lose his focus to the real world. He said that he had conjured the white fire without him doing it on purpose. He might hurt the Daomagarian soldiers that you'll post there and that would attract some attention at the Outer Rim."

"Yes, and that would lead him to be captured by soldiers. Then, his weird irrational fear of being captured by our Aunt will come true," calmly added Kayzar. "I know Aunt Prodea is a wicked aunt, but I don't think that she'll be capturing old retired sages, rounding them up and killing them. I think she's not that evil yet."

"Yes, and I believe he said that he'll only be talking to father. He doesn't want to see anyone but dad."

"Hmmnn, then we'll move our travel by tomorrow," he grabbed his coat and drank his tea in a single gulp which the two noticed as they squirm inside their heads thinking how he could have ever have swallowed a searing cup of that horrid tea and how painful it must've been. He then rushed through the door with the twins following him at the back. "Tell Yosh to hasten his preparations. I'm going to send my sentry to the southern villages where Reus is and order them to ready your brother for the travel. Get an early sleep and be ready to wake up five hours before sunrise," he then walked striding fast into the hallways like something's on fire.

"I don't like this Karus."

"Yes, I don't like it either. Gramps knows something that we don't and clearly, we really should know about that."

They walked out the door, gently closed it, then moved walking along the corridors resuming their discussion.

"But you know Karus, they say that ignorance is bliss which is quite true on so many occasions. If we really poke around in this prophecy thing then we'll be in big trouble. That'll lead us being cautious to what's happening around us, causing us to be paranoid in every event."

"I might have to oppose on that idea Kayzar. I think ignorance is nowhere near anything blissful. It's violent and unfair and could kill you in a lot of different ways. Certainly, if you don't know what you're up against then you'll be a sitting duck at the lake swarming with murderous crocodiles waiting to be preyed upon. That's what ignorance is for me. And I don't want to end up like that duck and what happens to him after a few minutes of blissful humming down at that lake!"

"Alas - we're at a dilemma tonight," he chuckled seeing Karus being riled up about describing ignorance, "To know or not to know will be the idea that we'll be contemplating about tonight. The adverse repercussions will surely hit not only us but our brothers as well."

"Negatives of not knowing: it will leave us being ignorant of what's happening and being slaves of time, unable to change the course of the future," Karus started smiling.

"Positives of not knowing: it will lead to us enjoying peaceful living at the North being free and happy and content of what it is and what will come to pass."

"True. Negatives of knowing: we'll be detained by father knowing that we pose a threat to the world as we clearly heard what Juni said last time, the things that I'll do - me becoming a murderer..."

Karus's face began to look pale making him walk slower than Kayzar which he noticed. They then took a few seconds of silence then Kayzar pushed on to continue.

"But Positives of knowing: we can do what we can to contribute either in secret or in the open. We might be able to squeeze out information from dad up north if we're lucky or just spy on him, the usual. Besides, if you know things you can easily circumvent the negative situation allowing you to maneuver it to your advantage."

"Hah, I wish that that part of the prophecy never comes true. From now on I'll be shaving my blade to a blunt."

"Yes, that's right! We circumnavigate our destiny so that we can avoid things - if we are lucky. It's much better than being ignorant of what's happening and just letting other people take course of our life being puppets to their thoughts and ideas."

"Heh, sadly that's not us. This inquisitive brain that Bathala gave us is sometimes a pain. Though it makes our lives miserable by fixating with trivial things, sometimes it helps us to think clearly on a different perspective."

"Yeah, I'm with you. That's just saying that our intellect is meant for something. The prophecy states a lot of killing and destruction. As prince and sentinel of Nagozul and of Bathala's Holy Lands, we must protect its sanctity and make sure that it never happens."

"Henceforth, we'll be searching for the truth."

"I second the thought."

The two ran sprinting towards the kitchen, trying to find Yosh and to reveal their newfound plan that Narra instructed them to do tomorrow morning.


A knock for three times at the door startled Reus while he was reading five books simultaneously that laid perfectly around his bed. He's at a small village a few miles from the Palace and the villagers there gladly gave Reus the village elder's hut for his lodging which gave quite a shock to those Daomagarian Guards that escorted him there. Normally they have to order them to give way for a royal blood such as Reus - forcefully even, but they didn't. It's as if the elders gave theirs automatically and with true joy in their eyes. Little did they know that the village where they were staying is one of the villages subsidized by the brothers - specifically Reus himself. He's the one paying the villager's taxes coming from their business schemes all scattered all around Nagozul. They all need it to be their secret, so no one knows about that but the village elders there.

He's having a great time there perusing their medical books and mythical legends which he founds to be very promising and interesting at best. He has his spectacles askew - again as usual - with his hair unmanaged and scattered all around his handsome face almost blocking his round blue eyes. He still can't move about with his thigh having a cement cast, but he stubbornly stood up to open the door anyway, even though they said he can't.

"Go-good eve-ning~" uttered nervously by a beautiful Princess wearing a white gown with her shiny golden hair fixed curly covering her elbows. She has a white silk sling bag that she holds in her clutches with much stress as if guarding it.

"Eh - ah, H-hello Princess? Uh - Illyriah? um - what's up?" blurted Reus as he fixed himself shocked at the sight of her finding him there. No one really knows where he is, even his brothers, and that surprised him to his senses. "W-would you - uh - like to come in?"

"Y-yes please," she replied softly revealing her rosy white cheeks turning red blushing.

Reus closed the door as she came in and limply pulled a chair for her to sit in at the middle of his room. The princess shyly went near him and sat gracefully at the chair which he pushed gently to set it on its place. He then moved about to the far side to grab two cups.

"What happened on your foot Grand Prince Reus?"

"Oh," he stalled scratching his head thinking of a way to make his lie believable, which normally results to the contrary. Good thing only Illyriah believes every single word coming out of his lips. "I-uh-fell down from a great height..."

"Would you like for me to inspect the wound and possibly heal it if I can?"

"Oh my, that's gracious of you but I'm afraid I want to at least make my body work for it. Call me old fashioned but I want my wound to heal as they were to heal normally, all in their own."

Illyriah pouted, distressed hearing his explanation. She knows Reus knows she is number one in her class, having the highest elemental essence within, and possibly the best Caster in their generation given her age.

Reus hurried to explain so as to avoid misunderstanding, "It's not that I do not doubt your medical expertise as a Water Caster. No. You're a wonderful, the Best Medical Caster! Yes Princess! It's just that I want my body to fix it on its own. I read about it on some book that there is a correlation in pain and the immediate medical healing of the casters, that is if we rely much on Water Casters, our threshold for pain plummets down gradually to a point that when Medical Casters are not around when we experience tremendous physical trauma in old age, the pain itself will drive the person more ill, fainting or worse. But there's no recorded history of that happening, no statistics to follow on, since as you can see there's no war to make that happen - you can only find that out when people are injured and when there's no caster around to immediately take care of them but that only happens around wars - or something equally terrifying - not that I am wishing that, so it's a working theory. I'm just thinking of experimenting on that."

Illyriah smiled at his long explanation almost giving up a chuckle which Reus noticed. She knows Reus is strong-willed but this side of him being strong about his convictions made her respect him even more. But Reus doesn't know this. He's oblivious to what's happening. He would like to go on and discuss the theory extensively, but he doubts she would be interested.

He noticed that she's always paying great attention with what he's saying and that's making it hard for him to figure out whether she's genuinely fascinated with his findings or if she's just really faking it just to be polite. Girls are hard to read, he thought, so he just changed the topic.

"Tea? Oh- right - uh, water?" he asked nervously failing to remember that no one in their age likes to drink tea except him. He has acquired the taste of tea because of the torturous tea sessions with his grandfather. He didn't like it at first, but he grew accustomed to it and now he fully appreciates the taste.

Illyriah stood up and rushed near Reus which gave him a fright.

"Oh - I'm sorry Grand Prince Reus, I'll take that. You go ahead and sit at the table," she said while asking the cups at Reus' hands seeing that he can hardly move about back and forth.

"No, no. Please, I insist. I'm going to be a worthless host if I didn't at least offer this to you myself," insisted Reus smiling and with that the princess began blushing again and shying her eyes away from Reus. She gently walked to the table and sat again to be waited. "And for the last time, my father isn't the King yet so you can't call me Grand Prince, I'm just a prince. You can call me Reus. Just Reus."

"Well, Reus..." she said with her soft voice almost hesitating. "You can call me Illyriah too. A-and I'll be taking up your offer with your tea, thank you."

Reus snickered as he poured hot tea to the two cups from the canister that's been keeping it warm. "Two teas coming up," he said as he grabbed the cup and began placing it on opposite sides of the table and sat on a chair facing Illyriah.

Illyriah smiled nodding. She then took a glimpse of the cup of tea with it swirling in its greenish black mystery. She picked it up and found out a fragrant smell that's invigorating. She's not accustomed in drinking it and there are many rumors among the other princesses that teas are very nasty and bitter, but she thought that if Reus finds tea refreshing, so must she - forcefully that is. The thought of the taste lingered in her mind as she gazed in its dark whirls. It may not be that bad she thought taking into consideration the aroma that now fills the air.

"Uh - Is something wrong?" asked Reus while sipping his cup.

Illyriah's beaming face stowed away the fear she has on the horrible idea that is tea. She then mustered all of her courage, with her gulping in anxiety, and then took a tiny sip from the cup.

Reus saw her eyes widening with hands shaking. This concerned him so that he leaned forward to ask. "Hey, Illyriah, are you alright?"

She then forced a smile as she put the cup down trying to control her poise nodding on what Reus' question. "I-it's v-very delightful, t-thank you," she said with her mouth slowly moving as if trying to rid of the taste of what she just sipped. This made Reus to burst into laughter. He stood up and grabbed the canister of water and another cup and gave it to Illyriah which she then gulped hurriedly.

"You should've said no when I asked. That's a nasty brew isn't it? I'm sorry but all I have right now is the nastiest most-bitter tea that Gramps personally made. There's tea... and there's Gramp's tea. I assure you. Nobody can beat his tea. Even Grandmama says so."

Illyriah started to giggle in reply. "Yes, how can you ever stand that dreadful taste? Yes, I know it smells good, but it doesn't really go well with everyone's palate."

"I knew you'd say that." he replied as they gave some time to laugh together, "I told it to my grandfather too a few years back. I grew accustomed to it I guess, but don't worry, I made that same face the first time I took my first cup so you're not alone."

"Oh!" cut Illyriah as he grabbed three books hidden in her sling bag and put it on the table. She pushed it gently to let it get near Reus which he then grabbed. "I know you're really fond of reading books. When I was at Hishma, my friends and I found a stash of books hidden there. I never told father about that and, well, I thought you'd like it."

As she was saying this Reus eyes were opening wide being filled with excitement as he flipped the pages to see that first book entitled Last Volume: Rare and Mythical Beasts of the Pastwritten by the Great Narra, a Daomagarian scholar who is famous for the Compendium on Mythical Bestiary that is known to have been lost forever. The second is the historical records of the Karshivyk incident written by the Grand Seer a thousand years ago and the third is the Memoirs of the Great Elven King, Kyrin. He stood up shouting in excitement and joy.

"NO WAY! How'd you - do you know what you've found!?" he ran to her side and pulled her up. "This is the one of the thousands of articles that were thought to have been burned a thousand years ago! This will at least try and complete the history of Nagozul! You've found three of the Lost Books. I mean there's thousands, but this is an impossible find! Of the thousands, you've found three of the most important ones in one swoop!"

Reus hugged her in his excitement, thanking her with her present. She then gave a big smile beaming at Reus feeding off from his energy. She knows that it will be a very big find but she decides to give it to Reus instead. The feeling of his happiness gave an indescribable warm priceless feeling to the princess.

"Of course, I'm going to give these to the museum after reading all of it. I'll be burning the midnight oil for this. Karus and Kayzar will be envious with these books."

Two knocks on the door startled the two in their joyous celebration. A gloomy voice began speaking as if shouting for them to hear.

"Master Reus," the voice said, "I'm sorry to have disturbed you but Master Narra ordered that we move the plans early so that we will be traveling tonight instead of our previous plans in order to catch up with them as early as before daybreak tomorrow. You need to go to our tent to be briefed in our journey. He insists that we move as soon as possible."

"Oh, OK!" shouted Reus as he held her hands tightly thanking her and limply grabbed all of his things to be ready on the move.

"Can I come in to carry you sir?" politely shouted by the guard outside.

"Oh, no. Dear Bathala, no," he replied smiling looking at Illyriah as if that was the worst absurd, possibly humiliating, thing that can happen to him, "I can take care of myself, Thank you!"

"Are you sure sir? It's no problem at all."

"Haha," he snickered hiding his embarrassed face to Illyriah, "Yes, I'm sure. I'll be meeting up with you there in just a minute."

"But I carried you there last week, sir, and..."

"N-No you didn't!" he shouted forcing a smile.

"Very well, sir. We will be waiting at the tent."

He limply went to his bed and collected the books that lay scattered there. He then piled them up in a neat alphabetically organized stack and placed them at a desk near him.

"I'm sorry princess but I have to rush in packing."

"Where are you going?"

"Uh - to the north. We'll be spending our summer there."

"Oh," and that's all she said. She has never been this close to Reus. She wanted to speak what her heart is feeling but she can't. She lacks enough courage to speak her mind and stand up to herself. But this is not surprising as it was always her problem even as a child. She got all the trouble creating this kind of atmosphere and yet she fails to do the last thing on her list which she painstakingly practiced for hours on her way there.

He stood up fixed on the door with his hair tidy and his spectacles evenly placed.

"After you milady."

She sat at the table and smiled at Reus. "Oh, it's all right you go ahead I'll finish up my drink here.

"Oh - are you sure? 'cause..."

"Oh right, sure go ahead. I don't want to be a trouble. I'll see you again when you return."

"Right-O! Take care now, and thanks again for the books. I'll cherish it... I mean, I'll take good care of it making sure it's in its perfect condition before sharing it to the museum."

"Oh - Reus..." she stood up trying to summon her strength. She knows that she's not going to see him for a very long time. The twins have been bragging about not returning at all giving her her birthday gift for three years in advance that's why she did all the trouble in gathering the precious books and scouring the villages looking for him. She only wants Reus to know what she feels and what he would feel just in case he knew. She stood up with her serious eyes forcing her lips to invoke those hard words that have been forming in her heart.

"Uh - what is it? Are you alright? You seem kind of sad or something?" asked Reus seeing her stressed eyes almost crying.

"Nothing," she replied rapidly sighing, beaming her beautiful happy face. "I just want you to take care of yourself too and don't ever fall from those trees again," she said lively trying to make a joke to remove her teary eyes, "may Bathala bless you on your journey." She forced a smile as she clasped her hands bowing which he also did.

"You too. Be safe and may Bathala guide you."

He then limply ran outside closing the door behind him. Illyriah was left there sitting in her chair slamming her forehead at the wooden table in humiliation. She can't forgive herself for being too afraid, too weak, to speak her heart in the face of Reus - the love of her life. She then grabbed the cruel cup of tea in front of her, with its dark twirling vileness, looked straight in it in anger and drank it all in one gulp.


"High Eminence, the messenger has been deployed and will be arriving at the rendezvous point tomorrow evening. He'll be riding in his horse day and night to join with Duke Tabarius of Farindhal."

"Excellent," weakly uttered Emperor Balthazar wheezing in his throne looking sickly.

The dark throne room of the Emperor, which was lit by only a few candles, was deafening with its silence. The flickering of the fire as it burns the candles and the wind bouncing back and forth from the wide brick walls were the only ones that can be heard. The voice of the soldier and the Emperor reverberates to the halls creating a chilling sensation of loneliness. The Emperor felt that someone will strike him over and will take advantage of his empire if someone knew of him being that weak and ill - which is true as his spies revealed - so he had himself locked up with only his faithful guards updating him with information. He had spread some rumors saying that he went to the further north to inspect the garrisons there but in truth, he remained at the heart of Leonus, in his throne room, waiting. '

Some of his loyal soldiers have been spying and they found out a great plot against him and the empire. Some dukes are planning on joining the Gnarshu Rebels, others are thinking of a possibility of creating a treaty with the Gnarshu so that they can divide the empire for them to create their own country - especially the ones that are near the border. This helped the Emperor to be vigilant and truly focused on finding the mythical Holy Lands. If by chance that the legends are true, he might be able to have his transformation into something youthful and that will lead for his people to unite to defeat the rampaging enemies. Relying on chances is not enough for him to go on. He knows that he needs action for him to counter this impending doom. He knows that death lingers around; waiting for him to fall down and be reaped but his mind is determined and hopeful. He knows that his only trustworthy friend and cousin, Duke Tabarius, is as focused as he is in finding the fountain of life. He's the one that he's been counting on as he gave all of his plans and his best men in his command. He believes that he'll succeed, and this success will surely give them victory to aid them in their plight against their enemy.

"Fly an eagle and send Duke Tabarius my regards. I believe he'll be closing in with the Princess's guide anytime soon."

"Yes, your liege."

"Tell him more important matters are at stake. Tell him to not forget our arrangements and prioritize on the mission I gave him."

"Yes, your liege."