"MAMA!" Kayzar hailed excitedly as they finally abandon their final footprints in the Jungles of Narra with great haste.

Their beautiful mother revealed her relieved cheerful face as she turned around seeing her twins running fast to catch up to their spot having a picnic in the fields just outside the Jungles of Narra.

Anagea - their mother and the last direct descendant of the Great Daomagar Lineage - was waiting for them in the clearing with eager eyes. She is wearing a golden set of light armor with her long black hair all curled up on top in a twist revealing her angelic face. Her cheeks blushed as her happy round eyes sparkled its usual brown glow spotting their arrival. Normally, a Princess her stature wears gowns of silk or other excessively ornamented dresses but not her. Her boyish attitude with the confidence and the fighting spirit of a fierce sea serpent gives her the personality to deviate from the norm. Though having equipped in full battle gear might mask a woman's femininity, her natural beauty still stands out without being compromised which many a people considers to be almost magical, truly worthy to be called one of her aesthetic gifts.

Many of her people were against the thought of her being a soldier at first, thinking Of course, the preservation of the last of the Daomagar's direct line, and many a suitors were intimidated by the effect but some later came to accept it for she is one of those few Daomagarians who can maximize their Bathala-given talents to the ultimate, garnering the title "The Destroyer", placing her fourth in the list of the Great Twelve, the twelve most powerful Daomagars alive.

Karus and Kayzar ran together as they saw her waving and almost raced to hug her tightly with teary eyes.

"Now, now. Did you behave while you two were in the Palace?" she asked with her soft soothing motherly voice that they have long dreamt of hearing.

They just smiled to hug her again, tightly as they can. They did not know what she meant by 'behave' because they have had the craziest month at the Palace.

"Ma," said a small voice as they felt their mother's armor being gently pulled at the back. "I'm done now."

They saw Rika, their sister, who apparently just healed Yosh that can now be seen sitting at the far back hugging Luna. She has her round blue eyes that shyly look at them as she tries her best to hide herself from her brothers behind their mother's. She has a blue round crystal embedded on her forehead with a ripple-like tattoo marking around it. She is born to the will of the water and might possibly be the youngest water caster performing the healing ritual that they know considering her good news.

Anagea smiled as she kissed her on the forehead and stood up to go to Artemus who is now walking near them. The twins grabbed this opportunity to talk to their sister who's been biting her silk handkerchief with innocent eyes still looking at them.

"So, how old r'you now?" asked Kayzar smiling while brushing her hair vigorously with his hands.

"Fi… no. Six… Six!"

"And you healed your Kuya-Yosh with the help of the other water casters?" said Karus with his juvenile voice mimicking her sister.


They smiled as they looked behind her trying to find other casters besides the members of their travelling party. They saw them having a picnic, eating what appears to be a variety of different kinds of meat and vegetables. They tried hard to crane their heads to scan the area only to identify a Daomagarian woman, smiling widely seeing Yosh's unique appetite.

"uh, isn't that Mama's personal..."

"but see..." added Rika, "I healed them all myself, uh-huh, because I'm the only one that can follow Mama, uh-huh."

The twin's eyes widened, surprised on what she had revealed.

"Wha- what? Y-You healed Yosh?"

"Tee-hee, Kuya-Karus is stuttering..." she smiled as she moved swaying still biting her handkerchief.

Kayzar smiled and held Rika's small hands with excitement.

"You mean you healed Yosh and performed the Great Dash at your age?"

"We arrived just in time before they waste the White Angel. That's soo esspensive, Mama always says!" She pouted swaying her finger as if lecturing her two older brothers. "And you shouldn't use it too often!"

"And Reus?"

"And-and-and I healed Kuya-Reus too!" She rushed stating proud. "I healed his lumpy thigh, uh-huh. He's quite angry 'cause he always like to have his treatment natural, but Mama got angry, uh-huh, so he was compelled. And nobody gets to say no to mama... not even Daddy."

"Hey, you two!" shouted Yosh interrupting their conversation with their little sister hollering for the three of them to join their feast, "eat up fast because we're not going to lose any more daylight today! We're going to the Northern Encampment! Heeyeahey!"

The two noticed the rampaging beast that's been growling inside their stomachs, so they just smiled, hugged their sister and ran to the delicious smelling feast-like meal that their mother prepared.


A faint knock, two times at a second's interval, on the metal door suddenly woke Prodea in her deep trance at her chambers. She is floating while etching circular runes in mid-air with much effort. She has been learning to master a very powerful magical summoning unsuccessfully for these past few weeks.

Summoning Rituals involving Runes and Graphs are supposed to be etched on the ground. The reason is that it is a formal request to borrow the powers of Mother Earth's abundant energy thus it must be ritually engraved to her in a form of writing. To be able to write these magical runes in an instant without even manually carving the ground is a leap of genius and an extraordinary display of power that only a few can do - just like what she did at Bakunawa's holy grounds - but her sheer belief in her abilities forced her to be so hard-headed that she wants to imitate what she saw in Bakunawa - writing runes in the air. She thinks that she is smarter than him, even smarter than anyone alive. The only difference, and probably the most pivotal one, is that she is a Nagozulian and Bakunawa is a Yagisivian. To be able to summon or conjure a summoning circle alone being a Nagozulian is a very great feat that one can brag about, but she isn't satisfied. She wants power; raw uninterruptible power; a power that can only be grasped by a Yagisivian. The frustration building up inside of her made her furiously mad as that faint knock began again only this time a little louder than before.


"It's... it's Zeba your highness."

Prodea, still furious with the interruption, gently touched the ground to walk almost grumpily to receive her at the door. The thought of ignoring her for another minute to make her wait just to get back at her has been lingering in her mind. She always do this to her in times of frustration and the satisfaction that it would bring would surely make, at least, lessen the stress that she is facing at the moment but the curiosity of her bringing good news gave more weight in the heated argument inside her mind, making her conclude to hasten her pace in opening the door - a thing she doesn't normally do.

"Yes, Zeba?"

"Your highness, I received a word about our mysterious Royal Seer..." she whispered with eyes looking permission to enter her chambers.

Prodea looked outside as if paranoid and waved her hand to let her come inside to continue hearing her great news.

"So, do you know the name of our favorite Royal Seer?"

Zeba was silent and her eyes shied away which brought Prodea to feel somewhat irritated though she tried hard not to show it.

"uh - I," replied Zeba after seeing Prodea with much furrowing, trying hard not to get her mad, "I meant, I heard some words about him, but I never found out his name."

Prodea turned around wanting to shout but instead placed his fingers in his head in frustration and then returned to face her.

"Zeba?" she paused for a second to get her attention, "you do know that we really need to have his name, right? If we don't find his name, then we don't find him and if we don't, we will never hope to find our missing scrolls. If that happens, I will never have the chance to study those important things and I will then be defenseless against anyone who might oppose any idea of us inviting our little visitors here - since you all are just rooting for me in the front in this affair without doing the slightest bit. It's not that you and my precious brother can defend your plans, right? I will get all the trouble here while you two could sit pretty in your throne and I wouldn't want to be at anyone's mercy if that happens. Do you understand that? Zeba?"

"Yes, but..."

"Zeba," she interrupted. "It's been two weeks since I commissioned you on this mission. Time is of the essence Zeba. We are really running out of time."

"Yes, but your highness, the Royal Seer is a fire starter."

A spark in her eyes immediately glowed as if hope entered miraculously and that gave Zeba some comfort. She immediately saw her happy with the news, so she too was filled with joy and relief. Prodea walked briskly at the back to a pile of big books that appears to be the list of persons employed in the Palace for the past forty years.

"I have my doubts, but I am sure!" she said flipping the pages fast in excitement.

"You're sure of what your Highness?"

"Sure of him!" she pointed at the last entry on a worn-out page of the book.

Zeba leaned to have a look. She touched the old but smooth yellowish-brown parchment to turn it to her view and in the end of that, accompanied with those small tear and some blots of stains, a name was written in black ink almost smudged by the years: Juni Merl Fire Seer.

"Oh no, your Highness. It's not him."

"It is him!"

"But that's just crazy your highness, I mean he's crazy - a-a lunatic! He's regarded as the Palace fool and he is the point of ridicule amongst his peers - even today!"

"Hmn, maybe you're right. But something in my insides points out that he is the one. We can't expose our investigation on my hunches."

"Though your hunches rarely miss much your highness,"

Prodea heartily smiled for the flattery. She was going to say something, but she held her tongue because she's in a good mood. She walked trying to guide Zeba to the door.

"Find out anything about this Zeba. I have twenty other seers in mind, but my inner senses tell me that he is what we're searching for. Keep a close ear on him - and make sure no soul knows our intent."

"So as not to scare our Royal Seer?" she giggled as she hopped out of the room to exit.

"So as not to scare him, Exactly."

With her weak but warm smile, she shut the door gently to a click.


A group of soldiers can be seen to be lined up at the front a small wall of what appears to be the encampment. It is divided into four which can be assumed to be their elemental placements - earth, fire, wind and water. They are lined to welcome the Grand General's family which the twins and Yosh thought to be really impressive but surprisingly unnecessary since they have their need of being private and introverted.

They shouted 'Hail Grand General Artemus, Hail Grand General Anagea!' then bowed their heads kneeling as the Royal Party led by Grand General Artemus walked briskly at the center to enter the Encampment, after which they all scattered away doing what they're doing before. The twins just thought that there would be trumpets and loud drums, but they were amazed to hear none. They thought of the idea of this tradition being implemented as a sign of respect to your superiors, possibly acquired abroad. Seeing this happen surprised them merrily. They just thought that Artemus, their father sharing the same reserved personality that they have, must've stopped them in doing this grand welcome but is unsuccessful. He is one of the most respected men in Nagozul so even if he could stop them in doing this, they would simply find a way and do it regardless. They just assumed that they come up with a compromise - leaving the musical shindig and all.

A water caster in full gear with a blue Salakot went in front of Artemus, kneeled, pulled her curled arms to level her eyes that is looking down to salute reported. "Sir, the target has fully recovered, sir."

Artemus nodded to note the report and then the soldier hurriedly stood up rushing away as if in a hurry.

"Ma," whispered Artemus to Anagea which the two heard, "Please take them to the house I have some business to finish with your father."

He kissed her in the cheek and then scurried off. After seeing this, the two looked at each other as if in agreement and then smiled.

"Mama, we would want to look around if that's all right."

"Oh okay, but don't wander off outside the gates, alright?"

"Yes, Mama!" they both kissed her in the cheeks with a smile then ran away in the other direction only to circle around to follow their father.

"Do we smell an intrigue a brewin'?" smiled Karus.

"Indubitably," replied Kayzar smiling too.

"I hope that I haven't kept you two waiting," interrupted Artemus with a happy face as he entered a small brick-walled hut to sit across the table.

"No, no. I too have just arrived," said Narra smiling as he and his companion stood up to honor his presence. "It's the Major here who's been waiting for about almost three weeks now."

"Don't worry Master, Grand General Sir," Camyl said formally with a glint of smile as they sit to make themselves comfortable. "I am used to the reprimand. Even if I was to be late for another week in my post at the Hishma's, I wouldn't think your brother Grand Prince Sarram would mind. After all, I've commissioned my Captain to fix my alibi at the Eastern Sentry's Headquarters."

"That's good to know," Artemus replied grinning. "I am very sorry if I am to cut this small talk short, but I have an appointment tomorrow at the north. I've got things to fix after this so I'm afraid I must ask you, Major, to summarize the report."

"Yes, yes. The Pusakal isn't it?" asked Narra which Artemus replied with a nod.

"So," Artemus continued, "Status Report."

"Yes Sir, Grand General Sir," replied the Major snappily giving him a binder full of parchment almost five inches thick. "What we have in our report is the culmination of all of the compiled data at the final test and the strategic skirmishes that the brothers have undertaken in the past month."

"Let's hear from my first born first."

"Reus excels in his studies based on his test scores. His thesis on different elemental prodigies created a very loud intellectual uproar in the Palace. He also has been developing and improving his Life Element at a very alarming rate. He can now bend light at will though he might need to improve in his defenses."

"I think he might even surpass you, Grand General," added Narra, "though he may not be very adept in handling himself in a tense situation. I think that when he perfects his skill, no one will be able to stop him. An offensive and defensive skill that no one can match."

"Great, Great. What about my Yosh?"

"His precision in using his eye and hand coordination when using a bow is outstanding. He can utilize his beasts to..."

"Friends," interrupted Artemus. "He would be really mad if he hears that you call them that."

"So sorry, sir," she smiled continuing, "He can utilize his friends to work with them outstandingly. He is considered to be their tactician, truly a proud Earth Molder at work. He is considered to be a loner and preferably likes to work either only alone with his friends or with his brothers. He has trusts issues that hinder his esteem."

"Because of my brother and my nephew," replied Artemus almost murmuring while putting his hands in his forehead in dismay.

"He also has a few flaws on fighting with bladed weapons as if he irks having to handle such item to hurt people. Every clear blow can be hesitant leaving him vulnerable to counterattack, so he uses bows instead. Single strikes from projectiles makes him confident allowing him to measure the distance between the opponent and himself, the true makings of an elusive dodging master. He also utilizes his Daomagarian Dashes in dodging the opponent making him the most experienced in that field among the brothers."

"Excellent... and the twins?"

"The two have been a very curious case, sir. They have been known to have failing grades and a very dim future, or at least that's what they want others to believe. We have been investigating in the matter for a possible foul play instigated by the relatives, but we found out that they completely try to sabotage their own image possibly because of their inhibited and distant personality. The good news is, they have been mastering fourth degree elemental techniques today which is, as I recall, should be four to five years ahead of them. And even more, they still find the time to research on different topics on the side. So far, based on the library reports, they have been interested on the mythical beasts, Kulog Pass, Natural Sciences, Alchemy and Yagisivian Summonings. They are actually few small steps behind Reus's pace."

"What about Kayzar's performance?" requested Artemus in anticipation.

"Kayzar seems to be exhibiting a very peculiar technique - the Snake Bite and the Floating Daggers as I recall."

"Did you teach him that Narra?" asked Artemus.

"No, I did not," he replied, "But I heard that he had learned that from reading books."

"Yes," Artemus reacted. "I once wrote a book about Elemental Prodigies concerning Wind Blowers. Given Kayzar's wind essence, we can assume that he can do it with the use of his Wind Element."

"Oh," realized Camyl, "I almost thought that he was connected with Yiv."

The two just smiled from her absurd idea then she continued.

"Well, sir, he has a very good potential to pose as a Daomagarian. With his skills he can easily be mistaken for as a master."

"Indeed, he does," added Narra, "Gathering Wind is a very light thing to do, I believe, but concentrating it to an object and moving it spontaneously to your desired location is considered to be very impossible. His concentration level is at par with a seer. That requires tremendous patience and determination."

"True," Artemus replied, "With that he can command storms and wake the wild thunders, in due time of course." He paused for a while and then continued to ask, "And Karus?"

"Karus, is the most special case I've ever seen sir."

The two leaned a little bit as she paused for a while before continuing.

"I know that our blood doesn't tend to mix well. It is a widely known fact that one born with a mixed blood of a Nagozul and of a Daomagar would retain only either the properties of a Nagozul or a Daomagar. He is different. He can practice Elemental techniques based on the records, so he is a Nagozul by blood, but he also knows how to use the Deep Root."

"That is peculiar," replied Artemus.

"And that's not all; he has a keen eye on the enemy while using his weapon to a point that he can freely analyze their weaknesses while attacking. He seems to have the blood of the Maskara Clan being adept on different weapons. Seeing Anagea being the descendant of the Great Daomagar, he should retain a natural impenetrable skin and monstrous strength and yet he doesn't. It's as if you and Grand Princess Anagea's bloodline has merged a perfect new class of mortal possessing the hidden strength of our ancestors. He is truly the rarest of all Nagozul-Daomagar combinations this world has ever seen."

Artemus stood up looking somewhat content smiling making her to stand awaiting orders.

"We will study these assessments with diligence. Thank you for finding the time to prepare this Major."

Camyl gave her salute, bowed and then walked outside.

Narra smiled and picked his pot of tea at the center. He gently tilted it to fill his cup then sipped a little. "Don't worry; they don't know that all of your children can perform certain Daomagarian Techniques."

He took a great sip from his cup giving him a strong sense of comfort which can be observed from his always smiling face and then he continued.

"So, Artemus? Are you pleased with the results? Does it satisfy your unwarranted worry about the prediction?"

Artemus stood up facing the wall and stopped for a few seconds.

"Well," he said somewhat happy, "I think eavesdropping is one of those qualities a Nagozulian Prince should have without."

He pulled a loose brick to find the twins' cheery eyes towards them. They were both surprised as they chuckle in humiliation.

"I give fair warning. Do this again and next time you won't be able to set one foot at this section of the Encampment. Understood?"

"Y-yes, sir," they replied in unison after which they ran off in a hurry.

The room was quiet for a few seconds before Narra filled the room with his somewhat merry voice.

"Did you know that they were listening?"


"Well, my, my. I didn't notice that they were there. Must be getting rusty."

Artemus went near his chair and smiled.

"Though," Narra continued with a chuckle, "It is sometimes imperative for them to hear their own improvements coming from others. Wouldn't you agree?" he filled his cup again with the aromatic blend that is now filling the room and sipped for a few before continuing, "It builds esteem having to hear a compliment like that, especially from Camyl who is very hard to be impressed."

"Yes, not to cut our small talk father but let's get right to the point."

"Yes, what's on your mind?"

"Have you taught Karus every Daomagarian skill he needs like I asked you to?"

"Yes, little did they know, I thought them all the basic skills they needed."

"Yes, but have you taught Karus the Thousand Blade Dash?"

"You know I can't do that to him?" he replied somewhat grinning but found Artemus's face not in tuned with his.

Artemus eyes leaked immediately with frustration as Narra tried to push on.

"Even Anagea, my daughter, a Daomagar, cannot perform that skill. It will take months for him to know that, and the consequences? Have you realized that if I pushed him to learn that, he might destroy every muscle fiber in his body? Break every bone he has?"

"This is for his future father. Please understand! If he doesn't then he'll die without achieving his purpose! And besides, I have commissioned a plentiful ration of White Angel sneaked to their mailbox. They will be alright!"

"No! Stop it Artemus! I have tried to believe in this prophecy. I have the utmost respect for your father, King Liwanag, and I truly believed he divined this from Bathala's providence but do you consider that maybe, just maybe, we can use these predictions for us to deviate and change the future? A future that I think we might have changed already and isn't going to come? "

Artemus stood up seemingly angry walking again near the walls as Narra pleaded.

"I know that you know that too, deep inside. Karus will not die! You know in your heart that you can change it and it is true. Whether you give him all the advantages you know that isn't included in the prophecy or not, it will not affect the future, his future. The only thing you're interfering is his risk of happiness and a normal childhood."

"No father. I have to protect him! He needs to know more Daomagarian Techniques as much little time we have as possible. He plays a major role in the future so Bathala will bless him and will protect him. Nothing will happen to him in between now and in the near future."

Narra paused looking a little bit concerned and somewhat disappointed with Artemus's stubborn persistence so he stood up as he insisted, scratching his thinning head for a few times.

"I know that you are a good father and that you don't want to be standing idly by while knowing these facts but you must know that if you continue pushing him to his limits, he will surely perish, not by the hands of his enemy, but yours."

He walked near the door and stopped for a while as he grabbed the handle.

"I will not be a part of this anymore. I have been more than patient in giving you favors. They have suffered so much in my training and, frankly, I don't think I can ever face myself in the mirror if anything happens to any of them, especially after the incident with Reus, which I am responsible for."

"I know that you'll be having the exact response." Artemus's tone became serious as his eyes purge all emotions he's been feeling earlier on. "Thank you, father, for guiding my sons, especially Karus, but starting tomorrow he will start being the apprentice of Dal'Gur, and he will be more than willing to teach my son the Thousand Blade Dash."

Narra just smiled, still holding the door.

"So, you've come to this? You've just commissioned one of the most impossible Master that ever lived to train Karus to do another one of the most impossible techniques known to a mortal. You know that he will be working him till he perfects it even if he scrapes every muscle in his body and break every bone to dust?"

"I know."

"I am devout in my faith and this has given me reasonable senses in my decisions. I just hope you find your own senses before your blind faith to the prophecy leads you to a different path."

"The prophecy will come true, father. And he will die in vain without this."

"Yes, I know. Let's just hope you're doing the right call."

And Narra went outside closing the door gently to shut leaving Artemus to ponder on his decisions.


"Whew, I thought that we're going to be grounded for like a month," whispered Karus as they walked after running from the hut they've been spotted.

Kayzar was a little bit angry and didn't reply. This was noted by Karus who immediately explained himself.

"What? I didn't do anything?" he paused and then remembered what he did after Kayzar's glaring eyes. "Well, there's the time where I leaned close, but I didn't make any sound."

"Yeah, right!" finally replied Kayzar with much annoyance in his voice. "You've been practically slamming your face on the brick wall!"

"What's with the tone? I know I've been saying sorry for the most parts of our walk!" he tried still looking apologetic.

"BOO!" shouted a young man behind them.

"Nice try Yosh," Karus said not surprised, "We spotted you a while back for quite some time now and was wondering when you'll jump ahead and do your not-so-frightening surprise attacks."

"What?" disagreed Yosh with some scoffs, "I saw your eyes widened a little bit."

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did! I saw it! Right Kuya-Kayzar?"

"Hmph, now you're including me in your childish games?"

"Hey what's with you, you're not in your usual jolly manner."

"Tell that to your brother there who seems to have managed to get us in trouble in our early stay here at..."

"Hey!" interrupted Karus, "We didn't get in trouble, believe me. It's just one of those things, y'know?"

"Right..." Yosh concluded, still wondering what they did, "Moving on, I have great news and bad news."

"Finally," whispered Kayzar with a smile as he paused for a while waiting.

They stood there with their wide eyes looking at each other.

"Well go on," finally exclaimed Karus after few seconds has passed, "What is it?"

"What? You didn't tell me what to tell first? What am I supposed to say?"

Kayzar had his eyes rolling all over in aggravation. "Would you please stop and spare us the agonizing wait and tell us what you know!?"

Yosh paused for a few seconds and then asked, "But what is it that you want to go first? I'm not a mind reader..."

"THE GOOD NEWS!" they both shouted in unison.

"Great," he corrected, "It's Great News... so I have gathered that Mama wants us to stay here for good. That doesn't say much 'cause Daddy too has a say in this, but I think we can convince him too." Kayzar's eyes glared looking at Karus which Yosh noticed looking as though he did something wrong. "Or not? Ok, whatever's been going on you should tell me. I hate to ask but you two seems to have your world up and running yet again."

"This here made Dad angry about ten minutes ago," pointed Kayzar.

"Hey, don't look at me, You're there too," defended Karus.

"OK! OK! I get it," stopped Yosh as he anticipated the two entering what he knows as their long fight, "you did something you regret back there, but let's focus on the Bad News!"

The two fell silent still with crossed eyebrows and tough pouts as Yosh waited for their calm before returning to the topic.

"Actually, there are two bad news. One, Kuya-Reus received suspension on his Rite of Passage to Bakunawa because of some weird top-secret news; and Two, Kuya-Karus would be spending alone with Master Dal'gur this summer as per Dad's orders."

"WHAT!" the two shouted with much concern.

"It's your fault we got separated!" shouted Kayzar to a now confused Karus with eyes still wide dazing.

"No," interrupted Yosh, "I think I got wind of that news before you did whatever it is that you did back there so whatever it is that you did that you're still not sharing with me, won't affect the decision. Unless you did a pretty terrible thing which..."

"What am I going to do now," pushed Kayzar with much sadness, "We have so many plans that I think is shattering now piece by piece."

"I heard he is a very strict Master," followed Yosh, "You mostly wouldn't enjoy your stay out there."

Karus gave his disappointed sighs and then he finally muttered. "Gramps is a tough one, but I know he's ten, or even a hundred, times tougher. He is nowhere Gramp's level. He's a new bar of high, he's..."

"Yep," Kayzar replied interrupting him. He knows he's feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea from the fact that he utters too many things one must not be thinking out loud. He feels sorry for him as he held his shoulders to give him at least a little comfort but there is nothing they can do.

"Hey," consoled Yosh, "If it makes you two feel any better, I bet we can hang out with the soldiers, that's what Rika's doing and that's what Kuya-Reus is planning to do?"

"No way," sneered Kayzar, "And miss the opportunity on exploring the whole expense of the Northern Nagozul? I think not!"

"I don't know..." he said in his sly inviting tone. "Seeing Rika topple a grown man sure is a treat and I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Kayzar just scoffed thinking the impossible statement he just said to lure them to waste their time.

"It's true! They said Rika once challenged a huge Daomagarian Maskara Clan member because he accidentally broke her doll and then later made him beg for mercy. It's a funny story actually..."

"Ha! Don't take us like fools Yosh," Karus snickered in disbelief. "Rika is six. The most we could expect is him running around the ring avoiding her, jumping away. Know that it's not right making stories about her, it's actually sad and If Mama finds out about this, you'll pay dearly for running stories about her like that."

"And if she cries... O ho ho. Boy, you're going down on your own!" Kayzar laughed.

"Fine! Believe what you want... Anyway, what are you both planning? It's not as if you're going outside this Encampment to..." Yosh paused for a while and was disturbed as he saw a smile on Kayzar's face. "You didn't actually... NO! You can't!"

"We can and we will," said Karus now smiling.

"Yes," replied Kayzar, "You haven't even heard the order, officially right? So, we can go tomorrow and..."

"No, I think I must obey with what Dad's been planning and leave you to our plan because of..."

"The thing with the..." Kayzar looked in his eyes and saw what he was thinking. He did not dare to mutter the words 'prophecy' because of Yosh but they both understood.


"What thing?" asked Yosh bewildered by the two. "Seriously! You're being rude here with your mind-sync and all! It's making it awkward to be here talking to you without the you-talking-to-me part!"

"Kayzar will go to Kulog Pass, care to join him in his escapade?" changed Karus.

"What? NO! And risking myself to be subjected again with those horrible monsters at the jungle? Absolutely not!!!"

Kayzar just laughed at the face of Yosh still uttering every single detail he loathes about the dense Jungles of Narra. "Why do you want to be there anyway?" finally asked Yosh in his attempt to turn things around with the idea.

"Well," smiled Kayzar, "I just found out that I am an Elemental Prodigy."

"Wow! Another element?"

"Yes, Water."

"So what? Why do you want to go there?"

"Well since I am..." paused Kayzar waiting for Yosh to fill his words but had clearly failed to do.


"Yosh," entered Karus smiling, "either you're being too slow these days or you forgot the lecture about Kulog Pass."

"I wanted to train there," jumped Kayzar getting tired of waiting on Yosh's answer, "Since there is always a storm there, I can practice my Wind-Water elements together at work."

"Oh right," he remembered and that raised some lingering questions in mind, "Why is it always raining there anyway?"

"Oh!" pushed Karus who seems to be more than happy in explaining these things with much excitement, "from what I read, they said it was cursed."

"W-what?" nervously muttered Yosh.

"They say that the spirits of Wind-Water Elemental Prodigies still linger in the area. I mean their spirits still persists there being cursed to forever exhaust their energy to conjure a tiresome barrage of storms up till now."


"I don't know, something about them blocking an evil thing to enter the Northern parts of Nagozul a thousand years ago or so but failed. And that led them all to perish there having their curses. All I know is that it happened somewhere at the time of the Elven Rebellion."

Yosh grunted with much anger in his eyes directly at Karus's. "What's wrong with you!? You're always picking on me, trying to scare me away with your nonsense!"

"What?" asked Karus. "It's true!"

"I shouldn't even have listened to you! I tried to ask nicely, you know!?"

And Yosh marched away stomping his feet annoyed leaving the two there standing at the corner of the road, with Karus having a little edged smile confused on what he did and what he did wrong.

"I told you not to try and level yourself with others and expose our little research."

"I thought he..."

"Well you thought wrong, as always," Kayzar interrupted as he pat his back and walked away. "You could've just told him you don't know and that I like the rain that much, which I really do."

The two still wandered around the encampment. They were amazed at the sight of this alleged barracks for warriors. It seems only a week ago that they thought this place to be very uptight, brimming with soldiers, and discipline, and dullness which is all right with them compared with their stay at the Palace. To the contrary, they saw shops, and farmers, and children running and smiling and laughing. Everything that they hoped for from what they heard and what they read was very far from what they were seeing. They saw the Northern Encampment not as a fort at the north but as a big village, a big village with lots of warriors, armors, and weapons that is. It is very well sufficient, from blacksmiths, to farmers, to meat products and even shop owners with accessories and trinkets. That gave them to thinking as to why their father needed supplies; supplies that their Grandfather Narra gives every month religiously.

"Hey!" shouted a young man from their back trying to get their attention.

"N-Nemer?" excitedly exclaimed Karus, "Is that really you?"

They saw a man their age and at about the same height as they were, some inches shorter. He has his short curly black hair and light bronze skin. He has a very notable small set of hooded eyes which can be found to be always smiling. He was wearing a backpack his size and can be assumed to be notably heavy considering the stack of metal shafts, swords, knives and armor plates wrapped around by a very tight sturdy rope but he carries it like it was a bag of feathers. He's the closest friend they can find as a best friend that is at the same age as they are, not counting Illyriah - though she doesn't count because she's a girl and there are things you can't share with women, at least that's what they think.

"Hi! How are you two?" he said finally catching up.

"What's with the gear?" Kayzar entered very curious.

"Well thanks to your trip here I just received four pounds of Gold Dust and the elusive Harphea nut and now I am returning to my quarters to stow it away for tomorrow's trip.

"Ah, sounds to me you're excited to Smith more weapons."

"Yes, Karus but more importantly, did you hear the news?"

"Yep we heard," Karus revealed with much grief.

"And to top it all, I'm not included," Kayzar pointed out.

"Well, if it was up to me, I'll be grabbing you two, but orders are orders."

"It's good seeing you here, the last time we saw you, you were running around fetching precious herbs," chuckled Karus.

"And we see you here yet again being the dog, fetching still," Kayzar whispered for them three to hear and that made them have weird noises because of their silent laughs.

"Well," stopped Nemer, "As you all know I am still Dal'Gur's apprentice and..."

"You still are ever since," Karus cut in smiling.

"Yes," smiled Nemer.

"It seems that you haven't aged a day," praised Kayzar, "What's your secret?"

"Hmn, Let's see, have lots of empty stomach, deprive yourself of sleep and, oh, work harder than yesterday!"

"Hahaha, what a weird ritual that is," laughed Karus tapping Nemer's shoulders.

"At least we can stay together tonight," Nemer said landing a soft punch to Kayzar and Karus, "We can catch up before our hectic schedules springs up tomorrow."

"As long as you're dining with us," Karus insisted.

"We have missed Mama and Daddy so much, we'll try and relish our stay here together as a family," pushed Kayzar. "Even if it's just for a couple of hours."

"Where else will I eat dinner?" replied Nemer.

"That's more like it," nodded Karus with a very wide ear-to-ear smile.